GIGABYTE Launches BRIX Gaming: Discrete Graphics in the Most Compact of Form Factors

GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing Packs AMD Rade­on™ R9 M275X Gra­phics for an Uncom­pro­mi­sin­gly Fast Gam­ing PC

Tai­pei, Tai­wan, Janu­ary 27th, 2014 – GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd., a lea­ding manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards and gra­phics cards, today announ­ced the launch of its latest addi­ti­on to the GIGABYTE BRIX series of ultra com­pact PC kits, the GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing. Pack­ing an AMD A8-5557M APU tog­e­ther with an AMD Rade­on™ R9 M275X dis­crete gra­phics pro­ces­sor, the GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing has gam­ing per­for­mance that belies its com­pact size.

The BRIX Gam­ing offers a real desk­top PC expe­ri­ence in a com­pact form fac­tor that end users now expect from a GIGABYTE BRIX device,” com­men­ted Hen­ry Kao, Vice Pre­si­dent of GIGABYTE Mother­board Busi­ness Unit. “We’re very exci­ted about the con­ti­nuing evo­lu­ti­on of the desk­top PC, chal­len­ging the noti­on that smal­ler PC design means aban­do­ning performance.”

GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing: Desk­top Per­for­mance in Miniature
The BRIX Gam­ing com­pact PC kit is lite­ral­ly small enough to sit in the palm of your hand (mea­su­ring a mere 59.6mm x 128mm x 115.4mm) and fea­tures a high-per­for­mance AMD A8-5557M APU plus a dedi­ca­ted AMD Rade­on™ R9 M275X gra­phics pro­ces­sor. The BRIX Gam­ing includes sup­port for both mSA­TA SSD and stan­dard 2.5” SATA hard dri­ve instal­la­ti­on – ide­al for sto­ring the latest 3D gam­ing titles while enjoy­ing a fast and respon­si­ve OS install on SSD. The GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing fea­tures both Mini Dis­play­Po­rt and HDMI ports on the rear panel, enab­ling sup­port for simul­ta­neous dual dis­play connectivity.

The BRIX Gam­ing takes the per­for­mance you would expect of a full tower gam­ing PC, in a com­pact form fac­tor that is much more sui­ted for the living room. Gam­ing enthu­si­asts tra­ve­ling to LAN events, par­ties and con­tests and will also enjoy having a gam­ing rig with incre­di­ble portability.

AMD Rade­on™ R9 M275X
Accom­pa­nied by 2GB of GDDR5 memo­ry, the AMD Rade­on™ R9 M275X is a dis­crete gra­phics pro­ces­sor that offers superb 3D gam­ing and GPU-acce­le­ra­ted appli­ca­ti­on per­for­mance. The AMD R9 M275X sup­ports the latest gra­phics acce­le­ra­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies inclu­ding Micro­soft® DX11.1, Shader Model 5.0, OpenGL 4.1. The AMD R9 M275X also sup­ports the latest Open­CL 1.1 stan­dard pro­vi­ding GPU-acce­le­ra­ted per­for­mance in gene­ral pur­po­se applications.

By employ­ing a dis­crete, ful­ly pro­gramma­ble GPU, the BRIX Gam­ing is ide­al for tack­ling pro­ces­sor-inten­si­ve media editing and enco­ding appli­ca­ti­ons. Today’s GPU acce­le­ra­ted appli­ca­ti­ons levera­ge the mul­ti-core design of the GPU to great­ly impro­ve over­all pro­ces­sing per­for­mance – this makes the BRIX Gam­ing well sui­ted to crea­ti­ve pro­fes­sio­nals using media editing and enco­ding applications.

AMD-Brix von GIGABYTE - Anschlusse

A Fle­xi­ble, Com­pact DIY PC Kit
The BRIX Gam­ing is sold as a DIY PC kit, ship­ping with a Wi-Fi Mini PCIe modu­le pre-instal­led, requi­ring only SO-DIMM sys­tem memo­ry and a choice of eit­her, or both mSA­TA SSD or stan­dard 2.5” hard dri­ves. The BRIX Gam­ing main­ta­ins the DIY PC ethos, giving users the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to inde­pendent­ly choo­se pre­fer­red ope­ra­ting sys­tem, inte­gra­ted sto­rage and sys­tem memo­ry configurations.

AMD-Brix von GIGABYTE - Innen-01

USB 3.0 and Net­work Connectivity:
The GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing inte­gra­tes four USB 3.0 ports (two front, two rear), ensu­ring amp­le con­nec­ti­vi­ty for peri­pherals, sto­rage devices and more. In addi­ti­on to inclu­ding a Giga­bit Ether­net port, the GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing also includes a Mini PCIe modu­le offe­ring IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi and the latest Blue­tooth 4.0, pro­vi­ding con­nec­ti­vi­ty for low power Blue­tooth devices and peri­pherals, as well as allo­wing users to easi­ly con­nect their mobi­le devices.

VESA Sup­port:
Bund­led with a VESA bra­cket, the BRIX Gam­ing can easi­ly be moun­ted behind a moni­tor or HDTV making it dis­creet­ly hid­den from view. This offers a simp­le and ele­gant way to turn any VESA-com­pli­ant dis­play or TV into a full-fea­tured PC or digi­tal signage unit.

For more infor­ma­ti­on about the GIGABYTE BRIX Gam­ing plea­se go to: