VESA Releases DisplayPort 1.3 Standard

Latest Update to Lea­ding Video Inter­face Pushes Band­width to 32.4 Gbits/sec

Newark, CA (15 Sep­tem­ber 2014) – The Video Elec­tro­nics Stan­dards Asso­cia­ti­on (VESA®) announ­ced the release of the Dis­play­Po­rt 1.3 audio / video (A/V) stan­dard. An update to the wide­ly used Dis­play­Po­rt 1.2a stan­dard, this latest ver­si­on increa­ses the maxi­mum link band­width to 32.4 Gbps, with each of four lanes run­ning at a link rate of 8.1 Gbps/lane—a 50% increase from the pre­vious ver­si­on of the Dis­play­Po­rt stan­dard. Allo­wing for trans­port over­head, DisplayPort’s 32.4 Gbps com­bi­ned link rate deli­vers 25.92 Gbps of uncom­pres­sed video data.


The increased band­width enables hig­her reso­lu­ti­on moni­tors, inclu­ding recent­ly announ­ced 5K moni­tors (with pixel reso­lu­ti­ons of 5120 x 2880) using a sin­gle Dis­play­Po­rt cable, wit­hout the use of com­pres­si­on. It will also enable hig­her reso­lu­ti­ons when dri­ving mul­ti­ple moni­tors through a sin­gle con­nec­tion using DisplayPort’s Mul­ti-Stream fea­ture, such as the use of two 4K UHD moni­tors, each with a pixel reso­lu­ti­on of 3840 x 2160, when using VESA Coor­di­na­ted Video Timing.


Dis­play­Po­rt 1.3 con­ti­nues to sup­port video con­ver­si­on to VGA, DVI and HDMI. Dis­play­Po­rt 1.3 adds sup­port for HDCP 2.2 and HDMI 2.0 with CEC (Con­su­mer Elec­tro­nics Con­trol), which enhan­ces DisplayPort’s uti­li­ty for tele­vi­si­on appli­ca­ti­ons, inclu­ding 4K video with copy pro­tec­tion. The new stan­dard adds sup­port for the 4:2:0 pixel struc­tu­re, a video for­mat com­mon­ly used on con­su­mer digi­tal tele­vi­si­on inter­faces, which enables sup­port for future 8K x 4K displays.

Dis­play­Po­rt 1.3 also enhan­ces DisplayPort’s value for mul­ti-func­tion inter­faces that com­bi­ne data trans­port, A/V trans­port and other capa­bi­li­ties on a sin­gle cable. It fur­ther refi­nes pro­to­cols that enable Dis­play­Po­rt to share a sin­gle cable with other data types. With its hig­her 8.1 Gbps per-lane link rate, Dis­play­Po­rt 1.3 can sup­port a sin­gle UHD moni­tor with 60Hz refresh and 24-bit color over two lanes, while assig­ning the remai­ning two lanes to increase capa­ci­ty for alter­na­te data types, such as Super­Speed USB data as allo­wed in Dock­Port™. Dis­play­Po­rt is the A/V trans­port stan­dard used by Dock­Port, Thun­der­bolt™ and other wired and wire­less mul­ti-func­tion inter­face standards.

While beco­ming a main­stream video stan­dard, Dis­play­Po­rt con­ti­nues to be at the cut­ting edge of A/V trans­port,” said VESA Board of Direc­tors Chair Alan Koba­ya­shi, Fel­low & Exe­cu­ti­ve R&D Manage­ment for Dis­play­Po­rt Group at Mega­Chips Tech­no­lo­gy Ame­ri­ca. “The­se new enhance­ments to Dis­play­Po­rt will faci­li­ta­te both hig­her reso­lu­ti­on dis­plays, as well as easier inte­gra­ti­on of Dis­play­Po­rt into mul­ti-pro­to­col data trans­ports, which will satis­fy consumer’s desi­re for sim­pli­ci­ty and ease-of-use.”

The Dis­play­Po­rt stan­dard is offe­red to VESA mem­bers wit­hout any licen­se fee. For more infor­ma­ti­on about Dis­play­Po­rt, plea­se visit or con­nect with us on You­Tube.