Industry’s Biggest Scaler Vendors Pledge Support for AMD’s Project FreeSync

New tech­no­lo­gy col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons pave way for pro­duc­tion moni­tors fea­turing AMD’s licen­sing-free solu­ti­on to stut­te­ring and tearing in PC games

SUNNYVALE, Calif. — Sept. 18, 2014— Today, AMD (NYSE: AMD) announ­ced col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons with sca­ler ven­dors MStar, Nova­tek and Real­tek to build sca­ler units rea­dy with Dis­play­Po­rt™ Adap­ti­ve-Sync and AMD’s Pro­ject Free­Sync by year end.[i]

Sin­ce the dawn of hard­ware-acce­le­ra­ted gra­phics, gamers drea­med of liquid smooth game­play free of stut­te­ring and tearing,” said Matt Skyn­ner, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Gra­phics Busi­ness Unit, AMD. “AMD’s Pro­ject Free­Sync is aimed at rea­li­zing that visi­on with an open, stan­dar­di­zed and licen­se-free approach that will encou­ra­ge lower pri­ces and wider adoption.”

Under the tech­no­lo­gy part­ner­ships, MStar, Nova­tek and Real­tek each will deve­lop a ran­ge of Dis­play­Po­rt™ Adap­ti­ve-Sync-rea­dy sca­lers to com­ple­ment the new moni­tor pro­duct cycle in 1Q15. Moni­tors equip­ped with such Dis­play­Po­rt™ Adap­ti­ve-Sync-awa­re sca­lers will allow con­tem­po­ra­ry AMD Rade­on™ gra­phics cards to syn­chro­ni­ze dis­play refresh rates and GPU frame­ra­tes via Pro­ject Free­Sync to enable tearing and stut­ter-free gam­ing along with low input latency.

Our cus­to­mers are real­ly exci­ted about AMD’s Free­Sync tech­no­lo­gy,” said Yee-Wei Huang, vice pre­si­dent, Real­tek. “The bene­fits of Free­Sync for gam­ing are clear and we belie­ve adop­ting the Dis­play­Po­rt Adap­ti­ve-Sync indus­try stan­dard by VESA is the best approach to make this dis­play tech­no­lo­gy wide­ly available for everyone.”

The new sca­lers from MStar, Nova­tek and Real­tek also will give moni­tor ven­dors access to a com­pre­hen­si­ve set of fea­tures not available with other dyna­mic refresh tech­no­lo­gies. Exam­p­le fea­tures include: pic­tu­re sca­ling, on-screen dis­play (OSD), HDMI®/DVI inputs for lega­cy users and Dis­play­Po­rt™ High Bit Rate Audio.

Pro­ject Free­Sync is the industry’s defi­ning effort to bring smooth game­play to PC enthu­si­asts,” said Richard Hung, direc­tor, iHome SBUSC, Nova­tek. “In put­ting for­ward the open Dis­play­Po­rt™ Adap­ti­ve-Sync pro­po­sal for rati­fi­ca­ti­on, AMD has smart­ly led the way for Nova­tek sca­lers to power a new wave of moni­tors that afford­a­b­ly offer dyna­mic refresh rates.”

Final­ly, the initi­al Pro­ject Free­Sync-com­pa­ti­ble sca­lers from MStar, Nova­tek and Real­tek will empower moni­tor ven­dors with robust Dis­play­Po­rt™ recei­vers accom­mo­da­ting of FHD and QHD panels up to 144Hz, or UHD panels up to 60Hz.

With an open, indus­try-stan­dard spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, Pro­ject Free­Sync and Dis­play­Po­rt™ Adap­ti­ve-Sync ser­ve as models for con­su­mer-fri­end­ly tech­no­lo­gies,” said Hen­ry Lan, mar­ke­ting depu­ty direc­tor, Dis­play Group, MStar. “MStar is plea­sed to join AMD’sProject Free­Sync eco­sys­tem with sca­lers that will bring smooth game­play to a new gene­ra­ti­on of displays.”

AMD and its dis­play part­ners intend to reve­al Pro­ject Free­Sync-rea­dy moni­tors based on any one of the MStar, Nova­tek and Real­tek sca­lers through a media review pro­gram in 1Q15.

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AMD (NYSE: AMD) designs and inte­gra­tes tech­no­lo­gy that powers mil­li­ons of intel­li­gent devices, inclu­ding per­so­nal com­pu­ters, tablets, game con­so­les and cloud ser­vers that defi­ne the new era of sur­round com­pu­ting. AMD solu­ti­ons enable peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re to rea­li­ze the full poten­ti­al of their favo­ri­te devices and appli­ca­ti­ons to push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit


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[i] Free­Sync is an AMD tech­no­lo­gy desi­gned to redu­ce or eli­mi­na­te screen tears in games and vide­os by allo­wing the monitor’s refresh rate to be con­trol­led by and syn­chro­ni­zed to the gra­phics card.  Requi­res Dis­play­Po­rt 1.2a com­pli­ant moni­tors that sup­port Dis­play­Po­rt Adap­ti­ve-Sync and an enab­led AMD Rade­on™ R7 Series or R9 Series gra­phics card with forth­co­ming Free­Sync-enab­led dri­ver.  Sup­port for use with mul­ti­ple moni­tors plan­ned.  Con­firm sup­port­ed tech­no­lo­gies with sys­tem manu­fac­tu­rer befo­re purchase.