Applied Micro Teams with Red Hat and Cirrascale to Deliver X‑Gene-Based Cluster to LLNL

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Nov. 17 — Appli­ed Micro Cir­cuits Cor­po­ra­ti­on, today announ­ced col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Red Hat and Cir­ras­ca­le to deli­ver a high per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) clus­ter based on the world’s first ARM 64-bit X‑Gene Ser­ver on a Chip to Law­rence Liver­mo­re Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ry. This clus­ter will be tes­ted and eva­lua­ted as a plat­form for HPC and Big Data technologies.

The X‑Ge­ne-based clus­ter deli­ver­ed to Law­rence Liver­mo­re Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ry comes in Cir­ras­ca­le RM1905D chas­sis and is based on a soft­ware plat­form deve­lo­ped as a part of the Red Hat ARM Part­ner Ear­ly Access Program.

Laun­ched in July 2014, the Red Hat ARM Part­ner Ear­ly Access Pro­gram faci­li­ta­tes part­ner-initia­ted sys­tem designs based on the 64-bit ARM archi­tec­tu­re and enables fas­ter inno­va­ti­on within an eco­sys­tem that includes sili­con ven­dors, OEMs and ISVs, by pro­vi­ding a com­mon ser­ver soft­ware platform.

The X‑Gene clus­ter as deve­lo­ped by Cir­ras­ca­le con­sists of 78 RM1905D 1U dual-node rack­mount ser­vers pro­vi­sio­ned for high per­for­mance com­pu­ting in a cus­tom chas­sis sup­port­ing one to four GPUs in a system.

AppliedMicro’s X‑Gene plat­form repres­ents a ground-up, sca­le-out ser­ver pro­ces­sor tail­o­red for increased growth in cloud com­pu­ting, high per­for­mance com­pu­ting and next-gene­ra­ti­on data centers.

X‑Gene is the first pro­ces­sor of its kind, fea­turing 8 cus­tom, enter­pri­se-class, high-per­for­mance ARMv8‑A cores run­ning at 2.4Ghz, with 4 memo­ry chan­nels capa­ble of accom­mo­da­ting up to 512GBytes of high speed DDR3 memo­ry, Mul­ti­ple inte­gra­ted 10Gigabit Ether­nets, 17 lanes of PCIe Gen 3.0; the device is the first and most advan­ced ARM 64-bit archi­tec­tu­re with uni­que net­work and sto­rage off-load engi­nes. The high­ly inte­gra­ted, pur­po­se-built X‑Gene plat­form deli­vers the high per­for­mance, low total cost of owner­ship (TCO) for pri­va­te cloud, public cloud, High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting and enter­pri­se applications.

The Cir­ras­ca­le RM1905D HPC Deve­lo­p­ment Plat­form is an ide­al solu­ti­on to deploy ARM 64-bit archi­tec­tu­re in pro­duc­tion rea­dy envi­ron­ments. The RM1905D Deve­lo­p­ment Plat­form deli­vers twice the den­si­ty by pro­vi­ding two indi­vi­du­al nodes per 1U, effec­tively doubling the den­si­ty over stan­dard 1U rack­mount implementations.

As a natio­nal secu­ri­ty labo­ra­to­ry, Law­rence Liver­mo­re works with indus­try lea­ders to push the limit on sta­te-of-the-art high per­for­mance com­pu­ting and deve­lop the capa­bi­li­ties nee­ded to achie­ve its secu­ri­ty goals. By bols­te­ring X‑Gene tech­no­lo­gy, we ensu­re a con­ti­nu­al stream of effec­ti­ve, relia­ble clus­ter solu­ti­ons moving for­ward,” com­men­ted Kim Cup­ps, Liver­mo­re Com­pu­ting Divi­si­on Lea­der. “For the first time, the Law­rence Liver­mo­re will eva­lua­te, at sca­le, the soft­ware plat­form from the Red Hat ARM Part­ner Ear­ly Access Pro­gram and the under­ly­ing ARM-based ser­vers with the pur­po­se of using this archi­tec­tu­re in future pro­duc­tion clus­ter procurements.”

This is tru­ly a new era for the High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting com­mu­ni­ty as a who­le,” said David Drig­gers, CEO, Cir­ras­ca­le Cor­po­ra­ti­on. “Deli­ve­ring the first ARMv8 sys­tem for HPC, based on the Appli­ed­Mi­cro X‑Gene pro­duct, and assis­ting Law­rence Liver­mo­re in achie­ving their goals in buil­ding the next gene­ra­ti­on of HPC clus­ters has been very exciting.”

The Red Hat ARM Part­ner Ear­ly Access Pro­gram is inten­ded to dri­ve open stan­dards and best prac­ti­ces, such as SBSA and UEFI, within the 64-bit ARM eco­sys­tem and the broa­der tech­no­lo­gy com­mu­ni­ty, and we are plea­sed to see this taking shape through our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Cir­ras­ca­le and Appli­ed Micro,” said Tim Bur­ke, vice pre­si­dent, Cloud and Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem Infra­struc­tu­re, Red Hat. “The deli­very of a 64-bit ARM-based eva­lua­ti­on plat­form to Law­rence Liver­mo­re Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ry will help gau­ge the effec­ti­ve­ness of open solu­ti­ons pai­red with ARM tech­no­lo­gy in the high­ly-deman­ding HPC and big data environments.”

A live demons­tra­ti­on of the­se tech­no­lo­gies will be available at Appli­ed­Mi­cro Booth No. 1757 during SC14 con­fe­rence in New Orleans, LA, Novem­ber 17–20, 2014.

About Law­rence Liver­mo­re Natio­nal Laboratory

Law­rence Liver­mo­re is a Natio­nal Nuclear Secu­ri­ty Admi­nis­tra­ti­on (NNSA) appli­ed sci­ence labo­ra­to­ry dedi­ca­ted to natio­nal secu­ri­ty, nota­b­ly ensu­ring the safe­ty, secu­ri­ty and relia­bi­li­ty of the nation’s nuclear deter­rent wit­hout under­ground test­ing. NNSA’s Advan­ced Simu­la­ti­on and Com­pu­ting (ASC) pro­gram is a cor­ner­stone of that effort.

About Cir­ras­ca­le Corporation

Cir­ras­ca­le Cor­po­ra­ti­on is a pre­mier pro­vi­der of cus­tom rack­mount and bla­de ser­ver solu­ti­ons deve­lo­ped and engi­nee­red for today’s con­ven­tio­nal data cen­ters. Cir­ras­ca­le lever­a­ges its paten­ted Ver­ti­cal Coo­ling Tech­no­lo­gy, engi­nee­ring resour­ces, and intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty to pro­vi­de the industry’s most ener­gy-effi­ci­ent stan­dards-based plat­forms with the lowest pos­si­ble total cost of owner­ship in the den­sest form fac­tor. Cir­ras­ca­le sells to lar­ge-sca­le infra­struc­tu­re ope­ra­tors, hos­ting and mana­ged ser­vices pro­vi­ders, cloud ser­vice pro­vi­ders, govern­ment, hig­her edu­ca­ti­on, and HPC users. Cir­ras­ca­le also licen­ses its award win­ning tech­no­lo­gy to part­ners glo­bal­ly. To learn more about Cir­ras­ca­le and its uni­que data cen­ter infra­struc­tu­re solu­ti­ons, plea­se visit or call (888) 942‑3800.

About Appli­ed Micro

Appli­ed Micro Cir­cuits Cor­po­ra­ti­on is a glo­bal lea­der in com­pu­ting and con­nec­ti­vi­ty solu­ti­ons for next-gene­ra­ti­on cloud infra­struc­tu­re and data cen­ters. Appli­ed­Mi­cro deli­vers sili­con solu­ti­ons that dra­ma­ti­cal­ly lower total cost of owner­ship. Cor­po­ra­te head­quar­ters are loca­ted in Sun­ny­va­le, Cali­for­nia.

Source: Appli­ed Micro