AMD Mobile “Carrizo” Family of APUs Designed to Deliver Significant Leap in Performance, Energy Efficiency in 2015

2015 AMD Mobi­le Road­map Adds “Car­ri­zo” and “Carrizo‑L” SoCs to APU Lineup

SINGAPORE — (Mar­ket­wired) — 11/20/14 — AMD (NYSE: AMD) today at its Future of Com­pu­te event announ­ced the addi­ti­on of its first high per­for­mance sys­tem-on-a-chip (SoC), code­na­med “Car­ri­zo”, and a main­stream SoC code­na­med “Carrizo‑L” as part of the company’s 2015 AMD Mobi­le APU fami­ly road­map. In col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with hard­ware and soft­ware part­ners, the­se new 2015 AMD Mobi­le APUs are desi­gned as com­ple­te solu­ti­ons for gam­ing, pro­duc­ti­vi­ty appli­ca­ti­ons, and ultra high-defi­ni­ti­on 4K expe­ri­en­ces. With sup­port for Micro­soft® DirectX® 12, Open­CL® 2.0, AMD’s Man­t­le API, AMD Free­Sync and sup­port for Microsoft’s upco­ming Win­dows® 10 ope­ra­ting sys­tem, the 2015 AMD Mobi­le APU fami­ly enables the expe­ri­en­ces con­su­mers expect.

We con­ti­nue to inno­va­te and build upon our exis­ting IP to deli­ver gre­at pro­ducts for our cus­to­mers,” said John Byr­ne, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Com­pu­ting and Gra­phics busi­ness group, AMD. “AMD’s com­mit­ment to gra­phics and com­pu­te per­for­mance, as expres­sed by our goal to impro­ve APU ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy 25x by 2020, com­bi­nes with the latest indus­try stan­dards and fresh inno­va­ti­on to dri­ve the design of the 2015 AMD Mobi­le APU fami­ly. We are exci­ted about the expe­ri­en­ces the­se new APUs will bring and look for­ward to sha­ring more details in the first half of next year.”

The flag­ship “Car­ri­zo” pro­ces­sor will inte­gra­te the new x86 CPU core code­na­med “Excava­tor” with next gene­ra­ti­on AMD Rade­on™ gra­phics in the world’s first Hete­ro­ge­neous Sys­tems Archi­tec­tu­re (HSA) 1.0 com­pli­ant SoC. The “Carrizo‑L” SoC inte­gra­tes the CPU code­na­med “Puma+” with AMD Rade­on™ R‑Series GCN GPUs and is inten­ded for main­stream con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on, an AMD Secu­re Pro­ces­sor will be inte­gra­ted into the “Car­ri­zo” and “Carrizo‑L” APUs, enab­ling ARM® Trust­Zo­ne® across the enti­re fami­ly for the secu­ri­ty com­mer­cial cus­to­mers and con­su­mers expect. Uti­li­zing a sin­gle packa­ge infra­struc­tu­re for “Car­ri­zo” and “Carrizo‑L,” the 2015 AMD Mobi­le APU fami­ly sim­pli­fies part­ner designs across a broad ran­ge of com­mer­cial and con­su­mer mobi­le systems.

Car­ri­zo” and “Carrizo‑L,” are sche­du­led to ship in 1H 2015, with lap­top and All-in-One sys­tems based on the 2015 AMD Mobi­le APU fami­ly expec­ted in mar­ket by mid-year 2015.

Sup­port­ing Resources

About AMD
AMD (NYSE: AMD) designs and inte­gra­tes tech­no­lo­gy that powers mil­li­ons of intel­li­gent devices, inclu­ding per­so­nal com­pu­ters, tablets, game con­so­les and cloud ser­vers that defi­ne the new era of sur­round com­pu­ting. AMD solu­ti­ons enable peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re to rea­li­ze the full poten­ti­al of their favo­ri­te devices and appli­ca­ti­ons to push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo and Rade­on are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners. ARM and Trust­Zo­ne are regis­tered trade­marks of ARM Limi­t­ed in the EU and other count­ries. Open­CL and the Open­CL logo are trade­marks of Apple Inc. used by per­mis­si­on by Khro­nos. DirectX and Win­dows are trade­marks of Micro­soft Cor­po­ra­ti­on in the US and other jurisdictions.

Cau­tio­na­ry Statement
This docu­ment con­ta­ins for­ward-loo­king state­ments con­cer­ning Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. (“AMD” or the “Com­pa­ny”) inclu­ding, among other things, the timing, avai­la­bi­li­ty, fea­tures and func­tion­a­li­ty of the AMD “Car­ri­zo” APU, AMD “Carrizo‑L” SoC and AMD “Carrizo”-based note­books; and AMD’s com­mit­ment to a 25x ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy impro­ve­ment by 2020 which are made pur­su­ant to the safe har­bor pro­vi­si­ons of the Pri­va­te Secu­ri­ties Liti­ga­ti­on Reform Act. For­ward-loo­king state­ments are com­mon­ly iden­ti­fied by words such as “would,” “may,” “expects,” “belie­ves,” “plans,” “intends,” “pro­jects,” and other terms with simi­lar mea­ning. Inves­tors are cau­tio­ned that the for­ward-loo­king state­ments in this press release are based on cur­rent beliefs, assump­ti­ons and expec­ta­ti­ons, speak only as of the date of this press release and invol­ve risks and uncer­tain­ties that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons. Inves­tors are cau­tio­ned that the for­ward-loo­king state­ments in this docu­ment are based on cur­rent beliefs, assump­ti­ons and expec­ta­ti­ons, speak only as of the date of this docu­ment and invol­ve risks and uncer­tain­ties that could cau­se actu­al results to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from cur­rent expec­ta­ti­ons. Risks include the pos­si­bi­li­ty that Intel Corporation’s pri­cing, mar­ke­ting and reba­ting pro­grams, pro­duct bund­ling, stan­dard set­ting, new pro­duct intro­duc­tions or other acti­vi­ties may nega­tively impact AMD’s plans; that AMD will requi­re addi­tio­nal fun­ding and may be unable to rai­se suf­fi­ci­ent capi­tal on favorable terms, or at all; that cus­to­mers stop buy­ing AMD’s pro­ducts or mate­ri­al­ly redu­ce their ope­ra­ti­ons or demand for AMD’s pro­ducts; that AMD may be unable to deve­lop, launch and ramp new pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gies in the volu­mes that are requi­red by the mar­ket at matu­re yields on a time­ly basis; that AMD’s third-par­ty foundry sup­pli­ers will be unable to tran­si­ti­on AMD’s pro­ducts to advan­ced manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess tech­no­lo­gies in a time­ly and effec­ti­ve way or to manu­fac­tu­re AMD’s pro­ducts on a time­ly basis in suf­fi­ci­ent quan­ti­ties and using com­pe­ti­ti­ve pro­cess tech­no­lo­gies; that AMD will be unable to obtain suf­fi­ci­ent manu­fac­tu­ring capa­ci­ty or com­pon­ents to meet demand for its pro­ducts or will not ful­ly uti­li­ze its pro­jec­ted manu­fac­tu­ring capa­ci­ty needs at GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Inc. (GF) micro­pro­ces­sor manu­fac­tu­ring faci­li­ties; that AMD’s requi­re­ments for wafers will be less than the fixed num­ber of wafers that it agreed to purcha­se from GF or GF encoun­ters pro­blems that signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce the num­ber of func­tion­al die it recei­ves from each wafer; that AMD is unable to suc­cessful­ly imple­ment its long-term busi­ness stra­tegy; that the com­ple­ti­on and impact of the 2014 Res­truc­tu­ring Plan and AMD’s trans­for­ma­ti­on initia­ti­ves could adver­se­ly affect AMD; that AMD inac­cu­ra­te­ly esti­ma­tes the quan­ti­ty or type of pro­ducts that its cus­to­mers will want in the future or will ulti­m­ate­ly end up purcha­sing, resul­ting in excess or obso­le­te inven­to­ry; that AMD is unable to mana­ge the risks rela­ted to the use of its third-par­ty dis­tri­bu­tors and add-in-board (AIB) part­ners or offer the appro­pria­te incen­ti­ves to focus them on the sale of AMD’s pro­ducts; that AMD may be unable to main­tain the level of invest­ment in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment that is requi­red to remain com­pe­ti­ti­ve; that the­re may be unex­pec­ted varia­ti­ons in mar­ket growth and demand for AMD’s pro­ducts and tech­no­lo­gies in light of the pro­duct mix that it may have available at any par­ti­cu­lar time; that glo­bal busi­ness and eco­no­mic con­di­ti­ons will not impro­ve or will wor­sen; that PC mar­ket con­di­ti­ons will not impro­ve or will wor­sen; that PC mar­ket con­di­ti­ons will not impro­ve or will wor­sen; that demand for com­pu­ters will be lower than curr­ent­ly expec­ted; and the effect of poli­ti­cal or eco­no­mic insta­bi­li­ty, dome­sti­cal­ly or inter­na­tio­nal­ly, on AMD’s sales or sup­p­ly chain. Inves­tors are urged to review in detail the risks and uncer­tain­ties in the Company’s Secu­ri­ties and Exch­an­ge Com­mis­si­on filings, inclu­ding but not limi­t­ed to the Quar­ter­ly Report on Form 10‑Q for the quar­ter ended Sep­tem­ber 27, 2014.