AMD FirePro Awarded Top Spot on the Green500 List

─ Most ener­gy effi­ci­ent super­com­pu­ter in the world is powered by
AMD Fire­Pro™ S9150 ser­ver GPUs ─

NEW ORLEANS, Loui­sia­na — Nov. 20, 2014 — AMD (NYSE: AMD) powers the L‑CSC clus­ter at the GSI rese­arch faci­li­ty achie­ving the num­ber one posi­ti­on for super­com­pu­ters on the latest Green500™ List, a ran­king of the 500 most ener­gy-effi­ci­ent super­com­pu­ters in the world, with reco­gni­ti­on as the world’s lea­der in ener­gy-effi­ci­ent high per­for­mance GPU com­pu­ting (HPL). The L‑CSC clus­ter is instal­led at the GSI Helm­holtz­zen­trum für Schwer­io­nen­for­schung GmbH rese­arch faci­li­ty in Darm­stadt, Ger­ma­ny, and is powered by AMD Fire­Pro™ S9150 ser­ver GPUs.

Our goal in Com­pu­ting and Gra­phics at AMD is to deli­ver world-class pro­ducts to our cus­to­mers every time,” said John Byr­ne, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, com­pu­ting and gra­phics busi­ness group, AMD. “As pro­ven with the Green500 List ran­king, our AMD Fire­Pro lin­e­up of pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics solu­ti­ons deli­vers on this goal time and again – abso­lu­te per­for­mance lea­der­ship with out­stan­ding ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy that enables incre­di­ble solu­ti­ons like the GSI L‑CSC cluster.”

The GSI L‑CSC clus­ter with 600 AMD Fire­Pro S9150 ser­ver GPUs out­per­forms all other ran­ked clus­ters. With 5.27 GFLOPS per watt, the GSI L‑CSC clus­ter using AMD Fire­Pro S9150 ser­ver GPUs deli­vers 20 per­cent bet­ter effi­ci­en­cy than the top ran­ked clus­ter on the June 2014 Green500 List. The GSI L‑CSC clus­ter enables Lat­ti­ce Quan­tum Chro­mo Dyna­mics (Lat­ti­ce QCD) com­pu­ta­tio­nal rese­arch using one of the fas­test Open­CL™ imple­men­ta­ti­ons for rese­arch appli­ca­ti­ons in the world.

AMD is proud to be reco­gni­zed as the world’s lea­der for ener­gy effi­ci­ent GPU com­pu­ting by rea­ching the top spot on the Green500 List,” said David Cum­mings, seni­or direc­tor and gene­ral mana­ger, pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics, AMD. “This uni­que posi­ti­on can only be achie­ved through sus­tained inno­va­ti­on at the lea­ding edge of the com­pu­ting world and pro­ces­sor and sys­tem design. AMD offers HPC GPU com­pu­te cus­to­mers a full AMD Fire­Pro S‑series line up from ent­ry-level to ultra-high-end boards sup­port­ing a fea­ture-rich soft­ware ecosystem.”

Super­com­pu­ters are ine­vi­ta­ble in today’s rese­arch. The sci­en­ti­fic chal­lenges requi­re com­pu­ters as fast as pos­si­ble, but we have to keep power con­sump­ti­on and cos­ts in mind, in order to use our available resour­ces as well as pos­si­ble,” said Pro­fes­sor Dr. Vol­ker Lin­denstruth, pro­fes­sor at Goe­the Uni­ver­si­ty of Frank­furt, head of IT depart­ment of GSI, and chair­man of Frank­furt Insti­tu­te for Advan­ced Stu­dies. “We’re exci­ted to reach the num­ber one posi­ti­on in the Green500 List with the new L‑CSC super­com­pu­ter and we thank AMD and ASUS for the excel­lent coope­ra­ti­on. The L‑CSC super­com­pu­ter at the GSI rese­arch faci­li­ty fea­turing ASUS ESC4000 G2S ser­vers and AMD Fire­Pro GPUs pro­vi­des the huge com­pu­te capa­bi­li­ties requi­red for our research.”

ASUS is proud to col­la­bo­ra­te with AMD in the GSI Rese­arch super­com­pu­ter reco­gni­ti­on for the top spot on the Green500 List,” said Tom Lin, ASUS ser­ver busi­ness unit, gene­ral mana­ger. “ASUS is pas­sio­na­te about the HPC field, in the same way that AMD is dedi­ca­ted to deli­ve­ring extre­me-per­for­mance GPU solutions.”

As the only sin­gle GPU-based solu­ti­on to deli­ver two tera­flops DGEMM sus­tained dou­ble pre­cis­i­on per­for­mance, AMD has been able to achie­ve the world­wi­de top ran­king in the Green500 List. With indus­try-lea­ding performance/watt1, indus­try-lea­ding memo­ry con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on2, and sup­port for the latest Open­CL™ stan­dards3, the AMD Fire­Pro S9150 Ser­ver GPU is unmat­ched in com­pu­te performance.

The AMD Fire­Pro S9150 ser­ver GPU is the fas­test and most power-effi­ci­ent sin­gle GPU board available today. The fami­ly of AMD Fire­Pro S‑series pro­ducts are desi­gned to relia­bly sup­port lar­ge mul­ti-GPU clus­ters to address lar­ge com­pu­ta­tio­nal pro­jects. The reco­gni­ti­on on the Green500 List distin­gu­is­hes AMD Pro­fes­sio­nal GPUs for pushing the boun­da­ries of inno­va­ti­on in ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and per­for­mance per-FLOP, inclu­ding enhan­cing over­all sys­tem per­for­mance and effi­ci­en­cy through AMD’s mas­si­ve­ly par­al­lel GPU processing.

In addi­ti­on to clai­ming the top spot on the Green500 List, the AMD Opte­ron™ ser­ver CPU achie­ved the num­ber two spot on the latest TOP500 List, a ran­king of the 500 most powerful super­com­pu­ters in the world.

AMD exhi­bi­ted with AMD Fire­Pro S9150 and AMD ser­ver tech­no­lo­gies at SC ’14 in New Orleans at the Ernest Memo­ri­al Con­ven­ti­on Cen­ter booth #839 from Novem­ber 17 to 20.

Sup­port­ing Resources 


About AMD

AMD (NYSE: AMD) designs and inte­gra­tes tech­no­lo­gy that powers mil­li­ons of intel­li­gent devices, inclu­ding per­so­nal com­pu­ters, tablets, game con­so­les and cloud ser­vers that defi­ne the new era of sur­round com­pu­ting. AMD solu­ti­ons enable peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re to rea­li­ze the full poten­ti­al of their favo­ri­te devices and appli­ca­ti­ons to push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit


AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Fire­Pro and Opte­ron are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners.Open­CL and the Open­CL logo are trade­marks of Apple Inc. used by per­mis­si­on by Khronos.

1. AMD Fire­Pro™ S9150 max power is 235W and deli­vers up to 2.53 TFLOPS peak dou­ble and up to 5.07 peak sin­gle pre­cis­i­on floa­ting point per­for­mance. Nvidia’s hig­hest per­forming ser­ver cards in the mar­ket as of June 2014 are the Tes­la K40, max power of 235W, with up to 1.43 TFLOPS peak dou­ble and up to 4.29 peak sin­gle, and the K10, max power 225W, with up to 4.58 TFLOPS peak sin­gle and 190 GFLOPS peak dou­ble pre­cis­i­on. Visit for Nvi­dia pro­duct specs. FP-97

2. AMD Fire­Pro™ S9150 fea­tures 16GB GDDR5 memo­ry, and Nvidia’s hig­hest per­for­mance ser­ver GPU in the mar­ket as of June 2014 is the Tes­la K40 with 12GB GDDR5 memo­ry. Visit for Nvi­dia pro­duct specs. FP-98

3. Open­CL™ 1.2 con­for­mance expec­ted for S9150 and S9050. AMD plans to release Open­CL™ 2.0 dri­vers for enab­led AMD Fire­Pro S9150 ser­ver GPUs in Q4 2014; con­for­mance test­ing is plan­ned at that time. Pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on AMD Fire­Pro pro­ducts may not sup­port Open­CL™ 2.0.