BIOSTAR Offers support on New AMD FM2+ “Godavari” APU

May 11th, 2015, Tai­pei, Tai­wan – With AMD’s launch of the FM2+ “Goda­va­ri” class of APUs today, Bio­star has been in pre­pa­ra­ti­on of a com­ple­te series of main­boards for the sup­port­ing chip­sets such as the BIOSTAR Hi-Fi A88W 3D, Hi-Fi A70U3P and Hi-Fi A68U3P. To make upgrading even easier, the­se boards also have back­wards sup­port for pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on FM2+ / FM2 APUs.

The­se new Goda­va­ri AMD APUs are AMD socket FM2+ and will fea­ture an upgraded CPU and GPU archi­tec­tu­re. The new Goda­va­ri APU are part of the Kaveri-Refresh plat­form which is aimed to re-fresh the cur­rent Kaveri APUs with the new 8000 series bran­ding uti­li­zing the x86 Steam­rol­ler core and GCN gra­phics architecture.

The BIOSTAR Hi-Fi A88W 3D, Hi-Fi A70U3P and Hi-Fi A68U3P all have fea­tures such as onboard LAN, PCI Express 3.0 x16, SATA 6Gb/s, and USB 3.0. And with BIOSTAR’s enhance­ments to the­se new FM2+ boards users will enjoy main­boards that excel in addi­tio­nal are­as of BIOSTAR exper­ti­se such as the BIOSTAR Audio+, Video+, Speed+, Pro­tec­tion+, Dura­bi­li­ty+ and DIY+.

For more info on BIOSTAR’s AMD mother­boards go to:

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BIOSTAR is a manu­fac­tu­rer dedi­ca­ted to the pro­duc­tion of mother­boards, gra­phics cards and indus­tri­al com­pu­ting sys­tems. Sin­ce its estab­lish­ment in 1986, the BIOSTAR GROUP has beco­me a major mother­board sup­pli­er in the PC indus­try. In order to pur­sue con­ti­nuous growth, BIOSTAR has inves­ted hea­vi­ly in acqui­ring the phy­si­cal and human resour­ces to excel at rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment. With a con­stant empha­sis on qua­li­ty, BIOSTAR always seeks to offer pro­ducts with the hig­hest pri­ce-per­for­mance ratio.