Caselabs apologizes for accusations against Thermaltake

Cali­for­nia, U.S.A -July, 16, 2015 -CaseLabs, a manu­fac­tu­rer of com­pu­ter cases, has issued a let­ter of retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy for its recent attacks upon com­pe­ti­tor Ther­mal­ta­ke, Inc., ano­ther manu­fac­tu­rer of com­pu­ter cases and other com­pu­ter components. 

Recent­ly, CaseLabs and some of its per­son­nel, inclu­ding Kevin Kea­ting, pos­ted attacks upon Ther­mal­ta­ke. Tho­se attacks have included accu­sa­ti­ons that Ther­mal­ta­ke and one of its employees, Mr. Shan­non Robb, “sto­le” CaseLabs’ case design and enga­ged in unfair com­pe­ti­ti­on. CaseLabs now reg­rets tho­se state­ments and apo­lo­gi­zes for making them. 

CaseLabs’ accu­sa­ti­ons were fal­se. As CaseLabs admits in its retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy letter: 

CaseLabs ack­now­led­ges that it does not own any patents on any of its case pro­ducts. CaseLabs’ pos­tings, which sug­gested that liti­ga­ting to enforce patents would be pro­hi­bi­tively expen­si­ve, were mis­lea­ding, becau­se they impli­ed that CaseLabs actual­ly owned patents, which it does not. CaseLabs reg­rets this error. CaseLabs apo­lo­gi­zes for accu­sing Mr. Robb and Ther­mal­ta­ke of “ste­al­ing” any­thing. The look of a com­pu­ter case will always have some simi­lar fea­tures — given its func­tion­al natu­re. CaseLabs retracts its accu­sa­ti­ons against Ther­mal­ta­ke for “copy­ing other people’s exis­ting con­cepts and cal­ling them your own” and of pro­du­cing “rip-off products.” 

The unflat­te­ring comm­ents about over­se­as com­pe­ti­ti­on have also been retrac­ted by CaseLabs. Again quo­ting from CaseLabs’ retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy letter: 

CaseLabs reg­rets its pre­vious state­ments about Asi­an low pri­ce com­pe­ti­ti­on. CaseLabs ack­now­led­ges that pri­ce com­pe­ti­ti­on is fun­da­men­tal to a healt­hy mar­ket­place, and CaseLabs reco­gni­zes that it has no right to pre­vent Ther­mal­ta­ke from offe­ring a com­pe­ting pro­duct for a lower pri­ce in the mar­ket­place. CaseLabs retracts any sug­ges­ti­on that com­pe­ti­tors are not enti­re­ly free to enga­ge in pri­ce com­pe­ti­ti­on for such unpa­ten­ta­ble pro­ducts as CaseLabs’ com­pu­ter cases.” 

In its let­ter of retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy, CaseLabs puts an end to its fal­se accu­sa­ti­ons against Ther­mal­ta­ke. Again, quo­ting CaseLabs’ retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy letter:
“CaseLabs looks for­ward to enga­ging in vigo­rous, pri­ce-con­scious, ethi­cal com­pe­ti­ti­on with its com­pe­ti­tors, inclu­ding Ther­mal­ta­ke, wit­hout resort to fal­se accusations.” 

CaseLabs has also writ­ten to ask Nathan Kirsch of Legit Reviews to remo­ve his artic­le regar­ding CaseLabs’ accu­sa­ti­ons against Thermaltake. 

Ken­ny Lin, CEO of Ther­mal­ta­ke, respon­ded to CaseLabs’ retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy let­ter with the fol­lo­wing quote: 

Ther­mal­ta­ke app­re­cia­tes CaseLabs’ retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy for its fal­se accu­sa­ti­ons against Ther­mal­ta­ke. Having recei­ved this apo­lo­gy from CaseLabs, Ther­mal­ta­ke hopes that our two busi­nesses can return to healt­hy com­pe­ti­ti­on in the mar­ket­place, wit­hout resort to name-cal­ling or fal­se repre­sen­ta­ti­ons. Ther­mal­ta­ke will con­ti­nue to com­pe­te vigo­rous­ly in the always com­pe­ti­ti­ve com­pu­ter peri­pherals mar­ket, whe­re Ther­mal­ta­ke will con­ti­nue to work clo­se­ly with con­su­mers to obser­ve their beha­vi­or and to respond to their needs. Thermaltake’s pro­ducts are user dri­ven. Ther­mal­ta­ke is dedi­ca­ted to buil­ding aes­the­tic and high qua­li­ty pro­ducts which will great­ly impro­ve sys­tem per­for­mance and bring the user to his or her hig­hest poten­ti­al. Ther­mal­ta­ke is proud of its IP port­fo­lio, inclu­ding patents and trade­marks, and excep­tio­nal pro­duct lines, but most of all, we are proud of the cus­to­mers we ser­ve and of our per­son­nel who ser­ve them.” 

Copies of CaseLabs’ retrac­tion and apo­lo­gy let­ter and CaseLabs’ let­ter to Legit Reviews are enclosed. 

About “Ther­mal­ta­ke”
Ther­mal­ta­ke Tech­no­lo­gy was estab­lished in Janu­ary, 1999 and has been mar­ket to the world with “Ther­mal­ta­ke” brand name ever sin­ce. The brand per­so­na­li­ty of Uni­que, Aggres­si­ve, Vivid, and Sty­lish makes Ther­mal­ta­ke an expert in crea­ting Exci­ting things and Fasci­na­ting envi­ron­ment for gamers and enthu­si­asts, also Keep them Con­stant­ly High phy­si­cal­ly and men­tal­ly. We remain­ed true to our cor­po­ra­te mis­si­on of “Deli­ve­ring the per­fect user expe­ri­ence” and our faith and com­mit­ments to ful­fill “Qua­li­ty”, “Per­for­mance”, and “Relia­bi­li­ty” the stan­dards of pro­ducts and ser­vices. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit