AMD Expands Technology Partnership With Mentor Graphics

AMD and Men­tor Demons­tra­te Com­mit­ment to the Embedded Mar­ket and Acce­le­ra­te Deve­lo­p­ment for x86 and ARM Environments

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — 09/16/15 – AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced a new agree­ment with Men­tor Gra­phics Cor­po­ra­ti­on (NASDAQ: MENT) to now pro­vi­de cus­to­mers access to Men­tor Embedded Sourcery™ Code­Bench Lite for AMD Embedded ARM® solu­ti­ons along­side AMD x86 Embedded solu­ti­ons. The agree­ment streng­thens AMD’s tech­no­lo­gy part­ner­ship with Men­tor Gra­phics, a lea­ding maker of embedded soft­ware and open source tools, and crea­tes a con­sis­tent deve­lo­p­ment eco­sys­tem across pro­ces­sor architectures.

We are pro­vi­ding the embedded deve­lo­p­ment com­mu­ni­ty the oppor­tu­ni­ty for choice, as the first com­pa­ny to offer both ARM and x86 pro­ces­sor solu­ti­ons for low-power and high-per­for­mance embedded com­pu­te designs,” said Scott Aylor, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, AMD Embedded Solu­ti­ons. “We are exci­ted about our gro­wing tech­no­lo­gy part­ner­ship with Men­tor Gra­phics as this extends the scope of the eco­sys­tem we have bey­ond our tra­di­tio­nal mar­kets. This is a step for­ward in bols­te­ring the embedded com­mu­ni­ty with open-source tools to help tail­or and expand their development.”

In 2014, AMD and Men­tor Gra­phics agreed to crea­te an embedded soft­ware eco­sys­tem for deve­lo­pers. The Men­tor Embedded Sourcery Code­Bench pro­duct goes bey­ond just the com­pi­ler to pro­vi­de deve­lo­pers with powerful open source, embedded C/C++ deve­lo­p­ment tools to build, debug, ana­ly­ze and opti­mi­ze embedded soft­ware. The­se tools enable deve­lo­pers to build soft­ware in com­plex hete­ro­ge­neous archi­tec­tures based on upco­ming AMD 64-bit ARM pro­ces­sors inclu­ding the forth­co­ming AMD sys­tem-on-chip (SOC) (code­na­med “Hier­ofal­con”), in addi­ti­on to x86 pro­ces­sors inclu­ding the AMD Embedded G‑Series SOC (form­er­ly code­na­med “Step­pe Eagle”) and the 2nd Gene­ra­ti­on AMD Embedded R‑Series APU (form­er­ly code­na­med “Bald Eagle”).

Men­tor Gra­phics is exci­ted to extend our tech­no­lo­gy part­ner­ship with AMD given their visi­on and pro­duct port­fo­lio of inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies for embedded solu­ti­ons,” said Scot Mor­ri­son, gene­ral mana­ger of embedded run­time solu­ti­ons, Men­tor Gra­phics Embedded Soft­ware Divi­si­on. “Tog­e­ther, we will enable deve­lo­pers to build robust and powerful appli­ca­ti­ons in indus­tries such as digi­tal gam­ing, indus­tri­al con­trol and auto­ma­ti­on, retail point-of-sale, net­wor­king equip­ment and storage.”

Key Fea­tures, Bene­fits and Support
As part of the agree­ment bet­ween AMD and Men­tor Gra­phics, embedded deve­lo­pers will have access to the fol­lo­wing cus­to­mi­zed embedded Linux® developments:

  • Sourcery Code­Bench Lite for 64-bit ARM GNU/Linux
    • Com­ple­te GNU-based C/C++ deve­lo­p­ment tool­chain for cus­tom Linux tar­get plat­form development
    • GNU Debug­ger for Linux appli­ca­ti­on debug
    • Win­dows and Linux host-based deve­lo­p­ment options

For more infor­ma­ti­on about the agree­ment, visit the Men­tor Gra­phics embedded Linux solu­ti­ons page for AMD Sup­port.

Sup­port­ing Resources

About AMD
For more than 45 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics, and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies — the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms, and the dat­a­cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses, and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work, and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) web­site, blog, Face­book and Twit­ter pages.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof, are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners.

Source: Advan­ced Micro Devices