Erste Lenovo-PCs mit 7th Generation AMD PRO APUs

—   New Leno­vo sys­tems sim­pli­fy enter­pri­se and busi­ness IT com­ple­xi­ty through its imple­men­ta­ti­on of AMD PRO APUs —

MACAU, Chi­na — Octo­ber 24, 2016 Today at the Cana­lys Chan­nels Forum, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) debut­ed the Leno­vo Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny and Think­Pad E475 and E575, new com­mer­cial desk­top and note­books fea­turing 7th Gene­ra­ti­on AMD PRO APUs (form­er­ly code­na­med “Bris­tol Ridge PRO”). AMD PRO APUs are built for busi­ness, with robust secu­ri­ty, relia­bi­li­ty, and increased ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy to help pro­tect cus­to­mers’ IT investments.

The­se latest AMD PRO based-sys­tems from Leno­vo are opti­mi­zed for busi­ness and deli­ver increased com­pu­ting and gra­phics per­for­mance, at levels that meet the hig­hest of cus­to­mer expec­ta­ti­ons,” said Jim Ander­son, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Com­pu­ting and Gra­phics Group, AMD. “The­se sys­tems com­bi­ne com­mer­cial-gra­de qua­li­ty, per­for­mance, and sta­bi­li­ty, with excel­lent video and audio capa­bi­li­ties, hel­ping ensu­re busi­nesses are more pro­duc­ti­ve and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve. We are thril­led to part­ner with Leno­vo to bring this tech­no­lo­gy to com­pa­nies and enter­pri­ses around the world.”

Busi­nesses today are con­stant­ly evol­ving, deman­ding bet­ter per­for­mance, secu­ri­ty, mana­gea­bi­li­ty, and usa­bi­li­ty from their com­pu­ters. This is why Leno­vo pro­vi­des inno­va­ti­on both insi­de and out­side our com­mer­cial pro­ducts and works with part­ners like AMD, who bring a simi­lar focus on giving users the best expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble,” said Bai Peng, vice pre­si­dent note­book busi­ness, PC & Smart Device Busi­ness Group at Leno­vo. “The Think­Pad E475 and E575 note­books and Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny, based on the AMD PRO pro­ces­sor port­fo­lio, enables busi­nesses to deli­ver real-world per­for­mance and depen­da­bili­ty opti­mi­zed for busi­ness’ needs”

Enab­led by 7th gene­ra­ti­on AMD PRO pro­ces­sors the new Leno­vo desk­top and note­books help ensu­re sen­si­ti­ve data and trus­ted appli­ca­ti­ons remain secu­re with dedi­ca­ted AMD Secu­re Pro­ces­sor tech­no­lo­gy. AMD PRO APUs meet users’ gro­wing requi­re­ments by pro­vi­ding up to 14% more com­pu­te per­for­mance, up to 22% more gra­phic per­for­mance, and up to 32% more ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy[i], than the pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on AMD PRO pro­ces­sors. Open stan­dards and CPU-agno­stic DASH mana­gea­bi­li­ty allows IT depart­ments to easi­ly inte­gra­te and mana­ge sys­tems while the new AMD AM4 desk­top infra­struc­tu­re pro­vi­des a sta­ble and upgrada­ble plat­form for the future.

New Leno­vo Think­Cent­re Desktop

Leno­vo is brea­king new ground with the Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny. Despi­te being only one liter in size, the Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny packs a punch. At 94% smal­ler than a tra­di­tio­nal desk­top tower[ii], IT mana­gers can place the tiny M715 almost any­whe­re with optio­nal under desk, wall, and moni­tor back moun­ting opti­ons. The 35W 7th gene­ra­ti­on AMD PRO pro­ces­sors were desi­gned for ultra-small form fac­tor PCs pro­vi­ding superb com­pu­te and gra­phics per­for­mance with excel­lent effi­ci­en­cy. For exam­p­le, per­for­mance of the new AMD PRO A12-9800E is equi­va­lent to the sys­tem per­for­mance of the pri­or gene­ra­ti­on AMD PRO A10-8750, at clo­se to 1/3 of the power[iii]. The Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny is a high per­for­mance, ultra-com­pact desk­top that can be used almost anywhere.

New Leno­vo Think­Pad Notebooks

The new thin and light Think­Pad E475 and E575 pro­vi­de a superb mix of per­for­mance, mobi­li­ty, and secu­ri­ty. Weig­hing as litt­le as 4.1lbs. (1.87kg) and mea­su­ring less than 1 inch (23.7mm) thin the new Think­Pad note­books offer excel­lent mobi­li­ty and excel­lent bat­tery life for exten­ded pro­duc­ti­vi­ty. The E475 and E575 offer an out­stan­ding user expe­ri­ence with AMD Rade­on™ R5 M430 gra­phics, enhan­ced VOIP fea­tures, and impro­ved micro­pho­nes for excel­lent videoconferencing.

The Leno­vo Think­Pad E475 and E575 will be available on Novem­ber 7th. The Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny is available on Octo­ber 31st[iv].

Sup­port­ing Resources 


About AMD

For more than 45 years, AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics, and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies ― the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms, and the dat­a­cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses, and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work, and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) web­site, blog, Face­book and Twit­ter pages.

[i] Test­ing by AMD Per­for­mance labs. PC manu­fac­tu­r­ers may vary con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. 3DMark 11 Per­for­mance is used to simu­la­te gra­phics per­for­mance, and Cine­bench R11.5 1T Per­for­mance is used to simu­la­te sin­gle threa­ded CPU per­for­mance; the 7th Gene­ra­ti­on AMD PRO A12-9800 at 65W scored 3521.25 and 1.21 while the AMD PRO A10-8850B at 95W scored 2880 and 1.06 respec­tively. CPU Per­for­mance impro­ve­ment: 1.21/1.06=1.14X or 14% more, Gra­phic Per­for­mance impro­ve­ment: 3521.25/2880=1.22X or 22% more, Power Con­sump­ti­on impro­ve­ment: (95W-65W)/95W=0.32X or 32% less. BRPD‑4

Sys­tem Configurations:

7th Gene­ra­ti­on AMD A12-9800: AMD “Myrt­le” refe­rence plat­form, 7th Gene­ra­ti­on AMD A12-9800 with AMD Rade­on™ R7 Gra­phics, 2x4096 DDR4-2400 RAM, 228GB SSD Dri­ve (Non-rota­ting), Micro­soft Win­dows 10 Pro, Gra­phics dri­ver 2016-04-11

PRO A10-8850: ASUS A88X-PRO, PRO A10-8850B with AMD Rade­on™ R7 Gra­phics, 2x4096 DDR3-2133 RAM, 228GB SSD Dri­ve (Non-rota­ting), Micro­soft Win­dows 10 Pro, Gra­phics dri­ver 15.301.1201.0 2015-12-22

[ii] The Leno­vo Think­Cent­re M700 desk­top tower mea­su­res 6.3x14.96x14.01in (160x380x356mm) com­pared to the Leno­vo Think­Cent­re M715 Tiny which mea­su­res 1.36x7.20x7.05in (34.5x182.9x179mm), or 94.78% less volume.

[iii] PC manu­fac­tu­r­ers may vary con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. PCMark 8 v2 Home is used to simu­la­te sys­tem per­for­mance; The 35W “Bris­tol Ridge” A12-9800E pro­ces­sor scored 4278 while the 95W “Goda­va­ri” A10-8850B scored 4216

[iv] On-shelf dates may vary by geo­gra­phy and pro­ducts or opti­ons may only be available in sel­ec­ted mar­kets. All offers sub­ject to avai­la­bi­li­ty. Leno­vo reser­ves the right to alter pro­duct offe­rings, fea­tures and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons at any time wit­hout notice.