BIOSTAR released the latest AMD FM2+ motherboard Hi-Fi A88W

Sep­tem­ber 18th, 2013, Tai­pei, Tai­wan – BIOSTAR has released the “Hi-Fi A88W 3D” mother­board based on the new AMD FM2+ socket design that sup­ports the Kaveri series of APUs. This is a revi­si­on of cur­rent FM2 APUs, both FM2+ & FM2 APUs can work on any FM2+ mother­board inclu­ding “A88X”, “A78” and “A55” chip­sets; but FM2+ APUs can­not work on FM2 mother­boards. This new AMD CPU socket FM2+ mother­board will retain back­wards com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with pre­vious gene­ra­ti­on AMD Socket FM2 APUs.

The “Hi-Fi A88W 3D”, fea­turing BIOSTAR exclu­si­ve tech­no­lo­gies “Puro Hi-Fi” audio tech­no­lo­gy and the “6+ Expe­ri­ence”. The “6+ Expe­ri­ence” includes Audio+, Video+, Speed+, Pro­tec­tion+, Dura­bi­li­ty+ and DIY+.

Audio+ Fea­tures - The audio fea­tures from BIOSTAR are exten­si­ve. As we’ve been working on high end audio com­pon­ents, the Hi-Fi A88W 3D con­ti­nues this tra­di­ti­on with audio fea­tures like “3D Audio”, “True Blu-Ray Audio”, “3D Hi-Fi Amp” and “Smart Ear 3D”.
Video+ Fea­turesWith AMD’s Rade­on Gra­phics and sup­port of Microsoft’s DirectX 11.1, the Hi-Fi A88W 3D deli­vers 3D powered gra­phics with ease. The­re is sup­port for full HDMI 3D 1080P and a Dual-Link DVI port for reso­lu­ti­ons up to 2560x1600. AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty tech­no­lo­gy also sup­ports mul­ti­ple moni­tors as well.
Speed+ Fea­turesThe Hi-Fi A88W 3D sup­ports PCI‑E 3.0 tech­no­lo­gy. This is 2 times the band­width of PCI‑E 2.0 and allows for up to 1GB/s of band­width per lane per direc­tion. The Smart Speed­LAN, which is a free soft­ware appli­ca­ti­on that moni­tors and mana­ges net­work beha­vi­or. The Smart Speed­LAN can fea­ture auto­ma­tic manage­ment opti­ons that use adap­ti­ve net­wor­king intel­li­gence to ensu­re that you are get­ting the best online expe­ri­ence all time. The Char­ger Boos­ter is the fas­test and most effi­ci­ent char­ger solu­ti­on for Apple devices; users are able to char­ge their iPAD, iPho­ne up to 42% faster.
Pro­tec­tion+ Fea­turesBIOSTAR wants to make things a bit safer when deal­ing with sen­si­ti­ve elec­tro­nic com­pon­ents. As such, the Hi-Fi A88W 3D adapts USB Over cur­rent Pro­tec­tion. This is an onboard dedi­ca­ted power fuse to pre­vent elec­tri­cal USB port fail­ure. This ESD pro­tec­tion (Elec­tro­sta­tic Dischar­ge) pre­vents the USB Port from over-cur­rent. In addi­ti­on, throug­hout stra­te­gic places on the board the­re are OVER-Cur­rent Pro­tec­tion, OVER-Vol­ta­ge Pro­tec­tion, and OVER-Heat Pro­tec­tion safe­guards. The­se are spe­cial cir­cuit designs to detect over­vol­ta­ge con­di­ti­ons and heat to pre­ven­ting vol­ta­ge sur­ges from spre­a­ding in real time.
Dura­bi­li­ty+ Fea­turesThe­re are seve­ral design fea­tures that work towards pro­vi­ding a more dura­ble mother­board on which to build a sys­tem. Low RdsOn P‑Pak MOS is a low resis­tance design that can signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce the cur­rent in ener­gy loss. It has a low ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re, small size, and excel­lent ther­mal con­duc­ti­vi­ty. The Hi-Fi A88W 3D also uses a mois­tu­re-pro­of PCB. Com­pu­ters are often used in humid are­as (such as coas­tal cli­ma­tes). The PCB will oxi­dize if it can easi­ly absorb mois­tu­re. Then ionic migra­ti­on or CAF (Con­duc­ti­ve Anodic Fila­ments) will be gene­ra­ted. Mois­tu­re-pro­of PCBs meet high den­si­ty and high relia­bi­li­ty requi­re­ments for mois­tu­re proofing.
DIY+ Fea­turesFor users who love to build his own PC, BIOSTAR ful­ly sup­ports various inno­va­ti­ve ways such as UEFI (Uni­fied Exten­si­ble Firm­ware Inter­face) BIOS inter­face, a modern and easy-to-use gra­phi­cal user inter­face. The UEFI comes with a colorful easy-under­stand icons lea­ding users direct­ly into the set­up lay­er. BIO-Remo­te 2 gives users a bet­ter Home Thea­ter envi­ron­ment. Users who own eit­her Android or Apple pro­ducts are able to access and con­trol the PC remo­te­ly. This allows a smart device to beco­me an intel­li­gent and func­tion­al remo­te con­trol­ler. In addi­ti­on, the BIO-Remo­te2 fea­ture also includes both the func­tion of a mou­se pad and a power point pre­sen­ta­ti­on controller.

BIOSTAR, a manu­fac­tu­rer of mother­boards, gra­phics cards and indus­tri­al com­pu­ting sys­tems. Sin­ce its estab­lish­ment in 1986, the BIOSTAR GROUP has beco­me a major mother­board sup­pli­er in the PC indus­try. In order to pur­sue con­ti­nuous growth, BIOSTAR has inves­ted hea­vi­ly in acqui­ring the phy­si­cal and human resour­ces to excel at rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment. With a con­stant empha­sis on qua­li­ty, BIOSTAR always seeks to offer pro­ducts with the hig­hest pri­ce-per­for­mance ratio.