Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 18.12.2

Mit der Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 18.12.2 bringt AMD heu­te das gro­ße Update die­ses Jah­res her­aus. Ent­spre­chend umfang­reich fällt das Chan­ge­log aus. Mehr dazu fin­det ihr in unse­rem aktu­el­len Arti­kel.

Support For

  • Assassin’s Creed®: Odyssey 
    • Up to 4% fas­ter per­for­mance in Assassin’s Creed: Odys­sey using Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 18.12.2 on the Rade­on™ RX Vega 64 gra­phics card than with Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 18.12.1 at 1920x1080 (1080p). RS-277
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider™ 
    • Up to 3% fas­ter per­for­mance in Shadow of the Tomb Rai­der using Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 18.12.2 on the Rade­on™ RX Vega 64 gra­phics card than with Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 18.12.1 at 2560x1440 (1440p). RS-278
  • DOOM
    • Up to 5% fas­ter per­for­mance in DOOM using Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 18.12.2 on the Rade­on™ RX Vega 64 gra­phics card than with Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 18.12.1 at 3840x2160 (4K). RS-279
  • Wol­fen­stein™ II: The New Colossus 
    • Up to 5% fas­ter per­for­mance in Wol­fen­stein II: The New Colos­sus using Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 18.12.2 on the Rade­on™ RX Vega 64 gra­phics card than with Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 18.12.1 at 3840x2160 (4K). RS-280
  • Stran­ge Brigade™ 
    • Up to 7% fas­ter per­for­mance in Stran­ge Bri­ga­de using Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on 18.12.2 on the Rade­on™ RX Vega 64 gra­phics card than with Rade­on™ Soft­ware Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 18.12.1 at 3840x2160 (4K). RS-281

New Features

  • Rade­on ReLi­ve (1)
    • In-Game Replay fea­ture that allows you to replay your gam­ing moments instant­ly on screen.
    • Sce­ne Edi­tor allows crea­ti­on and editing of sce­nes for recor­ding or strea­ming with tran­si­tio­ning opti­ons via hot­keys or Rade­on Overlay.
    • GIF Sup­port allows crea­ti­on of GIFs via hot­key or Rade­on Overlay.
    • Added plat­form con­nec­tion sup­port for Restream.io, Strea­ma­ble and Gfycat.
    • Mul­ti-chan­nel audio sup­port and 16:9 strea­ming support.
  • Rade­on ReLi­ve Game Strea­ming (2)
    • Brin­ging Rade­on gam­ing qua­li­ty to your mobi­le devices allo­wing up to 4K 60fps low laten­cy gam­ing with hard­ware acce­le­ra­ti­on. Seam­less­ly tran­si­ti­on from your PC to your pho­ne or tablet. Free on both Android and iOS via the AMD Link app.
  • Rade­on ReLi­ve for VR (3)
    • Brin­ging ultra-high PC qua­li­ty VR expe­ri­en­ces to stan­da­lo­ne VR devices with low-level hard­ware acce­le­ra­ti­on opti­mi­zed for strea­ming and recording.
    • Strea­ming enab­led via Steam®, the Steam®VR eco­sys­tem* and available through the Rade­on ReLi­ve VR app.
  • AMD Link (4)
    • Bet­ter relia­bi­li­ty for a sta­ble connection.
    • Get star­ted easi­ly with a rede­si­gned con­nec­tion process.
    • Upgrade Rade­on Soft­ware through your phone.
    • Voice Con­trols for Rade­on ReLi­ve and Per­for­mance Metrics.
    • Rade­on Watt­Man support.
    • Enhan­ced Per­for­mance metrics for cap­tu­ring avera­ge, max and min FPS.
    • Rade­on ReLi­ve sup­port allows vie­w­ing screen­shots, play­ing back video, crop­ping video and saving video to your mobi­le device.
  • Rade­on Over­lay (5)
    • Enhan­ced Sync con­trols available in dis­play tab with per game real-time adjustment.
    • Rade­on Free­Sync con­trols now found in dis­play tab.
    • Per-game color con­trols now available in dis­play tab.
    • Rade­on Watt­Man is now sup­port­ed in Rade­on Over­lay allo­wing for in-game power and per­for­mance optimizations.
    • Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay now sup­ports visu­al cus­to­miza­ti­on with adjus­ta­ble colors, colum­ns, posi­ti­on, trans­pa­ren­cy and size.
    • Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay now sup­ports a lower sam­ple inter­val and frame-time mea­su­re­ment logging.
  • Rade­on Game Advi­sor (6)
    • Mea­su­res game per­for­mance and gene­ra­tes a detail­ed report with sug­ges­ti­ons to impro­ve per­for­mance or increase image qua­li­ty. Available through Rade­on Overlay.
  • Rade­on Set­tings Advi­sor (6)
    • Scans your system’s capa­bi­li­ties and pro­vi­des opti­miza­ti­on sug­ges­ti­ons in just a few simp­le clicks. Available through Rade­on Settings.
  • Rade­on Upgrade Advi­sor (7)
    • Ana­ly­zes your PC for mini­mum and recom­men­ded game com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons with clear com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty indi­ca­tors in Game Explo­rer. Available through Rade­on Settings.
  • Rade­on Watt­Man (8)
    • One click tuning with Auto Over­clock GPU, Auto Over­clock Memo­ry and Auto Under­volt GPU.
    • Chan­ge fan speed with tem­pe­ra­tu­re depen­dent fan cur­ves and Zero RPM fan control.
    • Unlo­cked Rade­on RX Vega series DPM sta­tes for finer power adjustments.
    • Tar­ge­ted opti­miza­ti­on of memo­ry bound appli­ca­ti­ons with new memo­ry tuning feature.
  • Rade­on Chill (9)
    • Impro­ved Rade­on Chill effi­ci­en­cy allows increased power savings.
  • Rade­on Free­Sync 2 (10)
    • Impro­ved Rade­on Free­Sync 2 with auto-tone map­ping for a more detail­ed expe­ri­ence in HDR 10 sup­port­ed games.
  • Vir­tu­al Super Reso­lu­ti­on (11)
    • Now sup­ports ultra-wide 21:9 displays.
  • Rade­on Instal­ler (12)
    • A new one-click express install opti­on is now available with instal­la­ti­on pro­gress and per­cen­ta­ge indicators.

Added Vulkan™ Support

  • VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block
    • This exten­si­on intro­du­ces the abili­ty to back uni­form blocks direct­ly with descrip­tor sets by sto­ring inline uni­form data within descrip­tor pool storage.
  • VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format
    • This exten­si­on enables pro­ces­sing of swap­chain images as dif­fe­rent for­mats to that used by the win­dow sys­tem, which is par­ti­cu­lar­ly useful for swit­ching bet­ween sRGB and line­ar RGB formats.
  • VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout
    • This exten­si­on enables C‑like struc­tu­re lay­out for uni­form and sto­rage buf­fers, allo­wing non-sca­lar types to be ali­gned sole­ly based on the size of their components.
  • Spar­se Sup­port is Enabled 
    • Spar­se sup­port rela­xes the requi­re­ment to have memo­ry allo­ca­ted and bound to resour­ces pri­or to being used. It also rela­xes the requi­re­ment for the bound memo­ry to be con­ti­guous and for the memo­ry bin­dings to be immutable.

Fixed Issues

  • Rade­on Set­tings EULA screen may appear every time a reboot occurs.
  • Goog­le Earth VR fails to load or may not launch.
  • Assassin’s Creed®: Odys­sey may expe­ri­ence a black screen when going into action pha­ses of the game.
  • Assassin’s Creed®: Odys­sey may expe­ri­ence a game crash or TDR in some loca­ti­ons of the game like per­forming a leap of faith or deep-diving into water.
  • For­za Hori­zon 3™ may expe­ri­ence a game crash on launch.
  • Call of Duty™: Black Ops 4 may expe­ri­ence a crash on launch on AMD Ryzen desk­top pro­ces­sors with Rade­on Vega Graphics.
  • A limi­t­ed num­ber of users may expe­ri­ence a black screen or signal loss when wat­ching You­Tube™ vide­os in full screen mode on Chro­me browser.
  • Batt­le­field™ 1 may expe­ri­ence fli­cke­ring when loo­king at water textures.
  • Stran­ge Bri­ga­de™ may expe­ri­ence stut­te­ring when the game is set to run in win­do­wed mode using the Vul­kan™ API.
  • Rade­on Over­lay may fail to invo­ke when play­ing King­dom Come Deliverance™.
  • Eye­fi­ni­ty advan­ced set­up opti­ons may some­ti­mes not appear in Rade­on Set­tings after a dri­ver upgrade.

Known Issues

  • This release is not com­pa­ti­ble with Micro­soft® PIX. For Micro­soft® PIX sup­port with Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin 2019 Edi­ti­on plea­se click here.
  • Some sys­tems run­ning mul­ti­ple dis­plays may expe­ri­ence mou­se lag when at least one dis­play is enab­led but powered off.
  • Unin­stal­ling Rade­on Soft­ware may fail to remo­ve Rade­on Settings.
  • Upgrade Advi­sor may inter­mit­tent­ly fail to detect games and pro­vi­de com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty recommendations.
  • Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay may chan­ge size when reso­lu­ti­ons are chan­ged in game.
  • A port 58888 alre­a­dy in use error mes­sa­ge may be obser­ved when AMD Link Ser­ver was dis­ab­led while an IOS device cli­ent was connected.
  • Rade­on Overlay’s new in over­lay video play­er may expe­ri­ence smooth­ness issues while adjus­ting the play­back slider.
  • Sce­ne Edi­tor may have issues with scrol­ling when many ele­ments are added to a scene.
  • Cus­tom set­tings in Rade­on Watt­Man may some­ti­mes fail to app­ly on Rade­on RX Vega series gra­phics products.
  • Auto tuning con­trol opti­ons fail to pre­sent the start­ing noti­fi­ca­ti­on befo­re app­ly­ing in Rade­on Overlay.
  • Auto tuning may expe­ri­ence incon­sis­tent beha­vi­or after app­ly­ing Auto Over­clock GPU and restarting/rebooting the system.