GIGABYTE to Demonstrate Innovative Server Product Line-Up at CES 2019


Tai­pei, Tai­wan, 20th Decem­ber 2018 — GIGABYTE, an indus­try lea­ding ser­ver design and manu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­ny, has always defi­ned and crea­ted spe­cia­li­zed pro­duct lines with enhan­ced spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and per­for­mance to meet the dif­fe­rent com­pu­ting needs of our cus­to­mers. Our pro­duct ran­ge, which includes our G‑Series Ser­vers for high-den­si­ty GPU com­pu­ting, S‑Series Ser­vers for high-den­si­ty sto­rage, or H‑Series Ser­vers for sca­le-out com­pu­ting, can meet the dif­fe­rent usa­ge sce­na­ri­os for a lar­ge majo­ri­ty of enter­pri­se users.

Open source hard­ware and soft­ware, which has gai­ned momen­tum sin­ce the release of Open­Stack in 2010 and Facebook’s advo­ca­cy of open source hard­ware for their infra­struc­tu­re from 2011, is a gro­wing trend in the ser­ver indus­try that can­not be igno­red. And as lar­ge sca­le public cloud ser­vices are now sup­port­ing open source soft­ware plat­forms, “open source” has beco­me a dri­ving force for the inte­gra­ti­on of hard­ware and soft­ware, allo­wing for the popu­la­riza­ti­on and main­stream avai­la­bi­li­ty of uni­que tech­no­lo­gies and pro­ducts, brea­king open the mar­ket pre­vious­ly con­trol­led only by lar­ge inter­na­tio­nal tech­no­lo­gy brands and pro­vi­ding an oppor­tu­ni­ty for hard­ware manu­fac­tu­r­ers and start­up soft­ware com­pa­nies to enter the space.

Respon­ding quick­ly to the­se deve­lo­ping trends, start­ing from bare-metal hard­ware and infra­struc­tu­re to pro­vi­de a PaaS (plat­form as a ser­vice) and co-ope­ra­ting tog­e­ther with num­e­rous new start­up com­pa­nies, GIGABYTE is plan­ning to gra­du­al­ly deve­lop and offer ful­ly ver­ti­cal­ly inte­gra­ted cloud buil­ding ser­vices that include SaaS (Soft­ware as a Ser­vice) and DaaS (Data as a Ser­vice) capa­bi­li­ties. GIGABYTE will use the upco­ming com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on of 5G tech­no­lo­gy as a start­ing point to show­ca­se the results of the first pha­se of this stra­tegy, and at CES 2019 will co-ope­ra­te with a num­ber of cross-indus­try part­ners to demons­tra­te the­se various inno­va­ti­ve solutions:

Two-Pha­se Liquid Immersi­on Coo­ling

Pro­ces­sors and other com­pon­ents with ever incre­asing per­for­mance that make their ope­ra­ting tem­pe­ra­tures hig­her and hig­her are often phy­si­cal­ly limi­t­ed by tra­di­tio­nal air coo­ling sys­tems. The­r­e­fo­re, various alter­na­ti­ve coo­ling tech­no­lo­gies have been inven­ted. At CES 2019, GIGABYTE has col­la­bo­ra­ted with immersi­on coo­ling expert Allied Con­trol to show­ca­se the next gene­ra­ti­on of a two-pha­se liquid immersi­on coo­ling sys­tem, fea­turing a stan­dar­di­zed pro­of of con­cept unit that is imme­dia­te­ly available to purcha­se. Two years ear­lier GIGABYTE had alre­a­dy demons­tra­ted the first gene­ra­ti­on of sys­tems using our ser­ver hard­ware with immersi­on coo­ling. Through con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment, this new gene­ra­ti­on is able to pro­vi­de dou­ble the amount of floa­ting point ope­ra­ti­ons per­for­mance and achie­ve even bet­ter PUE (power usa­ge effi­ci­en­cy) in an even more com­pact phy­si­cal size, allo­wing cus­to­mers to achie­ve an even fas­ter return on their hard­ware invest­ment when deploy­ing in lar­ge numbers.

DNN (Deep Neu­ral Net­works) Trai­ning Appliance

Con­side­ring the adop­ti­on of AI tech­no­lo­gy is beco­ming more matu­re and cus­to­mers also wish to keep their con­fi­den­ti­al data on pre­mi­ses, the demand for on-pre­mi­ses self-built AI infra­struc­tu­re is ever incre­asing. GIGABYTE’s G‑Series Ser­vers have always been well-known on the mar­ket as a cost effec­ti­ve hard­ware solu­ti­on sup­port­ing NVIDIA acce­le­ra­tor cards for AI and machi­ne lear­ning to meet this demand. Wis­hing to go a step fur­ther, GIGABYTE has part­ne­red with ITRI (Tai­wan Indus­tri­al Tech­no­lo­gy Rese­arch Insti­tu­te)to deve­lop a DNN (Deep Neu­ral Net­works) workload-opti­mi­zed appli­ance, based on our G481-HA1 ser­ver which uses a sin­gle-root GPU hard­ware topo­lo­gy. In addi­ti­on to opti­mi­zing batch ope­ra­ti­ons through auto­ma­tic hyper-para­me­ter adjus­t­ments and bet­ter GPU memo­ry uti­liza­ti­on, DNN trai­ning can be per­for­med through an easy to use gra­phi­cal inter­face, making it easier to be used by non-tech­ni­cal staff and allo­wing for a cross-disci­pli­ne AI trai­ning pro­gram to be implemented.

All-Flash High Per­for­mance Soft­ware Defi­ned Storage

GIGABTYE has always main­tai­ned an excel­lent part­ner­ship with soft­ware-defi­ned sto­rage ven­dor Big­te­ra, working tog­e­ther to pro­vi­de cus­to­mers with a decen­tra­li­zed sto­rage clus­ter solu­ti­on as part of a vir­tua­li­zed sys­tem archi­tec­tu­re, hel­ping to sim­pli­fy sto­rage manage­ment and redu­ce capi­tal and ope­ra­ting expen­dit­u­re, begin­ning with Vir­tu­alS­tor Sca­ler and now inclu­ding a new pro­duct, Vir­tu­alS­tor Extre­me, which will be show­ca­sed tog­e­ther by GIGABYTE and Big­te­ra at CES 2019. Vir­tu­alS­tor Extre­me is powered by Bigtera’s high per­for­mance back-end sto­rage engi­ne – Big­te­ra Store – and is aimed at com­ba­ting the weak­ne­ss of dis­tri­bu­ted sca­le-out sto­rage which is not good at hand­ling ran­dom I/O reads. Using I/O sche­du­ling tech­no­lo­gy, Vir­tu­alS­tor Extre­me is able to break through per­for­mance bot­t­len­ecks, sup­port­ing up to 800K IOPS of ran­dom reads / wri­tes and a laten­cy of 1 mil­li­se­cond for high per­for­mance data sto­rage. At the same time, Vir­tu­alS­tor Extre­me can inte­gra­te and mana­ge exis­ting sto­rage sys­tems (inclu­ding the vast majo­ri­ty of sto­rage types on the mar­ket such as SAN, NAS, Object, File), pro­vi­ding IT per­son­nel with the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to allo­ca­te and use exis­ting sto­rage resources.

AMD & ARM Ser­ver Platforms

In addi­ti­on to col­la­bo­ra­ting with cross-indus­try part­ners, GIGABYTE also stri­ves for con­ti­nu­al inno­va­ti­on in our core offe­rings of ser­ver hard­ware. In addi­ti­on to having com­ple­te pro­duct lines such as the R‑Series 19” Stan­dard Rack Ser­vers for gene­ral pur­po­se enter­pri­se IT appli­ca­ti­ons or the W‑Series Tower Ser­vers for office envi­ron­ments, GIGABYTE also has laun­ched solu­ti­ons using dif­fe­rent pro­ces­sor plat­forms, such as our AMD EPYC Hyper-Con­ver­ged Ser­vers and Tower Ser­ver, or our Mar­vell Thun­der X2 Arm Ser­vers that have been some of the first pro­ducts to pass the Arm Ser­ver­Re­a­dy cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, all of which will also be show­ca­sed at CES.

The wave of AI inno­va­ti­on and adop­ti­on occur­ring during the­se past few years is an obvious exam­p­le of dis­rup­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy affec­ting the IT indus­try. For suc­cessful adap­ti­on of the com­plex digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on that is curr­ent­ly occur­ring, the key is not only the inte­gra­ti­on of hard­ware and soft­ware, but the digi­tal matu­ri­ty of user orga­niza­ti­ons when actu­al deploy­ment occurs. For exam­p­le, has the organization’s view of IT chan­ged from a cost bur­den into a core dri­ver of busi­ness? And if AI or smart busi­ness is to help enhan­ce an organization’s pre­dic­ti­ve capa­bi­li­ties, the user must first under­stand the data which has been gene­ra­ted and stored over the past few years. This matu­ri­ty will not be easy, but the chan­ges brought to an organization’s busi­ness model and the value of inno­va­ti­on will beco­me an indis­pensable part of its abili­ty to crea­te com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ge and sus­tainable operations.

GIGABYTE has deve­lo­ped a varie­ty of ser­ver types to meet dif­fe­rent cus­to­mer requi­re­ments that all seek to maxi­mi­ze per­for­mance in a limi­t­ed space. And by pro­vi­ding ver­ti­cal and cross-domain inte­gra­ti­on, GIGABYTE seeks to enable cus­to­mers to quick­ly build the infra­struc­tu­re and plat­forms they need to meet the chal­lenges of digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in ICT, allo­wing them to focus ins­tead on the plan­ning and deve­lo­p­ment of their key busi­ness and enab­ling them to stand out from the crowd. With the deve­lo­p­ment of any new field, enter­pri­ses will ine­vi­ta­b­ly face many chal­lenges, but we hope that through this year’s CES many more cus­to­mers to know about GIGABYTE’s various types of pro­duct solu­ti­ons, and can dis­cuss with our experts about how they can prepa­re for their next IT deploy­ment and avo­id risks as much as pos­si­ble, so that they may able to get the most out of their investment.


JAN 8–11, 2019, LAS VEGAS, NV

Booth #21423, Ground Flo­or, South Hall 1