4.2 ist eine kos­ten­lo­se Bild­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware für Micro­soft Win­dows, die ursprüng­lich von der Washing­ton Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty und Micro­soft ent­wi­ckelt wur­de. Seit der Ver­si­on 4.0.20 setzt sie Win­dows 7 SP1 sowie das .NET Frame­work ab Ver­si­on 4.7 voraus. ist eine Bild- und Foto­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware, die eine intui­ti­ve und inno­va­ti­ve Benut­zer­ober­flä­che mit Unter­stüt­zung für Ebe­nen, unbe­grenz­tes Rück­gän­gig­ma­chen, Spe­zi­al­ef­fek­te und eine Viel­zahl nütz­li­cher und leis­tungs­fä­hi­ger Werk­zeu­ge bie­tet. Für sind zahl­rei­che Tuto­ri­als und Plug­ins verfügbar. in der Ver­si­on 4.2


  • New: Sup­port for loa­ding and saving HEIC images (Win­dows 10 v1809+ and codec instal­la­ti­onis requi­red). Plea­se note that the “Qua­li­ty” slider when saving is limi­t­ed to a value of 90 (out of 100) while Micro­soft inves­ti­ga­tes and fixes a crash in their codec.
  • New: Key­board short­cuts for chan­ging the cur­rent lay­er. You can see the­se in the Lay­ers menu with the “Go to …” com­mands. Alt+PgUp/PgDown will go to the lay­er above/below, and Ctrl+Alt+PgUp/PgDown will go to the top/bottom layer.
  • Fixed: Opti­mi­zed ren­de­ring engi­ne to remo­ve huge lag spikes (30+ seconds) when zoo­ming or pan­ning very lar­ge images (e.g. 32K x 32K pixels).
  • Impro­ved: BMP now sup­ports saving in 32-bit (with alpha!) and 8‑bit indexed.
  • Impro­ved: Added DIB and RLE file exten­si­ons to the BMP file type.
  • Impro­ved: PNG, JPEG, and TIFF now sup­port loa­ding and saving of much lar­ger images.
  • New: PNGs can now be saved as “inter­la­ced”.
  • Impro­ved: JPEG now has con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on for the chro­ma sub­sam­pling mode (4:4:4, 4:2:2, and 4:2:0). The default is now 4:2:2 ins­tead of the uncon­fi­gura­ble 4:2:0 of older ver­si­ons. This may result in lar­ger file sizes, but hig­her qua­li­ty, as com­pared to pre­vious versions.
  • Impro­ved: TIFF now sup­ports saving at 24-bit and 8‑bit color depths.
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance of saving for file types whe­re “Auto” bit-depth is sup­port­ed but is not the cur­rent choice.
  • Impro­ved tem­po­ra­ry memo­ry usa­ge when saving images at 8‑bit color depth.
  • Impro­ved: TGA images now load about 4x fas­ter (thanks @null54!)
  • Fixed: 8‑bit TGA images should now load cor­rect­ly (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
  • Fixed: Some 32-bit TGA images were show­ing up as com­ple­te­ly trans­pa­rent due to their use of an obscu­re alpha chan­nel type (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
  • Impro­ved: Added error report­ing to the Save Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on dia­log. Ins­tead of just say­ing “Pre­view: (error)”, you’ll also get the stan­dard error dia­log that includes the excep­ti­on which can used for troubleshooting.
  • Fixed a num­ber of per­for­mance issues in the Save Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on dia­log. Espe­ci­al­ly with lar­ge images, it should now be much fas­ter to chan­ge opti­ons and to click OK/Cancel.
  • Fixed fli­cke­ring in the Save Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on dia­log when chan­ging options.
  • Fixed: Win­dows Explo­rer thumb­nails for some image types (PDN, DDS, TGA) were not ren­de­ring their alpha (trans­pa­ren­cy) cor­rect­ly, resul­ting in color skew. You may not see the effect of this fix for a par­ti­cu­lar image until that image is res­aved or you clear Explorer’s thumb­nail cache.
  • Fixed: Mou­se cur­sors now sca­le appro­pria­te­ly for non-inte­ger UI sca­les (e.g. 125% or 175%)
  • Fixed: Alt­Gr should now work cor­rect­ly with the Text tool. It will not trig­ger short­cuts like File -> Save All, or Edit -> Pas­te into New Image. (thanks @Bruce Bowy­er-Smyth for the fix!)
  • Chan­ged: Image->Resize sup­ports Super Sam­pling again, and favors this over Fant when using Best Qua­li­ty. Fant is still available, but is no lon­ger cho­sen automatically.
  • Chan­ged: Hol­ding Ctrl when start­ing to move a sel­ec­tion with the Move Sel­ec­ted Pixels tool will no lon­ger lea­ve behind a copy of the sel­ec­ted area
  • Fixed: Bicu­bic resam­pling in the Move Sel­ec­ted Pixels tool was not cor­rect­ly hand­ling the alpha chan­nel in some cases. This fix has requi­red a reduc­tion in performance.
  • Impro­ved: When using Edit->Copy, a 32-bit BGRA bit­map in the DIBV5 for­mat is now pla­ced onto the clip­board so that other apps can read the alpha channel.
  • Impro­ved: When using Edit->Paste, DIBV5’s are now sup­port­ed if they have an alpha chan­nel. If they don’t, then the regu­lar DIB loa­der is used which has some heu­ristics for detec­ting an incor­rect­ly defi­ned alpha chan­nel and cor­rec­ting for it.
  • Impro­ved: When using Edit->Paste, PNG is now the hig­hest prio­ri­ty for­mat. This maxi­mi­zes the abili­ty to main­tain alpha/transparency, but it does mean that images coming from Micro­soft Office apps will appear lar­ger than they used to. This is eit­her a bug or a fea­ture of Micro­soft Office. For some reason it places PNGs on the clip­board that are 25%+ lar­ger than the DIB/DIBV5 bit­map that it also places on the clip­board (but which don’t have alpha/transparency).
  • Fixed: DIBV5 bit­maps should now work with Edit->Paste, which impro­ves alpha chan­nel hand­ling. (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
  • Fixed: Top-down DIBs should now work cor­rect­ly with Edit->Paste. (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
  • Impro­ved CPU usa­ge for thumb­nail updates (lay­ers and image tabs) in many cases.
  • Impro­ved: Slight­ly increased the size of the Set­tings dia­log to redu­ce the need for scrol­ling in a few important situations
  • Fixed: Simp­le mes­sa­ge boxes can now be clo­sed with the ESC key
  • Fixed: Magic Wand now works on very lar­ge images (e.g. 65535 x 65535 pixels) wit­hout an error.
  • New: Plug­ins that use Indi­rec­tUI can now use a Uri­Pro­per­ty with a Link­La­bel con­trol (thanks @null54!)
  • New: Effect plug­ins can now more easi­ly make use of the clip­board via the IClip­board­Ser­vice. It will hand­le all of the tri­cky clip­board issues such as thre­a­ding, nati­ve data mar­sha­ling, and avo­i­ding secu­ri­ty vul­nerabi­li­ties that exist in the stan­dard Win­Forms and WPF clip­board APIs.
  • New: File­Ty­pe plug­ins can now spe­ci­fy sepa­ra­te lists of exten­si­ons for loa­ding and saving.
  • Blo­cked the WebP File­Ty­pe v1.1.0.0 plug­in due to insta­bi­li­ty. An update is alre­a­dy available.
  • Blo­cked the ImA­gif File­Ty­pe v0.12.0.1084 plug­in due to incom­pa­ti­bi­li­ty. An update will hop­eful­ly soon be available.
Down­load: (dotPDN)
Ver­si­on: 4.2
Datei­grö­ße 8,66 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 13.07.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware