DP501 White: Antec presents new version of the minimalistic Gaming Chassis

Rot­ter­dam, Net­her­lands — Novem­ber 6, 2019 — Antec Inc., a lea­ding pro­vi­der of high-per­for­mance com­pu­ter com­pon­ents and access­ories for the gam­ing, PC upgrade and Do-It-Yours­elf mar­ket, announ­ces a white ver­si­on of the Dark Phan­tom DP501. The case deli­vers a com­bi­na­ti­on of under­sta­ted Gam­ing looks, ver­sa­ti­le build opti­ons with an afforda­ble pri­ce. Its aes­the­tics will appeal to gamers and enthu­si­asts who pre­fer a func­tion­al appearance. 

The DP501 fea­tures an under­sta­ted ARGB bla­de on the front panel which makes it the per­fect choice for Gamers and Enthu­si­asts who pre­fer a plain design over flas­hy ele­ments, while its mesh design pro­vi­des bet­ter sys­te­ma­tic air­flow. The DP501 White will soon reach store shel­ves and online retail out­lets in Euro­pe with a com­pe­ti­ti­ve MSRP of 70,98 Euros.

Both models fea­ture a robust coo­ling sys­tem to be pre­pared for deman­ding gam­ing action. The white mid-tower comes with four pre-instal­led white 120 mm fans (fan in the rear fea­tures white LED). The chas­sis offers space for addi­tio­nal two 120 mm or two 140 mm fans on the top. The frame mea­su­res 443 x 210 x 484 mm (D x W x H) and sup­ports  ATX, ITX and Micro-ATX mother­boards as well as gra­phics cards with a maxi­mum length of 360 mm and power sup­pli­es with a maxi­mum length of 160 mm.
Fur­ther­mo­re, the DP501 offers space for two con­ver­ti­ble 2.5” / 3.5″ HDDs and four 2.5″ SDDs as well as seven expan­si­on slots. The thought-out case allows for instal­ling a 360 mm radia­tor in the front, one 280 mm radia­tor on the top and a 120 mm radia­tor in the rear. The magne­tic dust fil­ters at the top and bot­tom can be remo­ved for extra air­flow and easy maintenance.

Dif­fe­rent from other simi­lar cases, the DP501 White fea­tures an embedded tem­pe­red glass panel design, which leads to a sleek and well-shaped body wit­hout any unneces­sa­ry part. The other func­tion of the side panel is to sup­port the weight of the tem­pe­red glass, pre­ven­ting it from brea­king on account of phy­si­cal impact or acci­dents. The front bezel fea­tures two USB 3.0 slots, Power, Reset and Mode but­ton as well as MICAUDIO.

An inbuilt RGB modu­le allows for chan­ging the light­ing of the bla­de – sim­ply con­nect the modu­le with the LED Mode but­ton for direct LED mode con­trol. In order to con­trol the ARGB signal, con­nect the modu­le with the mother­board for chan­ging 16.8 mil­li­on pos­si­ble colors in sync. The enc­lo­sed cable is for Giga­byte mother­board use only (exclu­ding Z390).

The DP501 is backed by Antec’s Qua­li­ty 2‑Year War­ran­ty. For addi­tio­nal pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on and full tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, plea­se visit www.antec.com and fol­low us on our Social Media Channels.