Oxide’s Nitrous Engine to Support AMD’s Mantle

New 64-bit, cross-plat­form 3D engi­ne harnes­ses the power of Man­t­le in kicking off next gene­ra­ti­on of stra­tegy games

Novem­ber 4, 2013 – TIMONIUM, MD Oxi­de Games announ­ced today that its recent­ly reve­a­led 3D engi­ne, Nitrous, sup­ports AMD’s Man­t­le tech­no­lo­gy. Nitrous, desi­gned spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for the hard­ware now com­mon in PCs as well as the Sony Play­Sta­ti­on® 4™ and Microsoft’s Xbox® One™, is capa­ble of simu­la­ting and ren­de­ring lar­ge-sca­le, com­plex sce­nes thanks to its 64-bit archi­tec­tu­re and ful­ly con­cur­rent mul­ti-core pro­ces­sing. Tho­se visu­als are even bet­ter on Man­t­le-enab­led hard­ware like AMD’s Rade­on™ R9, R7, and HD 7000 Series gra­phics cards.

Man­t­le sol­ves a pro­blem PC deve­lo­pers have strug­g­led with for years,” said Oxi­de co-foun­der Tim Kipp. “We’re clo­ser to the gra­phics hard­ware than ever befo­re, which lets us see dra­ma­tic increa­ses in per­for­mance on Man­t­le-enab­led sys­tems. At the same time, the low cost of inclu­ding Man­t­le sup­port doesn’t pre­vent us from deve­lo­ping Nitrous for all modern gra­phics hard­ware, which makes it attrac­ti­ve to us as businesspeople.”

What makes Nitrous uni­que is its Simul­ta­neous Work and Ren­de­ring Model (SWARM). Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, the engi­ne ren­ders calls auto­ma­ti­cal­ly from wha­te­ver CPU core is most available. This allows for a vast­ly lar­ger num­ber of high-fide­li­ty 3D objects to be ren­de­red to the screen at the same time.

We’re proud to be working with talen­ted deve­lo­pers like Oxi­de. They were one of the many deve­lo­pers that have asked for what Man­t­le pro­vi­des, and we’­re hap­py to make their wis­hes come true.” said Rit­che Cor­pus, Direc­tor of ISV Gam­ing and Alli­ances at AMD. “Our goal with Man­t­le is to give engi­ne crea­tors and game desi­gners the tools they need to push the enve­lo­pe of PC gam­ing, and Nitrous does exact­ly that.”

For more infor­ma­ti­on about Man­t­le, plea­se visit http://bit.ly/1ePJr0e.

For more infor­ma­ti­on about Oxi­de and the Nitrous engi­ne, plea­se go to www.oxidegames.com.

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About Oxide Games

Oxi­de Games is an inde­pen­dent digi­tal enter­tain­ment stu­dio focu­sed on deli­ve­ring revo­lu­tio­na­ry leaps in PC and con­so­le gam­ing. Its first pro­duct, the Nitrous engi­ne, will pro­vi­de indus­try-lea­ding visu­als on both PCs and con­so­les. Oxi­de will be announ­cing its game pro­jects at a later date. Oxi­de Games is based in Timo­ni­um, Mary­land. Learn more at www.oxidegames.com.