Notepad++ 7.9

Note­pad++ ist ein frei­er Text­edi­tor für Win­dows, der unter ande­rem die Syn­tax gän­gi­ger Pro­gram­mier­spra­chen her­vor­hebt und gegen­über dem Win­dows-Ori­gi­nal eini­ge Zusatz­funk­tio­nen bie­tet. Des wei­te­ren kön­nen Plug­ins instal­liert wer­den, die den Funk­ti­ons­um­fang zusätz­lich erweitern.



Notepad++ v7.9 Enhancements & bug-fixes:

  1. Add the abili­ty to open the tar­get file of a Short­cut (*.lnk).
  2. Enhan­ce side panels beha­viour: clo­se a sin­gle panel ins­tead of the enti­re stack.
  3. Fix Moni­to­ring & docu­ment auto-update not scrol­ling to the end of the file with Word wrap enab­led issue.
  4. Fix mou­se cur­sor fli­cker while hove­ring URLs.
  5. Add back hover­ed blue under­li­ned URLs.
  6. Enhan­ce C++, Perl, Python par­sers and add VHDL in Func­tion List.
  7. Impro­ve some ambi­guous com­mands naming in Short­cut Mapper.
  8. Add an opti­on to pre­vent right click from can­ce­ling selection.
  9. Add abili­ty to sort lines randomly.
  10. Fix “Clo­se All BUT this” loo­ses cur­rent docu­ment data issue.
  11. Allow user to start making a stream sel­ec­tion and then chan­ge to column block (by pres­sing ALT key).
  12. Add word wrap opti­on to find results con­text menu.
  13. Add key­board navi­ga­ti­on abili­ty to Column Editor.
  14. Add key­board short­cut abili­ty to Pro­jects, Fol­der as Workspace and Func­tion List for swit­ching among the­se panels.
  15. Enable pro­ject panels togg­le from menu.
  16. Enhan­ce Fol­der as Workspace to res­to­re latest sel­ec­ted item of last ses­si­on on Note­pad++ startup.
  17. Fix inac­cu­ra­te line mar­gin update with word wrap enabled.
  18. Fix Find previous/next com­mands not scroll ver­ti­cal­ly to show match result issue (with word wrap disabled).
  19. Fix column key sort with col block start­ing in col1 bug.
  20. Add con­fir­ma­ti­on pre­fe­rence for Replace All in All Ope­ned Docu­ments operation.
  21. Add Escape key­press in func­tion­list search­box to clear its text.
  22. Add RTL capa­bi­li­ty to loca­li­zed messageboxes.
  23. Make (Find) dlgAl­waysVi­si­ble a true Pre­fe­rence setting.
  24. Fix sort­ing by column key using incor­rect key values.
  25. Add search scope to Find win­dow sta­tus bar output.
  26. Fix fal­se hit result in Find in Finder.
  27. Pre­vent red­un­dant line data copy in Finder.



Down­load: Note­pad++
Ver­si­on: 7.9
Datei­grö­ße 3,89 MiB (Instal­ler x64)
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 28.09.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Note­pad++