4.2.14 ist eine kos­ten­lo­se Bild­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware für Micro­soft Win­dows, die ursprüng­lich von der Washing­ton Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty und Micro­soft ent­wi­ckelt wur­de. Seit der Ver­si­on 4.0.20 setzt sie Win­dows 7 SP1 sowie das .NET Frame­work ab Ver­si­on 4.7 voraus.

Die Bild- und Foto­be­ar­bei­tungs­soft­ware bie­tet eine intui­ti­ve und inno­va­ti­ve Benut­zer­ober­flä­che mit Unter­stüt­zung für Ebe­nen, unbe­grenz­tes Rück­gän­gig­ma­chen, Spe­zi­al­ef­fek­te und eine Viel­zahl nütz­li­cher und leis­tungs­fä­hi­ger Werk­zeu­ge. Für sind zahl­rei­che Tuto­ri­als und Plug­ins verfügbar. in der Ver­si­on 4.2

Chan­ge­log: 4.2.14 — released on Octo­ber 23, 2020
This updates adds full sup­port for AV1 (*.avif) images, includes many opti­miza­ti­ons to impro­ve per­for­mance, CPU usa­ge, and memo­ry usa­ge, and also has seve­ral important bug fixes.

  • New: AV1 (*.avif) images can now be saved (not just ope­ned), due to bund­ling of @null54’s Avif­File­Ty­pe plug­in (v1.1.4.0). Instal­la­ti­on of Microsoft’s codec from the Micro­soft Store is no lon­ger neces­sa­ry, which means this also works on Win­dows 7 and 8.1.
  • Impro­ved per­for­mance and memo­ry usa­ge in the can­vas ren­de­ring engi­ne, espe­ci­al­ly when working with lar­ge images or images with many lay­ers. This is most noti­ceable when scrol­ling and zooming.
  • Impro­ved CPU usa­ge when a sel­ec­tion is acti­ve and when GPU acce­le­ra­ted ren­de­ring is disabled
  • Impro­ved CPU/GPU usa­ge when a sel­ec­tion is acti­ve but the app is not (the ani­ma­ti­on is disabled)
  • Redu­ced memo­ry usa­ge when working with images that have regi­ons of solid color
  • Fixed the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tools so that they do cal­cu­la­ti­ons in the premul­ti­pli­ed alpha color space. This ensu­res that trans­pa­rent colors (alpha=0) with dif­fe­rent RGB values are trea­ted as equal, and do not crea­te borders.
  • Fixed the Move Sel­ec­ted Pixels tool so that it fills the unco­ver­ed regi­on with 0 (trans­pa­rent), ins­tead of a trans­pa­rent ver­si­on of the secon­da­ry color.
  • Fixed: Backspace now works cor­rect­ly in the Colors form: it does not exe­cu­te Edit → Fill Selection
  • Fixed an issue whe­re saving an image at 4‑bit color depth (usual­ly pixel art) was using an incor­rect palet­te (redu­ced color count/quality). This was due to a bug in Win­dows Ima­ging Com­po­nent (WIC).
  • Great­ly impro­ved per­for­mance when saving images at 8‑bit color depth
  • Fixed an issue whe­re very lar­ge images (e.g. 50000 x 50000 px) could­n’t be saved at inde­xed bit-depths (8‑bit or less) due to a bug in Win­dows Ima­ging Com­po­nent (WIC). More infor­ma­ti­on on the forum:
  • Fixed an issue whe­re BMP images could­n’t be loa­ded if they had the .PNG exten­si­on (there’s an Android screen­shot uti­li­ty out the­re which does this …)
  • Impro­ved: Ellip­se Sel­ec­tion Tool’s now tes­sel­la­tes at a hig­her reso­lu­ti­on, resul­ting in smoot­her cir­cles at small sizes
  • Fixed a rare crash in the Gra­di­ent tool (“The tool must be in the Dra­wing state …”)
  • New: Added a list of the DLLs that are loa­ded into the pro­cess on the Set­tings → Dia­gno­stics page. This is to help trou­ble­shoo­ting scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue with copy­ing lar­ge images to the clip­board: if an image would take up more than 4GB, it could not be copied becau­se the DIB and DIBV5 for­mats can­not be lar­ger than that. Now, the DIB and DIBV5 for­mats are not pla­ced on the clip­board if this happens.
  • Fixed an issue with Effect plug­in tool­tips which was pre­ven­ting the menu item from being easi­ly cli­cked (thanks @toe_head2001 for the fix!)
  • Fixed an issue that was pre­ven­ting Effect con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on dia­logs from working cor­rect­ly in the Visu­al Stu­dio desi­gner (thanks @toe_head2001 for the fix!)
  • Added dia­gno­stics infor­ma­ti­on to most error dia­logs. This is to help with troubleshooting.
  • Fixed: Scan­ning will now app­ly the DPI (reso­lu­ti­on) from the scan­ner to the image, if possible
  • Updated bund­led Dds­File­Ty­pe­Plus plug­in to v1.10.7.0. See the pdn-dds­file­ty­pe-plus chan­ge log on Git­Hub for more infor­ma­ti­on. Thanks @null54!


Ver­si­on: 4.2.14
Datei­grö­ße 12,1 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 23.10.2020
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows
Lizenz: Free­ware