Thunderbird 78.7.0

Thun­der­bird (Don­ner­vo­gel) ist ein frei­es E‑Mail-Pro­gramm und Per­so­nal Infor­ma­ti­on Mana­ger, Feed­rea­der, News­rea­der sowie Chat Cli­ent. Nun wur­de Ver­si­on 78.7.0 veröffentlicht.

Bit­te die Thun­der­bird Release Notes beach­ten, vie­le Add-ons funk­tio­nie­ren wohl nicht mehr mit Ver­si­on 78.7.0.  In Thun­der­bird (auch in Ver­si­on 68 wird 78 nun als Update ange­bo­ten) sel­ber gibt es nun auch eine inter­ne Updatefunktion.

Update auf Ver­si­on 78.7.0 mit Feh­ler­be­he­bun­gen und neu­en Features:

What’s New

• Exten­si­on API: Com­po­se API now sup­ports editing mes­sa­ges and tem­pla­tes as new messages
• Exten­si­on API: com­po­seH­tml is now expo­sed in MailIdentity
• Exten­si­on API: windows.update and windows.create now sup­port titlePreface
• Exten­si­on API: new Accounts API func­tions: accounts.getDefault() and accounts.getDefaultIdentity(accountId)


• Exten­si­on API: body and plain­Text­Bo­dy are now used as com­po­se mode sel­ec­tors in set­Com­po­se­De­tails and begin* func­tions in Com­po­se API
• The­me: remo­ved the dou­ble bor­der around the task descrip­ti­on field on the Tasks tab

• Account Mana­ger: When dele­ting the last remai­ning account, the default account was not get­ting cle­ared and still poin­ted to the no-lon­ger-exis­ting account
• OpenPGP: Veri­fi­ca­ti­on of an inline signed mes­sa­ge would fail if it con­tai­ned lea­ding whitespace
• OpenPGP: Various other minor bug and sta­bi­li­ty fixes
• Mail Win­dow: Quick­fil­ter bar but­tons dis­ap­pear when hover­ed on Win­dows 10 High Con­trast Black theme
• The­me: fol­der pro­per­ties dia­log con­tai­ned black text on a black back­ground in dark mode
• The­me: reci­pi­ent pills in com­po­se win­dow were not visi­ble in high con­trast dark the­me on Win­dows 10
• Exten­si­on API: brow­ser­Ac­tion but­tons were not res­to­red after restart if they were moved out­side the default toolbar
• Exten­si­on API: browser.compose.beginNew could not over­ri­de iden­ti­ty plain­text setting
• Exten­si­on API: browser.compose.beginForward was igno­ring ComposeDetails
• Exten­si­on API: browser.compose.setComposeDetails did not pro­per­ly hand­le Win­dows-style line endings
• Various secu­ri­ty fixes

Ver­si­on: 78.7.0
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­de­ne
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 26 Janu­ar 2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, MAC OS, Linux
Lizenz: Mozil­la Public License