Vivaldi 3.6

Vival­di ist ein kos­ten­lo­ser Web­brow­ser des nor­we­gi­schen Unter­neh­mens Vival­di Tech­no­lo­gies, das von ehe­ma­li­gen Ope­ra-Ent­wick­lern gegrün­det wur­de. Er basiert auf der Brow­ser-Engi­ne Blink – einem Fork der Engi­ne Web­Kit –, die im Rah­men des Goog­le-Chro­mi­um-Pro­jek­tes ent­wi­ckelt wird. Er ist für Win­dows 7, 8 und 10 sowie Linux und MacOS X ab Yose­mi­te 10.10 und neu­er­dings auch für Android verfügbar.

In einem Blog­post wer­den die neu­es­ten Fea­tures und Ver­än­de­run­gen erläutert.


Changelog – Vivaldi Desktop Browser 3.5 to 3.6


  • [Tabs] Two-level tab stacks (VB-10529)
  • [Con­fi­gura­ble menus][Bookmarks] List menu (VB-74664)
  • [Con­fi­gura­ble menus][Download][Panels] List menu (VB-75428)
  • [Con­fi­gura­ble menus][History] List menu (VB-74901)
  • [Con­fi­gura­ble menus][Notes] List menu (VB-74824)
  • [Con­fi­gura­ble menus][Settings] Add copy/paste hand­ling (VB-74460)
  • [Con­fi­gura­ble menus][Windows][Panels] List menu (VB-75257)
  • [macOS] Add sup­port for Tou­ch­ID (VB-62339)

Address bar

  • Con­tent no lon­ger sel­ec­ted on new tab/new win­dow (VB-73936)
  • Crash with valid URL (VB-71940)
  • Line breaks in form requests result in a bro­ken URL (VB-69747)
  • Some URLs con­tai­ning spaces trig­gers sear­ches (VB-75336)
  • [Set­tings] Show full address does not update alre­a­dy ope­ned tabs (VB-74338)


  • [Media] Update pro­prie­ta­ry codecs to 87.0.4280.66
  • [Windows][Menus] Sepa­ra­tors can be dis­play­ed at end of main menus (VB-75450)


  • Ren­der UI in sys­tem font on macOS 11 (VB-75888)
  • Update Spark­le update libra­ry to ver­si­on 1.24
  • Update appli­ca­ti­on icon to reflect Big Sur visu­al direc­tion (VB-75254)


  • Focus dis­ap­pears when crea­ting note from mana­ger (VB-75760)
  • Impro­ve search (VB-72567)
  • Mana­ger replaces note tabs when new note crea­ted (VB-64498)
  • New note but­ton trig­gers error (VB-75082)
  • Note ope­ned in a tab is blank after restart (VB-64369)
  • Slow Notes Mana­ger (VB-74259)
  • Go to URL’ does not work in mana­ger (VB-72162)
  • New Fol­der” in panel not sel­ec­ted on crea­ti­on (VB-71722)
  • [Crash] Brow­ser went into a “crash loop” after vie­w­ing the Notes panel in mark­down mode (VB-74699)
  • [Panels][Quick com­mands] Note crea­ted from quick com­mands does not show up in panel (VB-75839)


  • Use same code to fetch favicons for Tabs and Web panels (VB-75761)
  • [User Pro­files] Crash by right-cli­cking in a web panel in Guest Pro­fi­le (VB-75067)
  • [User Pro­files] Web panels shouldn’t be remem­be­red in the Guest Pro­fi­le (VB-75160)

Quick Commands

  • [Book­marks] Par­ti­al matching in quick com­mands book­mark search (VB-74998)
  • Nick­na­me search doesn’t trig­ger (VB-74941)


  • Han­gouts is con­trol­led by Chro­me­cast media-rou­ter (VB-75371)
  • [Panel][Bookmarks][Notes] Hide Fol­der Coun­ters (VB-75738)
  • [Panels] Lazy Loa­ding opti­on (VB-75737)


  • [Set­tings] Pro­blems after syn­cing “Win­dow Con­trols Pos­ti­on: Right Side” to Win­dows 10 from a Linux machi­ne (VB-75182)
  • [Set­tings] Sync set­tings are emp­ty in pri­va­te win­dow but should just be unavailable (VB-71664)


  • Acti­va­te Right in Tab Order Clo­se Tab Acti­va­ti­on not always working (VB-75509)
  • Allow tab stack ren­aming by default (VB-76106)
  • Clo­se tabs by midd­le cli­cking on tool­tip thumb­nails (VB-75807)
  • Clo­sing the last tab with full­screen video lea­ves the brow­ser in full­screen mode, that can­not be clo­sed (VB-75106)
  • Cycler get­ting stuck (VB-43227)
  • Key­board short­cut for sel­ec­ting a tab should cycle tabs in stacks (VB-45876)
  • Moving a tab stack into a new win­dow breaks the tab stack and til­ing (VB-75218)
  • Not all clo­ned tabs from insi­de a tab-stack join that stack (VB-75048)
  • Tab stacks moved to new win­dow unstack and then restack (VB-75780)
  • Tabs ope­ned from links in a pin­ned tab do not fol­low tab order set­ting (VB-75775)
  • Til­ing a sin­gle page should not be pos­si­ble (VB-75916)
  • [Crash] on if tab was recent­ly moved to new win­dow (VB-75809)
  • [Menus] Null ope­ner­Ta­bId for chrome.tabs.Tab ope­ned with “Search with” fea­ture (VB-54472)


  • Dis­ab­led con­trols not distinct enough (VB-74684)
  • Miss­ing pres­sed sta­te for radio but­tons and check­bo­xes (VB-74685)
  • More nuan­ced bor­der con­trast (VB-74682)
  • No more ugly pale color on (VB-75194)
  • Updating color gene­ra­ti­on. Adding suc­cess, war­ning and error colors (VB-38068)
  • [Set­tings] Move color set­tings to The­mes sec­tion (VB-74822)


  • [Book­marks] Sear­ching does not show the child­ren of a matched fol­der (VB-75712
  • [Chro­mi­um] Upgraded to 88.0.4324.99
  • [Pri­va­te Win­dow] Update the icon (VB-38446)
  • [Spa­ti­al navi­ga­ti­on] It should be pos­si­ble to sel­ect ele­ments with onclick event handlers
  • [UI] Use page title for URLs drag­ged to desk­top (VB-3716)


Down­load: Vival­di
Ver­si­on: 3.6
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­den
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 28.01.2021
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows 7/8/10, MacOS 10.10+, Linux, Android
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Vival­di