MILPITAS, Calif. — May 3, 2021 — World­wi­de sili­con wafer area ship­ments increased 4% to 3,337 mil­li­on squa­re inches in the first quar­ter of 2021 com­pared to the fourth quar­ter of 2020, top­ping the pre­vious his­to­ri­cal high set in the third quar­ter of 2018, accor­ding to the SEMI Sili­con Manu­fac­tu­r­ers Group (SMG) in its quar­ter­ly ana­ly­sis of the sili­con wafer indus­try. First-quar­ter 2021 sili­con wafer ship­ments saw 14% growth from the 2,920 mil­li­on squa­re inches log­ged during the same quar­ter last year.


Logic and foundry con­ti­nue to dri­ve strong demand for sili­con wafers,” said Neil Wea­ver, chair­man SEMI SMG and Vice Pre­si­dent, Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment and Appli­ca­ti­ons Engi­nee­ring at Shin Etsu Han­do­tai Ame­ri­ca. “The memo­ry mar­ket reco­very fur­ther bols­te­red ship­ment growth in the first quar­ter of 2021.”


Sili­con Area Ship­ment Trends – Semi­con­duc­tor Appli­ca­ti­ons Only


Mil­li­ons of Squa­re Inches

  4Q 2019 1Q 2020 2Q 2020 3Q 2020 4Q 2020 1Q 2021
Total 2,844 2,920 3,152 3,135 3,200 3,337
Source: SEMI (, May 2021

Data cited in this release includes polished sili­con wafers such as vir­gin test and epi­taxi­al sili­con wafers, as well as non-polished sili­con wafers ship­ped to end users.

Sili­con wafers are the fun­da­men­tal buil­ding mate­ri­al for the majo­ri­ty of semi­con­duc­tors, which, in turn, are vital com­pon­ents of all elec­tro­nics goods, inclu­ding com­pu­ters, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons pro­ducts, and con­su­mer elec­tro­nics. The high­ly engi­nee­red thin disks are pro­du­ced in dia­me­ters of up to 12 inches and ser­ve as the sub­stra­te mate­ri­al on which most semi­con­duc­tor devices, or chips, are fabricated.

The SMG is a sub-com­mit­tee of the SEMI Elec­tro­nic Mate­ri­als Group (EMG) and is open to SEMI mem­bers invol­ved in manu­fac­tu­ring poly­crystal­li­ne sili­con, mono­crystal­li­ne sili­con or sili­con wafers (e.g., as cut, polished, epi). The pur­po­se of the SMG is to faci­li­ta­te coll­ec­ti­ve efforts on issues rela­ted to the sili­con indus­try inclu­ding the deve­lo­p­ment of mar­ket infor­ma­ti­on and sta­tis­tics on the sili­con indus­try and the semi­con­duc­tor market.

For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit SEMI World­wi­de Sili­con Wafer Ship­ment Sta­tis­tics.

About SEMI

SEMI® con­nects more than 2,400 mem­ber com­pa­nies and 1.3 mil­li­on pro­fes­sio­nals world­wi­de to advan­ce the tech­no­lo­gy and busi­ness of elec­tro­nics design and manu­fac­tu­ring. SEMI mem­bers are respon­si­ble for the inno­va­tions in mate­ri­als, design, equip­ment, soft­ware, devices, and ser­vices that enable smar­ter, fas­ter, more powerful, and more afforda­ble elec­tro­nic pro­ducts. Elec­tro­nic Sys­tem Design Alli­ance (ESD Alli­ance), Flex­Tech, the Fab Owners Alli­ance (FOA) and the MEMS & Sen­sors Indus­try Group (MSIG) are SEMI Stra­te­gic Asso­cia­ti­on Part­ners, defi­ned com­mu­ni­ties within SEMI focu­sed on spe­ci­fic tech­no­lo­gies. Visit to learn more, cont­act one of our world­wi­de offices, and con­nect with SEMI on Lin­ke­dIn and Twit­ter.

Asso­cia­ti­on Contact

Micha­el Hall/SEMI
Pho­ne: 1.408.943.7988