Lighter! Better! ASRock Launches Taichi Lite Series Motherboards

July 13, 2023 — Tai­chi Lite series is here! Based on the exis­ting Z790/B650E Tai­chi mother­board, the Tai­chi Lite kept the ori­gi­nal specs & fea­tures but with less RGB & simp­ler exte­ri­or design. Tai­chi Lite series mother­board will be focu­sing purely on the func­tion­a­li­ty, per­for­mance and dura­bi­li­ty, and with the new sim­pli­fied design con­cept, ASRock has brought the long awai­ted afforda­ble high end mother­board final­ly back to the market!


Both Z790/B650E Tai­chi Lite mother­board will be equip­ped with 24 pha­se VRM for Vco­re to give unli­mi­t­ed CPU per­for­mance, other exci­ting fea­tures and tech­no­lo­gies are also available too, such as PCIe 5.0 tech­no­lo­gy for gra­phics cards and M.2 SSDs, an incre­di­ble IO that includes the latest USB4 offe­ring a fast and simp­le level of con­nec­tion for work or home.

Z790 Tai­chi Lite is equip­ped with 60W PD 3.0 fast char­ging, com­pa­ti­ble with smart­phones, tablets and lap­tops which can take advan­ta­ge of quicker rech­ar­ge times while users are at their PC, and wit­hout the need for a cos­t­ly PD charger.

Mother­board has been incre­asing­ly luxu­ry espe­ci­al­ly on the high end seg­ment, with tho­se bou­tique loo­king design and fan­cy RGB effects, the­se cost adders lead mother­board pri­ces explo­ded for the past few years, but with the new Tai­chi Lite series mother­boards, ASRock has suc­cessful­ly brought afforda­ble yet fea­tured fil­led flag­ship mother­board back to the masses!

Pro­duct Information:
Z790 Tai­chi Lite:
B650E Tai­chi Lite: