Supermicro Shipping Complete Line of A+ G34 Server Solutions Optimized for New Low Power AMD Opteron 6338P/6370P Processors

Sin­gle, Dual and Quad Socket Solu­ti­ons Deli­ver up to 27% Bet­ter Per­for­mance per Watt per Dol­lar with Latest AMD 12 and 16-Core “War­saw” CPUs

San Jose, Calif. Janu­ary 22, 2013 — Super Micro Com­pu­ter, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a glo­bal lea­der in high-per­for­mance, high-effi­ci­en­cy ser­ver, sto­rage tech­no­lo­gy and green com­pu­ting announ­ces it is ship­ping new sin­gle, dual and quad socket G34 mother­boards and ser­ver solu­ti­ons with the latest AMD Opte­ron™ 6300 series pro­ces­sors built on 32nm “Piledri­ver” micro­ar­chi­tec­tu­re. Super­mi­cro A+ mother­boards, ser­ver and Super­Bla­de® solu­ti­ons maxi­mi­ze ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy with air­flow opti­mi­zed designs for best ther­mal ope­ra­ti­on and high effi­ci­en­cy power sup­pli­es. Com­bi­ned with new low power (99W TDP) Opte­ron™ 6338P (12-Core) and 6370P (16-Core) pro­ces­sors, Supermicro’s A+ G34 plat­forms deli­ver up to 27%* bet­ter per­for­mance per watt, per dol­lar when com­pared with hig­her end 6300 series solu­ti­ons. The­se new ser­ver solu­ti­ons com­ple­ment exis­ting high-per­for­mance Opte­ron-based pro­duct lines with a new cost-effec­ti­ve, ener­gy effi­ci­ent ran­ge of G34 ser­ver plat­forms. High­lights of the new G34 ser­ver solu­ti­ons include 1U sin­gle pro­ces­sor ser­vers for the SMB and Enter­pri­se (AS-1012G-MTF), 1U/2U/Twin archi­tec­tu­re, dual pro­ces­sor ser­vers (AS-1122G-URF4+, AS-2022G-URF4+, 2U Twin² Series AS-2022TG/2122TG) for high-den­si­ty, sca­lable data cen­ter, cloud and vir­tua­liza­ti­on appli­ca­ti­ons and quad pro­ces­sor 1U/2U/4U/Tower/Blade sys­tems (AS-1042G-TF, AS-2042G-TRF/-72RF4, AS-4042G-72RF4, SBA-7222G-T2) for high per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) clusters.

Super­mi­cro is unri­va­led in the indus­try, offe­ring the stron­gest line of Data Cen­ter, Cloud and HPC opti­mi­zed sin­gle, dual and quad socket mother­board, ser­ver and bla­de con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons sup­port­ing AMD’s new lower power Opte­ron 6338P/6370P pro­ces­sors,” said Don Clegg, Vice Pre­si­dent of Mar­ke­ting and Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment at Super­mi­cro. “With an ama­zing 27% boost in per­for­mance per watt, per dol­lar, our exten­si­ve sel­ec­tion of War­saw-based ser­ver buil­ding block solu­ti­ons pro­vi­des cus­to­mers with a new ran­ge of ener­gy effi­ci­ent ser­ver opti­ons to lower their over­all TCO.”

Our new AMD Opte­ron 6338P and 6370P pro­ces­sors were desi­gned to deli­ver opti­mi­zed per­for­mance per watt per dol­lar, and to address the com­plex data cen­ter and cloud com­pu­ting chal­lenges cus­to­mers face today,” said Suresh Gopa­l­a­krish­n­an, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Ser­ver Busi­ness Unit at AMD. “With Supermicro’s strong suite of ser­ver solu­ti­ons ship­ping with our new AMD Opte­ron 6300 pro­ces­sors, cus­to­mers can imme­dia­te­ly deploy cost-opti­mi­zed solu­ti­ons tail­o­red for their spe­ci­fic appli­ca­ti­ons and take com­ple­te advan­ta­ge of low power and high den­si­ty wit­hout a com­pro­mi­se in performance.”

Supermicro A+ Solutions AMD Opteron

A+ AMD Opte­ron™ 6000 (G34) Series Ser­vers, Mother­boards and Blades New Gene­ra­ti­on Opte­ron™ 6000/4000/3000 fami­ly based plat­forms, down­load the latest A+ Ser­ver Brochure

Visit for the widest sel­ec­tion of end-to-end ser­ver, sto­rage, net­wor­king and data cen­ter manage­ment solutions.

* 27% hig­her per­for­mance per watt, per dol­lar deter­mi­ned by SPECfp®

For com­ple­te infor­ma­ti­on on Super­Ser­ver® solu­ti­ons from Super­mi­cro® visit

Fol­low Super­mi­cro on Face­book and Twit­ter to recei­ve their latest news and announcements.

About Super Micro Com­pu­ter Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI)

Super­mi­cro (NASDAQ: SMCI), the lea­ding inno­va­tor in high-per­for­mance, high-effi­ci­en­cy ser­ver tech­no­lo­gy is a pre­mier pro­vi­der of advan­ced ser­ver Buil­ding Block Solu­ti­ons® for Data Cen­ter, Cloud Com­pu­ting, Enter­pri­se IT, Hadoop/Big Data, HPC and Embedded Sys­tems world­wi­de. Super­mi­cro is com­mit­ted to pro­tec­ting the envi­ron­ment through its “We Keep IT Green®” initia­ti­ve and pro­vi­des cus­to­mers with the most ener­gy-effi­ci­ent, envi­ron­men­tal­ly-fri­end­ly solu­ti­ons available on the market.

Super­mi­cro, Buil­ding Block Solu­ti­ons and We Keep IT Green are trade­marks and/or regis­tered trade­marks of Super Micro Com­pu­ter, Inc.

All other brands, names and trade­marks are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners.