Star Swarm Offers Glimpse Into Future of Strategy Gaming

TIMONIUM, MD. – Jan. 30, 2014 – Oxi­de Games has released today the first look at its next-gene­ra­ti­on Nitrous engi­ne, Star Swarm. The engi­ne demo, free­ly available for Win­dows PC through Steam, demons­tra­tes the abili­ty of Nitrous-powered games to simu­la­te and dis­play thou­sands of high-detail units in a sin­gle scene.

Star Swarm is also one of the first publicly available demons­tra­ti­ons of AMD’s ground­brea­king Man­t­le tech­no­lo­gy, which runs on AMD gra­phics chips based on the Gra­phics Core Next archi­tec­tu­re. By redu­cing the pro­ces­sing power was­ted on tra­di­tio­nal dri­ver over­head, Man­t­le allows Nitrous to rea­li­ze signi­fi­cant per­for­mance gains. In real-world terms, Man­t­le sys­tems run­ning Star Swarm can sus­tain playa­ble frame­ra­tes with hig­her gra­phi­cal fide­li­ty than non-Man­t­le configurations.

Though not a game its­elf, Star Swarm is a demons­tra­ti­on of the new types of game designs that Nitrous enables. “We can’t wait to see what game deve­lo­pers are able to do when they can count on thou­sands of units all run­ning indi­vi­du­al AI and phy­sics, rather than limi­ting their designs to a rela­ti­ve handful of objects at a time,” said Oxi­de Games co-foun­der Tim Kipp.

Nitrous is available for licen­sing by exter­nal game deve­lo­p­ment stu­di­os, and alre­a­dy has three games in acti­ve pro­duc­tion using the tech­no­lo­gy. Stardock’s Star Con­trol reboot, Oxi­de Games’ own unan­noun­ced game, and the first title from Civi­liza­ti­on IV desi­gner Soren Johnson’s Mohawk Games run on Nitrous. All three games are published by Stardock.

Nitrous is alre­a­dy ope­ning up end­less deve­lo­p­ment pos­si­bi­li­ties for our future games,” said Stardock’s CEO and Pre­si­dent, Brad War­dell. “As a game deve­lo­per and stra­tegy fan, no one is more exci­ted about this than I am.”

Learn more about the Nitrous engi­ne at

Down­load Star Swarm for free at

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About Oxi­de Games
Oxi­de Games is an inde­pen­dent digi­tal enter­tain­ment stu­dio focu­sed on deli­ve­ring revo­lu­tio­na­ry leaps in PC and con­so­le gam­ing. Its first pro­duct, the Nitrous engi­ne, pro­vi­des indus­try-lea­ding visu­als on both PCs and con­so­les. Oxi­de will be announ­cing its game pro­jects at a later date. Oxi­de Games is based in Timo­ni­um, Mary­land. Learn more at

About Star­dock
Star­dock is a lea­ding deve­lo­per and publisher of PC games and desk­top soft­ware. Its PC games include Sins of a Solar Empire and the cri­ti­cal­ly acclai­med Galac­tic Civi­liza­ti­ons series. Its desk­top soft­ware includes Start8, Fen­ces, Win­dow­Blinds, Modern­Mix, and more. Visit for more.