AMD Partner Program Rewards and Celebrates Global Channel Partners

—     AMD’s new part­ner pro­gram is desi­gned to help chan­nel part­ners grow their AMD busi­ness through grea­ter access, finan­cial bene­fits and tech­ni­cal sup­port

SUNNYVALE, Calif. — Mar. 25, 2014 — Today AMD (NYSE: AMD) announ­ced the offi­ci­al launch of the new AMD Part­ner Pro­gram, aimed to streng­then and reward its glo­bal chan­nel part­ners. The pro­gram is based on three cor­ner­sto­nes: Aspi­re, Moti­va­te, Design – AMD.   The AMD Part­ner Pro­gram pro­vi­des well-defi­ned and trans­pa­rent cri­te­ria through a tie­red pro­gram offe­ring a broad ran­ge of attri­bu­tes inclu­ding:  finan­cial, access, mar­ke­ting, referral/recognition, tech­ni­cal, and mate­ri­al bene­fits. An enhan­ced AMD Part­ner Por­tal pro­vi­des up-to-date infor­ma­ti­on to part­ners through secu­re web access, with con­tent tail­o­red to help chan­nel part­ners grow and pro­sper with AMD’s broad, indus­try-lea­ding tech­no­lo­gy portfolio.

The AMD Part­ner Pro­gram reco­gni­zes dis­tri­bu­tors, sys­tem buil­ders, retail­ers and etail­ers as Eli­te, Pre­mier, Pro­vi­sio­nal Pre­mier, and Sel­ect part­ners, based on cri­te­ria out­lined within the pro­gram. As chan­nel part­ners ascend to a hig­her tier, they are eli­gi­ble to recei­ve an increased level of bene­fits. The new “Hero Buil­der” badge is a sup­ple­men­tal desi­gna­ti­on award­ed to influ­en­ti­al and dedi­ca­ted sys­tem buil­ders that are ultra-AMD enthu­si­asts. Depen­ding on the chan­nel partner’s tie­red sta­tus, Hero Buil­ders will recei­ve addi­tio­nal pro­gram bene­fits, as well as exclu­si­ve ear­ly access to sel­ect AMD technology.

Over the last year AMD intro­du­ced some ground brea­king new tech­no­lo­gies with our next-gene­ra­ti­on APUs, HSA fea­tures and our AMD Rade­on™ R‑Series GPUs.  But the­se ama­zing pro­ducts can­not suc­ceed wit­hout a strong and vibrant chan­nel to deli­ver them,” said Roy Tay­lor, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent, Chan­nel Sales, AMD.  “Under the lea­der­ship of Amy McFar­land, we exami­ned our chan­nel pro­gram and have made signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments to it.  We now have a pro­gram that reflects the new AMD and which will hop­eful­ly sur­pri­se and delight all of our chan­nel part­ners worldwide.”

When part­ners regis­ter as part of the new AMD Part­ner Pro­gram, they recei­ve access to a secu­re AMD Part­ner Por­tal. The Por­tal offers sales tools, mar­ke­ting assets, pro­duct trai­ning, video spot­lights, top reviews and news, resour­ces such as the latest dri­vers, and more.  All of the­se resour­ces are desi­gned to help chan­nel part­ners grow their AMD business.

The new AMD Part­ner Pro­gram is a signi­fi­cant advan­ce in struc­tu­re and trans­pa­ren­cy,” said Micha­el Amkreutz, CMO, Tiger­Di­rect. “We belie­ve the enhan­ced part­ner por­tal, access to pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on and to AMD’s sup­port teams are incre­di­bly valuable. The pro­gram ser­ves to streng­then our clo­se rela­ti­onship with AMD.”

We are thril­led to have been reco­gni­zed by AMD as a Hero Buil­der,” said Wal­lace San­tos, CEO and foun­der, MAINGEAR. “AMD is one of our key part­ners and this desi­gna­ti­on pro­vi­des our team with grea­ter access to infor­ma­ti­on, pro­duct, and sup­port from the AMD team to offer the very best AMD based MAINGEAR pro­ducts for our cus­to­mers. This and the vali­da­ti­on from AMD will help us to grow our busi­ness and maxi­mi­ze our profitability.”

Being an Eli­te retail part­ner is of gre­at bene­fit to our busi­ness,” said Dar­ren Su, VP and co-foun­der, IBUYPOWER. “Having access to assets like advan­ced pro­duct road­maps, trai­ning tools, and launch part­ner­ships helps us to make smar­ter busi­ness decis­i­ons and add more value for our customers.”

Sup­port­ing Resources 

About AMD

AMD (NYSE: AMD) designs and inte­gra­tes tech­no­lo­gy that powers mil­li­ons of intel­li­gent devices, inclu­ding per­so­nal com­pu­ters, tablets, game con­so­les and cloud ser­vers that defi­ne the new era of sur­round com­pu­ting. AMD solu­ti­ons enable peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re to rea­li­ze the full poten­ti­al of their favo­ri­te devices and appli­ca­ti­ons to push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit


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