PlayStation 4 (PS4) Sales Surpass 7.0 Million Units Worldwide

PS4 Fur­thers Glo­bal Momen­tum as Gamers Embrace Its Breakth­rough Game­play and Inno­va­ti­ve Sha­ring Capabilities

TOKYO, April 16, 2014  – Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Inc. (SCE) today announ­ced that the PlayStation®4 (PS4™) com­pu­ter enter­tain­ment sys­tem has cumu­la­tively sold through more than 7.0 mil­li­on units*1 glo­bal­ly as of April 6, 2014 (JST), demons­t­ra­ting the rapid growth of the PS4 platform.

The respon­se from the glo­bal gam­ing com­mu­ni­ty for PS4 has been over­whel­ming and we are tru­ly hum­bled that gamers are sel­ec­ting PS4 as their next gene­ra­ti­on con­so­le of choice,” said Andrew House, Pre­si­dent and Group CEO of Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Inc. “The PS4 jour­ney has just begun, and alt­hough we are still facing dif­fi­cul­ties kee­ping up with the strong demand world­wi­de, we remain stead­fast in our com­mit­ment to meet the needs of our cus­to­mers, and sur­pas­sing the wil­dest expec­ta­ti­ons of gamers by deli­ve­ring new user expe­ri­en­ces that inspi­re and enga­ge. We look for­ward to unvei­ling many of the­se expe­ri­en­ces to our fans in the coming months.”

PS4 soft­ware sales also remain strong with more than 20.5 mil­li­on*2 copies sold in retail stores world­wi­de and through digi­tal down­loads on PlayStation®Store as of April 13, 2014 (JST).  PS4 owners will be immer­sed in a broad port­fo­lio of breakth­rough games, across all gen­res, with appro­xi­m­ate­ly 120 titles*3 available or coming in 2014. The PS4 system’s games port­fo­lio will con­ti­nue to expand with high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted titles such as Desti­ny (Acti­vi­si­on), The Elder Scrolls Online (Bethes­da), Ali­en: Iso­la­ti­on (SEGA), NBA 2K15 (2K), Watch_Dogs™ (Ubi­s­oft Enter­tain­ment),  #DRIVECLUB (SCE WWS), MLB 14: The Show (SCE WWS) and The Order 1886 (SCE WWS).  The inde­pen­dent deve­lo­p­ment com­mu­ni­ty con­ti­nues to deli­ver inno­va­ti­ve new titles for PS4. Upco­ming games for 2014 include N++ (Meta­net Soft­ware), GALAK‑Z: The Dimen­sio­nal (17 Bit Games), Tran­sis­tor (Super­gi­ant Games), Secret Pon­chos (Switch­bla­de Mon­keys Enter­tain­ment), The Wit­ness (Thek­la, Inc.), Octo­dad: Dad­liest Catch (Young Hor­ses) and Day­light (Zom­bie Studios).

The inte­gra­ted social capa­bi­li­ties of PS4 con­ti­nue to be wild­ly popu­lar with gamers. More than 135 mil­li­on shares*4 have been cap­tu­red via the “SHARE” but­ton on the Wire­less Con­trol­ler (DUALSHOCK®4). Broad­cas­ting via video strea­ming plat­forms Twitch and Ustream con­ti­nues its explo­si­ve growth with more than 4.9 mil­li­on game­play broad­casts*5 and near­ly 90 mil­li­on spec­ta­te ses­si­ons*6.  PS4 owners are also uti­li­zing broad­cas­ting fea­tures only pos­si­ble on Play­Sta­ti­on®. Inter­ac­ti­ve strea­ming, which allows spec­ta­tors to join ses­si­ons or inter­act with broad­cas­ted games and affect game­play by incre­asing or redu­cing obs­ta­cles and chal­lenges, is exclu­si­ve­ly available in popu­lar titles out now inclu­ding DYNASTY WARRIORS® 8: Xtre­me Legends® Com­ple­te Edi­ti­on (TECMO KOEI GAMES CO., LTD) and Dead Nati­on: Apo­ca­lyp­se Edi­ti­on (SCE WWS).

The PS4 sys­tem is curr­ent­ly available in 72 count­ries and regi­ons*7 worldwide.

*1 Num­ber of retail sales to con­su­mers is esti­ma­ted by SCEI. PS4 sales data in Japan coll­ec­ted 2/22/2014 –4 /6/2014.  PS4 sales data in North Ame­ri­ca coll­ec­ted 11/15/2013 – 4/5/2014, in Euro­pe and Latin Ame­ri­ca coll­ec­ted 11/29/2013 – 4/5/2014, and in Asia coll­ec­ted 11/29/2013 –4/6/2014.
*2 Num­ber of retail sales to con­su­mers is esti­ma­ted by SCEI. PS4 sales data in Japan coll­ec­ted 2/22/2014 –4 /13/2014.  PS4 sales data in North Ame­ri­ca coll­ec­ted 11/15/2013 – 4/12/2014, in Euro­pe and Latin Ame­ri­ca coll­ec­ted 11/29/2013 – 4/12/2014, and in Asia coll­ec­ted 11/29/2013 –4/6/2014.
*3 Num­ber of titles based on infor­ma­ti­on available as of 3/31/14. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit
*4 Data as of 3/31/2014.
*5 Data as of 3/31/2014.
*6 Data as of 3/31/2014.
*7 As of 3/31/2014.

About Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Inc.
Reco­gni­zed as a glo­bal lea­der and com­pa­ny respon­si­ble for the pro­gres­si­on of con­su­mer-based com­pu­ter enter­tain­ment, Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Inc. (SCEI) manu­fac­tures, dis­tri­bu­tes, deve­lo­ps and mar­kets the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) hand­held enter­tain­ment sys­tem, the PlayStation®3 (PS3™) com­pu­ter enter­tain­ment sys­tem, the PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita) por­ta­ble enter­tain­ment sys­tem and the PlayStation®4 com­pu­ter enter­tain­ment sys­tem. SCEI has revo­lu­tio­ni­zed home enter­tain­ment sin­ce it laun­ched Play­Sta­ti­on® in 1994. PlayStation®2 fur­ther enhan­ced the Play­Sta­ti­on® lega­cy as the core of home net­work­ed enter­tain­ment. PSP broa­dens the enter­tain­ment expe­ri­en­ces into the por­ta­ble are­na. PS3 is a com­pu­ter enter­tain­ment sys­tem that incor­po­ra­tes the powerful Cell Broad­band Engi­ne and RSX pro­ces­sors. PS Vita is an ulti­ma­te por­ta­ble enter­tain­ment sys­tem that offers a revo­lu­tio­na­ry com­bi­na­ti­on of rich gam­ing and social con­nec­ti­vi­ty. PlayStation®4 rede­fi­nes rich and immersi­ve game­play with powerful gra­phics and speed, intel­li­gent per­so­na­liza­ti­on and deep­ly inte­gra­ted social capa­bi­li­ties. PSNSM, that includes PlayStation®Store, deli­vers unpar­al­le­led online gam­ing expe­ri­ence to Play­Sta­ti­on users. SCEI also deli­vers the Play­Sta­ti­on expe­ri­ence to open ope­ra­ting sys­tems through PlayStation®Mobile, a cross device plat­form. Head­quar­te­red in Tokyo, Japan, SCEI, along with its affi­lia­ted com­pa­nies, Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Ame­ri­ca LLC and Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Euro­pe Ltd., and its divi­si­on com­pa­ny, Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Japan Asia, deve­lo­ps, publishes, mar­kets and dis­tri­bu­tes hard­ware and soft­ware, and mana­ges the third par­ty licen­sing pro­grams for the­se plat­forms in their respec­ti­ve mar­kets worldwide.

Play­Sta­ti­on” and “DUALSHOCK” are regis­tered trade­marks of Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Inc.. “PS4” and “PSN” is a trade­mark of the same company. 

All other trade­marks are pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners.

SOURCE Sony Com­pu­ter Enter­tain­ment Inc.