Corel AfterShot Pro 2.1 Brings HDR to Mac and Linux, Adds Support for 17 Cameras

Free Update Boosts RAW Came­ra Sup­port, Deli­vers Impro­ved High­light Reco­very and a Varie­ty of Pho­to Work­flow Enhancements

OTTAWA, ONTARIO–(Marketwired — Oct. 16, 2014) -

Corel’s Pho­to Editing group has released a new update to AfterShot™ Pro 2, the industry’s fas­test RAW con­ver­ter and pho­to manage­ment soft­ware. Available free to regis­tered users, the 2.1 update intro­du­ces a num­ber of new fea­tures and enhance­ments inclu­ding new HDR tools for Mac and Linux, sup­port for more than 17 new RAW came­ra pro­files, a dra­ma­ti­cal­ly impro­ved High­light Reco­very Tool, and per­for­mance and sta­bi­li­ty updates to enrich the over­all pho­to editing and pho­to work­flow experience.

With the release of AfterShot Pro 2.1, we’­re brin­ging the power of our HDR tool­kit to pho­to­graph­ers on Mac and Linux. The impro­ved High­light Reco­very in 2.1 enhan­ces our cus­to­mers’ abili­ties to reco­ver detail and high­lights in RAW images-one of the key bene­fits of shoo­ting RAW. Across the board, we know all our pro­fes­sio­nal and enthu­si­ast pho­to­graph­ers will see gre­at bene­fits from the­se new tools, exten­si­ve list of new came­ra pro­files and per­for­mance enhance­ments,” said Greg Wood, Seni­or Pro­duct Direc­tor for Corel’s Pho­to Editing group. “Cus­to­mer feed­back has been the dri­ving force behind the­se new fea­tures. 2.1 is just the latest step in our com­mit­ment to deli­ver con­ti­nuous, user-focu­sed updates for AfterShot Pro to enable our users crea­te their best pho­tos ever.”

New and Impro­ved Fea­tures in AfterShot Pro 2.1

  • NEW! AfterShot HDR for Mac and Linux 
  • NEW! Came­ra Pro­fi­le Update: In addi­ti­on to the 15+ came­ra pro­files alre­a­dy added sin­ce the launch of AfterShot Pro 2 ear­lier this year, 2.1 brings new sup­port for 17 new came­ras including: 
    • Canon SX50 HS
    • Fuji­film X‑T1, X‑E1, X‑E2, X‑Pro1, X‑M1, X100S and X20
    • Nikon D4s, D3300, 1 V3, 1 J4, Cool­pix P330 and Cool­pix A
    • Pen­tax K‑500, 645Z, Q
  • Expan­ded High­light Reco­very Capa­bi­li­ties: Now dra­ma­ti­cal­ly impro­ved, High­light Reco­very makes it simp­le to cor­rect and reco­ver over­ex­po­sed are­as of a RAW photo
  • Enhan­ced User Expe­ri­ence: Thumb­nail impro­ve­ments, increased Open­CL 2.0 per­for­mance, and an updated appli­ca­ti­on desk­top icon, along with many more per­for­mance enhance­ments under the hood.

For more infor­ma­ti­on, a com­ple­te list of new­ly sup­port­ed came­ra pro­files, and to down­load the new AfterShot Pro 2.1, plea­se visit

Pri­cing and Availability

Desi­gned for Win­dows, Mac and Linux, the AfterShot Pro 2.1 update is now available as a free down­load to regis­tered AfterShot Pro 2 cus­to­mers. AfterShot Pro 2 is available in Eng­lish, Ger­man, French, Dutch, Ita­li­an and Japa­ne­se at the sug­gested retail pri­ce of $79.99 (USD/CAN/AUD) / EUR69.99/ £57.99 (inclu­si­ve of VAT, whe­re appli­ca­ble). Exis­ting regis­tered users can purcha­se for the upgrade pri­ce of $59.99 (USD/CAN/AUD) / EUR49.99/ £45.99. For a limi­t­ed time, AfterShot Pro, Paint­Shop® Pro X6, Apple Aper­tu­re and Ado­be Ligh­t­room 5 regis­tered cus­to­mers may purcha­se AfterShot Pro 2 at the upgrade price.

To down­load a free, ful­ly-func­tion­al tri­al ver­si­on or for more infor­ma­ti­on on Corel AfterShot Pro 2 and the new 2.1 update, plea­se visit

To access volu­me licen­sing for com­mer­cial and edu­ca­ti­on orga­niza­ti­ons, plea­se visit

About Corel Pho­to Editing

Whe­ther you’­re an enthu­si­ast or pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­grapher, Corel Pho­to Editing soft­ware is dedi­ca­ted to hel­ping you achie­ve your best pho­tos ever. The Corel Pho­to Editing pro­duct lin­e­up includes the renow­ned Paint­Shop® Pro for powerful image editing and AfterShot Pro, the industry’s fas­test RAW pho­to work­flow soft­ware. Corel is one of the world’s top soft­ware com­pa­nies pro­vi­ding some of the industry’s best-known brands inclu­ding Roxio®, Pin­na­cle™ and Win­Zip®. For more infor­ma­ti­on about Corel Pho­to Editing soft­ware, plea­se visit

© 2014 Corel Cor­po­ra­ti­on. All rights reser­ved. Corel, the Corel logo, Corel Bal­loon logo, AfterShot, Paint­Shop, Pin­na­cle, Roxio and Win­Zip are trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks of Corel Cor­po­ra­ti­on and/or its sub­si­dia­ries in Cana­da, the U.S. and else­whe­re. All other trade­marks men­tio­ned her­ein are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners. Patents:

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