ASUS Announces X102BA Ultraportable with 10.1‑inch Multi-Touch Display

Com­pact lap­top fea­tures an ultra-respon­si­ve touch­screen, the latest AMD A Series APU and Micro­soft Office Home & Stu­dent 2013, all at an afforda­ble price

Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny (4th Sep­tem­ber, 2013) — ASUS today announ­ced the X102BA, a com­pact and light­weight ultra­por­ta­ble lap­top with a 10.1‑inch 1366 x 768 dis­play with 10-point mul­ti-touch for respon­si­ve fin­ger­tip con­trol with Win­dows 8. The X102BA also fea­tures the latest AMD A Series APU and comes bund­led with Micro­soft Office Home & Stu­dent 2013 for high-per­for­mance pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, straight from the box.

The ASUS X102BA fea­tures cut­ting-edge mul­ti-touch tech­no­lo­gy that sur­pas­ses the stan­dards set by Micro­soft for Win­dows 8. With a mul­ti-touch digi­ti­zer that reco­gni­zes a cont­act point with a mere 5mm dia­me­ter, rather than the Micro­soft recom­men­da­ti­on of 9mm, the XB102BA offers much more sen­si­ti­ve touch input for pre­cise appli­ca­ti­ons, such as dra­wing and pain­ting. The X102BA also fea­tures a lar­ge mul­ti-touch touch­pad with ges­tu­re sup­port and a key­board with keys per­fect­ly cali­bra­ted for com­for­ta­ble typing.

Geared for work and play
The ASUS X102BA is powered by an AMD A4-1200 1GHz dual-core APU with Rade­on™ HD 8180 gra­phics that balan­ces mul­ti-tas­king per­for­mance with ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy. ASUS Super Hybrid Engi­ne II tech­no­lo­gy with ‘Instant on’ pro­vi­des users with a smart­phone-like expe­ri­ence, thanks to a two-second resu­me from sleep time, over two weeks a stand­by time and auto­ma­tic data back­up in sleep mode when the bat­tery level drops below 5%.

ASUS Sonic­Mas­ter audio tech­no­lo­gy gives true-to-life sound, while ASUS Sple­ndid dis­play tech­no­lo­gy with four image pre­sets ensu­res bright, vibrant color. The X102BA also fea­tures USB 3.0, 802.11n Wi-Fi and Blue­tooth 4.0. The X102BA is bund­led with Micro­soft Office Home & Stu­dent 2013 with full ver­si­ons of Word, Excel, Power­Point and OneNote.

Plea­se cont­act your local ASUS repre­sen­ta­ti­ve for fur­ther information.