Cloudius Systems, HSA Foundation and Valve Join Linux Foundation

SAN FRANCISCO, Decem­ber 4, 2013 — The Linux Foun­da­ti­on, the non­pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on dedi­ca­ted to acce­le­ra­ting the growth of Linux, today announ­ced that Clou­di­us Sys­tems, HSA (Hete­ro­ge­neous Sys­tem Archi­tec­tu­re) Foun­da­ti­on and Val­ve are joi­ning the organization.

The newest Linux Foun­da­ti­on mem­bers repre­sent both nas­cent open source endea­vors as well as estab­lished indus­try lea­ders. Com­pa­nies from diver­se mar­kets, such as gam­ing, cloud com­pu­ting and vir­tua­liza­ti­on are see­ing the value of Linux and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve deve­lo­p­ment to put them out in front of competitors.

For exam­p­le, Val­ve recent­ly announ­ced its plans to expand its Steam plat­form, with 65 mil­li­on acti­ve accounts and games from hundreds of deve­lo­pers, into the living room with the Steam Machi­nes pro­ject. An inno­va­ti­ve living room device, the Steam Machi­nes will be powered by a Linux-based ope­ra­ting sys­tem dub­bed the Steam OS.  At the same time, emer­ging cloud, vir­tua­liza­ti­on, big data and device-dri­ven com­pu­ting com­pa­nies are taking advan­ta­ge of open deve­lo­p­ment and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on to igni­te innovation.

More infor­ma­ti­on about today’s newest Linux Foun­da­ti­on members:

Clou­di­us Sys­tems is a start­up com­pa­ny led by the KVM hyper­vi­sor ori­gi­na­tors, deve­lo­ping a new open source ope­ra­ting sys­tem to hand­le vir­tua­li­zed cloud workloads. Laun­ched at Clou­dO­pen North Ame­ri­ca recent­ly, OSv is desi­gned and opti­mi­zed to run on top of the KVM, Xen and ESX hyper­vi­sors to sim­pli­fy and acce­le­ra­te cloud com­pu­ting. This eli­mi­na­tes the red­un­dan­ci­es, over­head and com­ple­xi­ty typi­cal with many of today’s cloud appli­ca­ti­on deployments.

The Linux Foun­da­ti­on is one of the most influ­en­ti­al advo­ca­tes for open cloud tech­no­lo­gies, pro­jects and com­pa­nies. Its inclu­si­ve­ness and broad reach is  incre­di­bly uni­que in the indus­try,” said Dor Laor, chief exe­cu­ti­ve offi­cer, Clou­di­us Sys­tems. “As Linux Foun­da­ti­on mem­bers, we’ll be able to take advan­ta­ge of both Linux’s lar­ge pre­sence plus the Foundation’s open cloud net­work and events.”

HSA Foun­da­ti­on, a non­pro­fit backed by foun­ding mem­bers AMD, ARM, Ima­gi­na­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gies, Qual­comm, Sam­sung Elec­tro­nics and many others, is dedi­ca­ted to deve­lo­ping open-stan­dard archi­tec­tu­re spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons to advan­ce hete­ro­ge­neous par­al­lel computing.

Joi­ning The Linux Foun­da­ti­on is a natu­ral fit for the HSA Foun­da­ti­on as we stron­gly belie­ve in sup­port­ing an open eco­sys­tem, and the HSA Foun­da­ti­on is focu­sed on brin­ging richer hete­ro­ge­neous com­pu­ting into mobi­le, cloud-based and big data com­pu­ting whe­re Linux domi­na­te,” said Gre­go­ry Stoner, vice pre­si­dent and mana­ging direc­tor of the HSA Foundation.

Val­ve is well-known for its award-win­ning games and Steam, a lea­ding soft­ware dis­tri­bu­ti­on plat­form with more than 65 mil­li­on acti­ve accounts. The com­pa­ny recent­ly announ­ced the Steam­OS, a Linux-based ope­ra­ting sys­tem that will power its Steam Machi­ne living room devices.

Joi­ning the Linux Foun­da­ti­on is one of many ways Val­ve is inves­t­ing in the advance­ment of Linux gam­ing. Through the­se efforts, we hope to con­tri­bu­te tools for deve­lo­pers buil­ding new expe­ri­en­ces on Linux, com­pel hard­ware manu­fac­tu­r­ers to prio­ri­ti­ze sup­port for Linux, and ulti­m­ate­ly deli­ver an ele­gant and open plat­form for Linux users,” said Mike Sar­tain of Valve.

Our mem­ber­ship con­ti­nues to grow as both new and matu­re enti­ties embrace com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment and open tech­no­lo­gies,” said Mike Wos­ter, chief ope­ra­ting offi­cer, The Linux Foun­da­ti­on. “Our new mem­bers belie­ve Linux is a stra­te­gic invest­ment that allows their mar­kets to evol­ve as quick­ly as pos­si­ble to achie­ve long-term via­bi­li­ty and competitiveness.”

About The Linux Foundation

The Linux Foun­da­ti­on is a non­pro­fit con­sor­ti­um dedi­ca­ted to fos­te­ring the growth of Linux and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment. Foun­ded in 2000, the orga­niza­ti­on spon­sors the work of Linux crea­tor Linus Tor­valds and pro­mo­tes, pro­tects and advan­ces the Linux ope­ra­ting sys­tem and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment by mar­sha­ling the resour­ces of its mem­bers and the open source com­mu­ni­ty. The Linux Foun­da­ti­on pro­vi­des a neu­tral forum for col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and edu­ca­ti­on by hos­ting Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve Pro­jects, Linux con­fe­ren­ces, inclu­ding Linux­Con, and gene­ra­ting ori­gi­nal rese­arch and con­tent that advan­ces the under­stan­ding of Linux and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment. More infor­ma­ti­on can be found at