AMD Flagship Professional Graphics Deliver the Ultimate Real-Time 4K Experience for Next Generation Workstations

─ New AMD Fire­Pro™ W9100 gra­phics card deli­vers indus­try-first 16GB GDDR5 ultra-fast on-board memo­ry, over 2 TFLOPS of dou­ble pre­cis­i­on com­pu­te per­for­mance, and 4K mul­ti-dis­play sup­port that pro­fes­sio­nals need to push the limit of what’s pos­si­ble today ─

SUNNYVALE, Calif. Apr. 7 2014 – AMD (NYSE: AMD) today laun­ched the AMD Fire­Pro™ W9100 pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics card desi­gned for the next gene­ra­ti­on of 4K work­sta­tions acce­le­ra­ted by Open­CL™ (Open Com­pu­ting Lan­guage). With cut­ting-edge gra­phics, up to 2.62 TFLOPS dou­ble pre­cis­i­on of indus­try lea­ding GPU com­pu­te power1 and ultra-high reso­lu­ti­on (4K) mul­ti-dis­play capa­bi­li­ties, video, design and engi­nee­ring pro­fes­sio­nals can work at a who­le new level of detail, speed, respon­si­ve­ness and creativity.

With an indus­try first 16GB of ultra-fast GDDR5 memo­ry, work­sta­tion users can mul­ti-task effi­ci­ent­ly across up to six 4K dis­plays2, load mas­si­ve assem­blies and data sets to mani­pu­la­te them, or edit, color-cor­rect and lay­er in mul­ti­ple effects to 4K video pro­jects, all in real-time. Powered by AMD’s latest Gra­phics Core Next archi­tec­tu­re, AMD Fire­Pro W9100 gives crea­ti­ve pro­fes­sio­nals super­com­pu­ting-class per­for­mance from a sin­gle GPU.

Now is the time when 4K dis­plays are more rea­di­ly available and acces­si­ble,” said Matt Skyn­ner, cor­po­ra­te vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger of AMD Gra­phics. “We’re see­ing even more appli­ca­ti­ons demand increased memo­ry sup­port while pushing the limits of real-time 4K video pro­duc­tion and ren­de­ring. AMD has deli­ver­ed a pro­duct at the right time to meet the­se needs — the new AMD Fire­Pro W9100 pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics card — desi­gned for the most deman­ding work­flows in next-gene­ra­ti­on work­sta­tions. As AMD’s flag­ship pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics card, the AMD Fire­Pro W9100 deli­vers cut­ting-edge gra­phics per­for­mance, indus­try-lea­ding com­pu­te power from a sin­gle GPU and is equip­ped with an indus­try-first 16GB GDDR5 of ultra-fast on-board memo­ry – the lar­gest frame buf­fer gra­phics card ever built.  With such visu­al super­com­pu­ting per­for­mance, pro­fes­sio­nals can work on the most com­plex engi­nee­ring and crea­ti­ve pro­jects in ultra-high reso­lu­ti­ons, hel­ping them to keep track of even the smal­lest details.”

Our cus­to­mers will quick­ly see the poten­ti­al that AMD Fire­Pro W9100 brings to the table – an impres­si­ve­ly powerful card to take on the lar­gest most com­plex engi­nee­ring and crea­ti­ve pro­jects,” said Jeff Wood, vice pre­si­dent, World­wi­de Pro­duct Manage­ment, Com­mer­cial Solu­ti­ons Busi­ness Unit, HP. “We are plea­sed that AMD has vali­da­ted the Fire­Pro W9100 in accordance to HP’s Tes­ted and Cer­ti­fied part­ner pro­gram for the HP Z820 and HP Z620 Work­sta­tions and has made the solu­ti­on available for cus­to­mer or chan­nel integration.”

AMD Fire­Pro W9100 with Open­CL sup­port for DaVin­ci Resol­ve is incre­di­bly important for our cus­to­mers to be able to pro­cess images and effects as quick­ly as pos­si­ble,” said Dan May, pre­si­dent, Black­ma­gic Design. “AMD Fire­Pro W9100 is a ter­ri­fic card with 16GB of GPU mus­cle to sup­port a wide varie­ty of gra­des, blurs and effects when working with Ultra HD. We’re exci­ted by the results that AMD Fire­Pro W9100 and Open­CL pro­vi­de for DaVin­ci Resol­ve cus­to­mers to be crea­tively artis­tic wit­hout limitations.”

At Tay­lor James, we get to work on some very hea­vy sce­nes that con­stant­ly test our hard­ware plat­forms,” said David Wort­ley, Tech­ni­cal Direc­tor, Tay­lor James. “In our lab tests, we took some of our hea­viest data which pre­vious­ly requi­red dis­ab­ling tex­tures and light­ing to give a usable per­for­mance.  With the AMD Fire­Pro W9100 included in our test work­flow, we were able to have all our data loa­ded with real-time shadows and rea­li­stic mate­ri­als in the view­port in 3ds Max. That was never pos­si­ble befo­re. Addi­tio­nal­ly, Open­CL with VRay RT offe­red effi­ci­ent per­for­mance so we were able to obtain near-instant results when com­po­sing shots invol­ving hea­vy CAD data.”

Dell and AMD belie­ve in enab­ling pro­fes­sio­nals with the per­for­mance and power requi­red to achie­ve their mis­si­on-cri­ti­cal pro­jects backed by the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of Dell Pre­cis­i­on work­sta­tions with AMD Fire­Pro pro­fes­sio­nal gra­phics,” said Andy Rho­des, exe­cu­ti­ve direc­tor, Dell Pre­cis­i­on work­sta­tions. “We’ve seen an increase in ultra high-reso­lu­ti­on work­flows and new appli­ca­ti­ons based on Open­CL so we are loo­king to offer the AMD Fire­Pro W9100, which is desi­gned to deli­ver the ulti­ma­te 4K expe­ri­ence for next gene­ra­ti­on work­sta­tions, later this year. By com­bi­ning Dell Pre­cis­i­on work­sta­tions with AMD Fire­Pro W9100 gra­phics and Dell UltraS­harp 4K dis­plays, crea­ti­ve and engi­nee­ring pro­fes­sio­nals will have the tools to work with 4K mul­ti-dis­play work­flows and achie­ve the results they desire.”

EnSight users demand powerful gra­phics sup­port to mana­ge the com­ple­xi­ty of lar­ge-sca­led models requi­red in every day fini­te ele­ment ana­ly­sis, com­pu­ta­tio­nal flu­id dyna­mics and medi­cal MRI visua­liza­ti­ons,” said Dar­in McK­in­nis, Vice Pre­si­dent, Sales and Mar­ke­ting, CEI. “CEI is plea­sed to con­ti­nue the suc­cessful col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with AMD – the AMD Fire­Pro W9100 not only responds to our vali­da­ti­on test­ing, but it offers excep­ti­on bene­fit for mas­si­ve dis­plays for our users.”

To address the increased requi­re­ments for real-time 4K pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, the AMD Fire­Pro Ultra Work­sta­tion was crea­ted with input from indus­try lea­ders to bring to mar­ket sin­gle- and mul­ti-GPU con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons based on the new AMD Fire­Pro W9100 that can match the demand of com­pu­te-inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons. Sup­port­ing Work­sta­tion Sys­tem Inte­gra­tors include: Arma­ri Ltd., BOXX Tech­no­lo­gies, Col­fax, LumaF­or­ge, Mou­se Com­pu­ter, PSSC Labs, Scan Com­pu­ters Ltd., Sil­ver­Draft, Super­mi­cro, TAROX, Ver­sa­ti­le Dis­tri­bu­ti­on Ser­vices, Work­sta­tion Spe­cia­lists and Wort­mann AG.

The AMD Fire­Pro W9100 gra­phics fea­tures and bene­fits include:

  • 2.62 TFLOPS of peak dou­ble-pre­cis­i­on GPU com­pu­te per­for­mance - AMD Fire­Pro W9100 gra­phics cards fea­ture ½ rate dou­ble pre­cis­i­on1, enab­ling more than 2TFLOPS of peak dou­ble pre­cis­i­on per­for­mance on a gra­phics pro­ces­sor for the first time. Unli­ke com­pe­ting cards that are not opti­mi­zed for dou­ble pre­cis­i­on, AMD Fire­Pro W9100 work­sta­tion gra­phics cards offer the most dou­ble pre­cis­i­on per­for­mance, com­ple­ting com­pu­te-inten­si­ve tasks fas­ter than ever belie­ved pos­si­ble.3
  • 5.24 TFLOPS of peak sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on GPU com­pu­te per­for­mance - Helps speed up time requi­red to com­ple­te sin­gle pre­cis­i­on ope­ra­ti­ons used within Simu­la­ti­ons, Post Pro­duc­tion and Effects, Signal Pro­ces­sing, Video Trans­co­ding and Digi­tal Ren­de­ring appli­ca­ti­ons whe­re high per­for­mance takes pre­ce­dence over accu­ra­cy.  
  • 16GB GDDR5 Memo­ry — Allows users to work at a who­le new level of speed and respon­si­ve­ness with a 512-bit memo­ry inter­face and 320 GB/s of memo­ry band­width to edit 4K video, lay­er in mul­ti­ple effects and color cor­rect on the fly, or load mas­si­ve assem­blies and data sets and mani­pu­la­te them in real time.
  • Mul­ti-GPU Sup­port - Com­bi­ne up to four AMD Fire­Pro W9100 work­sta­tion gra­phics cards in a sin­gle desk­top sys­tem and levera­ge the com­bi­ned pro­ces­sing power to work with mul­ti­ple 4K video streams in real-time, lay­er in effects, make color cor­rec­tions and edits on the fly.
  • 4K Reso­lu­ti­on -  With six Mini Dis­play­Po­rt 1.2 out­puts, the AMD Fire­Pro W9100 can dri­ve up to six 4K dis­plays2.
  • Open­CL™ 2.0 Sup­port4 - Pro­fes­sio­nals can tap into the par­al­lel com­pu­ting power of modern GPUs and mul­ti­co­re CPUs to acce­le­ra­te com­pu­te-inten­si­ve tasks in lea­ding CAD/CAM/CAE and Media & Enter­tain­ment appli­ca­ti­ons that sup­port Open­CL. The AMD Fire­Pro W9100 gra­phic card is desi­gned for Open­CL 2.0, allo­wing deve­lo­pers to take advan­ta­ge of new fea­tures that give GPUs more free­dom to do the work they are desi­gned to do.

The AMD Fire­Pro Ultra Work­sta­tion features:

  • Mul­ti-GPU sup­port based on the new AMD Fire­Pro W9100
  • Rea­dy for Open­CL 2.0 applications
  • Mul­ti-dis­play sup­port for 4K and beyond

AMD Fire­Pro W9100 is available this spring from AMD’s glo­bal dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ner SAPPHIRE Tech­no­lo­gy, AMD Fire­Pro Ultra Work­sta­tion pro­vi­ders, and in HP Z820 and HP Z620 Work­sta­tions for cus­to­mer or chan­nel integration.

A video web­cast replay of the March 26th AMD Fire­Pro W9100 intro­duc­tion is acces­si­ble on AMD’s Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons home­page: The replay of the web­cast can be acces­sed for appro­xi­m­ate­ly one year.

AMD Fire­Pro™ W9100 is on dis­play at the AMD exhi­bit booths at NAB 2014 (#SL10405) and Han­no­ver Mes­se (Hall 7, Stand E54).

Sup­port­ing Resources

About AMD

AMD (NYSE: AMD) designs and inte­gra­tes tech­no­lo­gy that powers mil­li­ons of intel­li­gent devices, inclu­ding per­so­nal com­pu­ters, tablets, game con­so­les and cloud ser­vers that defi­ne the new era of sur­round com­pu­ting. AMD solu­ti­ons enable peo­p­le ever­y­whe­re to rea­li­ze the full poten­ti­al of their favo­ri­te devices and appli­ca­ti­ons to push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit


AMD, the AMD Arrow logo and Fire­Pro are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners. Open­CL and the Open­CL logo are trade­marks of Apple Inc. used by per­mis­si­on by Khronos.

1 AMD Fire­Pro™ W9100 gra­phics sup­ports ½ rate dou­ble pre­cis­i­on; 5.24 TFLOPS sin­gle pre­cis­i­on divi­ded by two is 2.62 TFLOPS dou­ble. The Qua­dro K6000 sup­ports 1/3 rate dou­ble pre­cis­i­on, Nvidia’s hig­hest rate as of April 2014; 5.19 TFLOPS sin­gle pre­cis­i­on divi­ded by three is 1.73 TFLOPS dou­ble. Visit for Nvi­dia pro­duct specs. FP-88

2Requi­res 4K dis­plays and con­tent; per­for­mance depen­dent on file size. AMD Eye­fi­ni­ty tech­no­lo­gy sup­ports up to six Dis­play­Po­rt™ moni­tors on an enab­led gra­phics card. Sup­port­ed dis­play quan­ti­ty, type and reso­lu­ti­on vary by model and board design; con­firm spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons with manu­fac­tu­rer befo­re purcha­se. To enable more than two dis­plays, or mul­ti­ple dis­plays from a sin­gle out­put, addi­tio­nal hard­ware such as Dis­play­Po­rt-rea­dy moni­tors or Dis­play­Po­rt 1.2 MST-enab­led hubs may be requi­red.  A maxi­mum of two acti­ve adap­ters is recom­men­ded for con­su­mer sys­tems. See for full details.

3 AMD Fire­Pro™ W9100 deli­vers 2.62 TFLOPS peak dou­ble pre­cis­i­on floa­ting point per­for­mance, and Nvidia’s hig­hest per­forming card in the mar­ket as of April 2014 is the Qua­dro K6000 with 1.72 TFLOPS peak dou­ble pre­cis­i­on. Visit for Nvi­dia pro­duct specs. FP-87, FP-89

4 AMD plans to release Open­CL 2.0 dri­vers for AMD Fire­Pro gra­phics cards in Q4 2014; con­for­mance test­ing is planned