GLOBALFOUNDRIES Achieves 14nm FinFET Technology Success for Next-Generation AMD Products

Lea­ding-edge foundry’s pro­ven sili­con tech­no­lo­gy poi­sed to help enable signi­fi­cant per­for­mance and power effi­ci­en­cy impro­ve­ments for AMD’s next-gene­ra­ti­on pro­ducts 

San­ta Cla­ra, Calif., Novem­ber 5, 2015 — GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announ­ced it has demons­tra­ted sili­con suc­cess on the first AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) pro­ducts using GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ most advan­ced 14nm Fin­FET pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy. As a result of this mile­stone, GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ sili­con-pro­ven tech­no­lo­gy is plan­ned to be inte­gra­ted into mul­ti­ple AMD pro­ducts that address the gro­wing need for high-per­for­mance, power-effi­ci­ent com­pu­te and gra­phics tech­no­lo­gies across a broad set of appli­ca­ti­ons, from per­so­nal com­pu­ters to data cen­ters to immersi­ve com­pu­ting devices.

AMD has taped out mul­ti­ple pro­ducts using GLOBALFOUNDRIES14nm Low Power Plus (14LPP) pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy and is curr­ent­ly con­duc­ting vali­da­ti­on work on 14LPP pro­duc­tion samples.  Today’s announce­ment repres­ents ano­ther signi­fi­cant mile­stone towards rea­ching full pro­duc­tion rea­di­ness of GLOBALFOUNDRIES14LPP pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy, which will reach high-volu­me pro­duc­tion in 2016. The 14LPP plat­form taps the bene­fits of three-dimen­sio­nal, ful­ly-deple­ted Fin­FET tran­sis­tors to enable cus­to­mers like AMD to deli­ver more pro­ces­sing power in a smal­ler foot­print for appli­ca­ti­ons that demand the ulti­ma­te in performance.

Fin­FET tech­no­lo­gy is expec­ted to play a cri­ti­cal foun­da­tio­nal role across mul­ti­ple AMD pro­duct lines, start­ing in 2016,” said Mark Paper­mas­ter, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and chief tech­no­lo­gy offi­cer at AMD. “GLOBALFOUNDRIES has work­ed tire­less­ly to reach this key mile­stone on its 14LPP pro­cess. We look for­ward to GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ con­tin­ued pro­gress towards full pro­duc­tion rea­di­ness and expect to levera­ge the advan­ced 14LPP  pro­cess tech­no­lo­gy across a broad set of our CPU, APU, and GPU products.”

Our 14nm Fin­FET tech­no­lo­gy is among the most advan­ced in the indus­try, offe­ring an ide­al solu­ti­on for deman­ding high-volu­me, high-per­for­mance, and power-effi­ci­ent designs with the best die size,” said Mike Cadi­gan, seni­or vice pre­si­dent of pro­duct manage­ment at GLOBALFOUNDRIES. “Through our clo­se design-tech­no­lo­gy part­ner­ship with AMD, we can help them deli­ver pro­ducts with a per­for­mance boost over 28nm tech­no­lo­gy, while main­tai­ning a supe­ri­or power foot­print and pro­vi­ding a true cost advan­ta­ge due to signi­fi­cant area scaling.”

GLOBALFOUNDRIES14LPP Fin­FET is ram­ping with pro­duc­tion-rea­dy yields and excel­lent model-to-hard­ware cor­re­la­ti­on at its Fab 8 faci­li­ty in New York. In Janu­ary, the ear­ly-access ver­si­on of the tech­no­lo­gy (14LPE) was suc­cessful­ly qua­li­fied for volu­me pro­duc­tion, while achie­ving yield tar­gets on lead cus­to­mer pro­ducts. The per­for­mance-enhan­ced ver­si­on of the tech­no­lo­gy (14LPP) was qua­li­fied in the third quar­ter of 2015, with the ear­ly ramp occur­ring in the fourth quar­ter of 2015 and full-sca­le pro­duc­tion set for 2016.


GLOBALFOUNDRIES is the world’s first full-ser­vice semi­con­duc­tor foundry with a tru­ly glo­bal foot­print. Laun­ched in March 2009, the com­pa­ny has quick­ly achie­ved sca­le as one of the lar­gest found­ries in the world, pro­vi­ding a uni­que com­bi­na­ti­on of advan­ced tech­no­lo­gy and manu­fac­tu­ring to more than 250 cus­to­mers. With ope­ra­ti­ons in Sin­ga­po­re, Ger­ma­ny and the United Sta­tes, GLOBALFOUNDRIES is the only foundry that offers the fle­xi­bi­li­ty and secu­ri­ty of manu­fac­tu­ring cen­ters span­ning three con­ti­nents. The company’s 300mm fabs and 200mm fabs pro­vi­de the full ran­ge of pro­cess tech­no­lo­gies from main­stream to the lea­ding edge. This glo­bal manu­fac­tu­ring foot­print is sup­port­ed by major faci­li­ties for rese­arch, deve­lo­p­ment and design ena­blem­ent loca­ted near hubs of semi­con­duc­tor acti­vi­ty in the United Sta­tes, Euro­pe and Asia. GLOBALFOUNDRIES is owned by Muba­d­a­la Deve­lo­p­ment Com­pa­ny. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit