New AMD FirePro S9300 x2 Server GPU Fuels Efforts to Create Largest Map of the Universe

Rese­ar­chers at Cana­di­an Hydro­gen Inten­si­ty Map­ping Expe­ri­ment Sel­ect World’s Fas­test Sin­gle-Pre­cis­i­on GPU Acce­le­ra­tor for High-Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting Pro­ject
SUNNYVALE, CA — (Mar­ket­wired) — 03/31/16 — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced that rese­ar­chers at the Cana­di­an Hydro­gen Inten­si­ty Map­ping Expe­ri­ment (CHIME) will harness the AMD Fire­Pro™ S9300 x2 Ser­ver GPU, the world’s fas­test sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on GPU acce­le­ra­tor1, to ana­ly­ze extra­or­di­na­ry amounts of data to help crea­te a new, very detail­ed 3D map of the lar­gest volu­me of the Uni­ver­se ever obser­ved. Rather than using tra­di­tio­nal dish-shaped telesco­pes, CHIME con­sists of four 100-met­re-long cylind­ri­cal reflec­tors which cover an area lar­ger than five pro­fes­sio­nal hockey rinks and gathers signals for the cri­ti­cal com­pu­ta­tio­nal ana­ly­ses sup­pli­ed by the AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 GPU cluster.

The CHIME pro­ject was crea­ted to inves­ti­ga­te the dis­co­very that the expan­si­on of the Uni­ver­se is spee­ding up rather than slo­wing down. Using con­su­mer tech­no­lo­gies simi­lar to tho­se found in com­mon radio recei­vers, the telescope coll­ects radio waves that have tra­vel­led through space for up to 11 bil­li­on years and feeds them into a mas­si­ve super­com­pu­ter powered by a series of AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 GPUs. The inten­se num­ber crun­ching requi­red to map the Universe’s expan­si­on in this way was pre­vious­ly cost-pro­hi­bi­ti­ve, but is now being enab­led by AMD Fire­Pro GPUs. The anti­ci­pa­ted results will help crea­te a high­ly-detail­ed map show­ing the inten­si­ty of the hydro­gen radia­ti­on from bil­li­ons of gala­xies, which will help sci­en­tists under­stand the acce­le­ra­ting expan­si­on of the Universe.

Based on the third gene­ra­ti­on AMD Gra­phics Core Next (GCN) archi­tec­tu­re, the AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 Ser­ver GPU deli­vers up to 13.9 TFLOPS of peak sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on floa­ting point per­for­mance — grea­ter than any other pro­fes­sio­nal dual GPU acce­le­ra­tor available on the mar­ket today for sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on com­pu­te1. It is the first GPU for data cen­ter use equip­ped with High Band­width Memo­ry (HBM). The 1TB/s memo­ry band­width enab­led by HBM on the AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 GPU is 3.5X the memo­ry band­width of the clo­sest com­pe­ti­ti­ve solu­ti­on2 while pro­vi­ding over 15X the memo­ry band­width and 12X the peak sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on per­for­mance of com­pe­ting CPU solu­ti­ons, making it a com­pel­ling addi­ti­on to tra­di­tio­nal x86 plat­forms3.

We’­re proud to par­ti­ci­pa­te with the CHIME pro­ject in this cos­mic oppor­tu­ni­ty to map the evo­lu­ti­on of the Uni­ver­se. The appli­ca­ti­ons of instinc­ti­ve com­pu­ting are expan­ding rapidly as seen in this fasci­na­ting CHIME pro­ject, through the use of powerful gra­phics com­pu­te capa­bi­li­ties,” said Greg Stoner, seni­or direc­tor of Rade­on Open Com­pu­te, Rade­on Tech­no­lo­gy Group, AMD. “Not only is the new AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 Ser­ver GPU the world’s fas­test sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on GPU acce­le­ra­tor, it is also the world’s first pro­fes­sio­nal GPU acce­le­ra­tor to be equip­ped with High Band­width Memo­ry and the first to ful­ly sup­port the Rade­on Open Com­pu­te plat­form — an inte­gral ele­ment of the GPUO­pen com­pu­te initiative.”

CHIME faces an extra­or­di­na­ry com­pu­ting task, but with the onset of pre­vious­ly unavailable tech­no­lo­gy and tools such as the AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 GPU, we now have the com­pu­ta­tio­nal power, band­width, and effi­ci­en­cy to make this data ana­ly­sis pos­si­ble to stu­dy the impact of dark ener­gy on our Uni­ver­se,” said Pro­fes­sor Keith Van­der­lin­de, of the Dun­lap Insti­tu­te for Astro­no­my & Astro­phy­sics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to. “Our rese­arch is the result of the com­bi­ned efforts of dedi­ca­ted hard­ware, com­pu­te soft­ware and sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch. We’­re very app­re­cia­ti­ve of the sup­port­ing efforts from AMD in this project.”

To expo­se cut­ting-edge com­pu­te capa­bi­li­ties of the AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 GPU and sup­port uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ties such as the CHIME pro­ject, AMD deve­lo­ped the Rade­on Open Com­pu­te plat­form (based on the Boltz­mann initia­ti­ve), a Linux®-focused open source soft­ware par­al­lel com­pu­ting plat­form opti­mi­zed for HPC and Ultra-sca­le com­pu­ting. The Rade­on Open Com­pu­te ker­nel pro­vi­des direct access to the gra­phics hard­ware, offe­ring pro­gramm­ers more con­trol over the code exe­cu­ti­on. Dis­co­ver more at for the Rade­on Open Com­pu­te plat­form-opti­mi­zed open source math libra­ri­es, bench­marks and appli­ca­ti­ons from AMD and third-par­ty partners.

The AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 Ser­ver GPU is a com­pel­ling pro­duct com­bi­ning an open source com­pi­ler, run­time and dri­ver full access, mas­si­ve com­pu­te per­for­mance, and pro­ces­sor den­si­ty sup­port­ing tight power and finan­cial bud­gets. For more infor­ma­ti­on on this pro­duct or how AMD Fire­Pro™ gra­phics can be inte­gra­ted into aca­de­mic com­pu­te pro­jects, cont­act the AMD Pro­fes­sio­nal Gra­phics Team by email:

Sup­port­ing Resources

About AMD
For more than 45 years AMD has dri­ven inno­va­ti­on in high-per­for­mance com­pu­ting, gra­phics and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies — the buil­ding blocks for gam­ing, immersi­ve plat­forms and the dat­a­cen­ter. Hundreds of mil­li­ons of con­su­mers, lea­ding For­tu­ne 500 busi­nesses and cut­ting-edge sci­en­ti­fic rese­arch faci­li­ties around the world rely on AMD tech­no­lo­gy dai­ly to impro­ve how they live, work and play. AMD employees around the world are focu­sed on buil­ding gre­at pro­ducts that push the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble. For more infor­ma­ti­on about how AMD is enab­ling today and inspi­ring tomor­row, visit the AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) web­site, blog, and Face­book and Twit­ter pages.

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Fire­Pro, Rade­on and com­bi­na­ti­ons the­reof are trade­marks of Advan­ced Micro Devices Inc. Other names are for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses only and may be trade­marks of their respec­ti­ve owners. 

1 AMD inter­nal test­ing as of March 2016. Sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons may vary, yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. The AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 deli­vers 13.9 TFLOPS of peak sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on com­pu­te per­for­mance. As of March 18th, 2016, NVIDIA’s fas­test Tes­la board is the Tes­la K80, which deli­vers up to 8.73 TFLOPS of sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on com­pu­te per­for­mance. For AMD, cal­cu­la­ti­on based on a for­mu­la using a com­bi­na­ti­on of shader units and clock speeds. For Nvi­dia, source of data as of March 18, 2016: FP-189

2 AMD inter­nal test­ing as of March 2016. Sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons may vary, yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. The AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 deli­vers 1024 GB/s of aggre­ga­te memo­ry band­width, while the NVIDIA Tes­la M40 deli­vers 288 GB/s of aggre­ga­te memo­ry band­width, and the NVIDIA Tes­la K80 deli­vers 480 GB/s aggre­ga­te memo­ry band­width. For AMD, cal­cu­la­ti­on based on a for­mu­la using a com­bi­na­ti­on of shader units and clock speeds. For Nvi­dia, source of data as of March 18, 2016: FP-188

3 AMD inter­nal test­ing as of March 2016. Sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons may vary, yiel­ding dif­fe­rent results. The AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 GPU pro­vi­des 13.9 TFLOPS of sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on com­pu­te per­for­mance, and 1024 GB/s memo­ry band­width. The hig­hest-end Intel Xeon pro­ces­sor, the E5-2699 v3, deli­vers 1.1 TFLOPS sin­gle-pre­cis­i­on floa­ting point per­for­mance and 68 GB/s memo­ry band­width. For AMD, cal­cu­la­ti­on of peak floa­ting point per­for­mance based on for­mu­la using a com­bi­na­ti­on of shaders and clock speeds.For Intel, source of data as of March 21, 2016: FP-191

4 AMD cus­to­mer CGG inter­nal test­ing as of March 2016, with pro­prie­ta­ry wave equa­ti­on model­ling per­for­mance bench­mar­king done on AMD Fire­Pro™ S9300 x2, AMD Fire­Pro™ S9150, Nvi­dia Tes­la K80, Nvi­dia Tes­la K40 and Nvi­dia Tes­la M60. Varied sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons may yield dif­fe­rent results. AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2 rela­ti­ve spee­dup in com­pa­ri­son to AMD Fire­Pro™ S9150, Nvi­dia Tes­la K80, Nvi­dia Tes­la K40 and Nvi­dia Tes­la M60 was 2.73x, 2.71x, 2.05x, and 3.5x, respec­tively. FP-192

Sup­port­ing Quotes:

We’­re very plea­sed with the AMD Fire­Pro™ com­pu­te clus­ters,” said Jean-Yves Blanc, chief IT archi­tect, CGG. “We’­re also impres­sed by the 1TB/s memo­ry band­width of the AMD Fire­Pro S9300 x2, a board which deli­vers over 2x the per­for­mance of any other ser­ver GPU boards on CGG Wave Equa­ti­on Mode­ling codes.”

As a belie­ver in open source solu­ti­ons for par­al­lel com­pu­ting and high per­for­mance clus­ters, I applaud AMD for its many con­tri­bu­ti­ons and ongo­ing efforts,” said Simon McIn­tosh-Smith, head of the Microelec­tro­nics Group, Bris­tol Uni­ver­si­ty. “The com­bi­na­ti­on of the inno­va­ti­ve Rade­on Open Com­pu­te plat­form as part of the GPUO­pen efforts with the 1 TB/s memo­ry band­width of the new AMD Fire­Pro™ S9300 x2 Ser­ver GPU is crea­ting exci­te­ment throug­hout the rese­arch and com­mer­cial communities.”

John Swi­ni­mer
AMD Public Relations
(289) 695‑0600
Email Cont­act

Source: Advan­ced Micro Devices