BIOSTAR Holds Awesome Launch Event for its 2nd-Gen RACING Motherboards in Thailand

Debut­ing the latest mother­boards inclu­ding Intel 200-series and AMD AM4 mother­boards as well as 

more exci­ting pro­ducts from BIOSTAR

Janu­ary 25th,  2017, BANGKOK, THAILAND BIOSTAR recent­ly held a suc­cessful launch event for its 2nd-gene­ra­ti­on of RACING series mother­boards fea­turing sup­port for Intel’s 7th-gene­ra­ti­on Core pro­ces­sors as well as some new other pro­ducts like AM4 mother­boards fea­turing sup­port for the upco­ming AMD Ryzen pro­ces­sors. Dea­lers tog­e­ther with media and power users were trea­ted to a gre­at occa­si­on to get to know the new line-up of BIOSTAR pro­ducts whilst also enjoy­ing a fri­end­ly acti­vi­ty with fel­low attendees.

On Janu­ary 20th, 2017, BIOSTAR Sales and Mar­ke­ting mana­ger Jus­tin Wang pre­sen­ted to a crowd of both dea­lers and media about the latest pro­ducts from BIOSTAR. Tog­e­ther with the new Intel-200 chip­set-equip­ped 2nd-gen RACING series, BIOSTAR also show­ca­sed its X370GT7 mother­board to the Thai atten­de­es, the first public appearance it has in Sou­the­ast Asia.

Jus­tin went on to detail about the new BIOSTAR 2nd-gen RACING series fea­tures inclu­ding new RGB light­ing modes and design, inclu­si­on of 10GbE net­wor­king solu­ti­on, the impro­ved VIVID LED DJ appli­ca­ti­on and the M.2 Coo­ling Pro­tec­tion for SSDs.


As repor­ted ear­lier, BIOSTAR remin­ded the Thai­land dea­lers that they will be having a pro­mo­ti­on in which the new BIOSTAR RACING Z270GT9 and RACING Z270GT6 will be sold as a bund­le with an Intel 600p 256GB PCI‑e M.2 SSD and a BIOSTAR G300 series 240GB SSD respectively.

On dis­play in the event were the pro­ducts men­tio­ned as well as cus­tom-built gam­ing set­ups to show­ca­se the allu­re of the new BIOSTAR pro­ducts. The guests were free to expe­ri­ence the pro­ducts for them­sel­ves and feel the new level of qua­li­ty that BIOSTAR brings to the table.



BIOSTAR also show­ca­sed to the atten­de­es its new line of gam­ing peri­pherals and pro­ducts inclu­ding SSDs, RACING P1 mini PC, VGA and their gam­ing key­board, and mice.

To con­clude the event acti­vi­ties, the atten­de­es were invi­ted to part­ci­pa­te in the Escape Room game. Teams were for­med to figu­re out how to escape the puz­zle rooms which ecnou­ra­ges team­work, ana­ly­sis and puz­zle-sol­ving which reso­na­tes with BIOSTAR’s RACING spi­rit the­me. The peo­p­le in atten­dance real­ly enjoy­ed this seg­ment and noted that it was a sur­pri­sing yet fun way to con­clude the day’s activities.

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the event exclai­med their exci­te­ment for BIOSTAR’s new pro­duct line and some have went on to sta­te that they eager­ly look for­ward to see the new pro­ducts’ suc­cess in the market.

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BIOSTAR, is a brand dedi­ca­ted to the pro­duc­tion of mother­boards, gra­phics cards, indus­tri­al com­pu­ting sys­tems, IOT, and health­ca­re solu­ti­on. Sin­ce its estab­lish­ment in 1986, the BIOSTAR GROUP has beco­me a major mother­board sup­pli­er in the IT indus­try as well as in IOT, Inter­net Of Things. In order to pur­sue the best qua­li­ty and aes­the­tic design, BIOSTAR has inves­ted hea­vi­ly in ID design, equip­ment, glo­bal mar­ke­ting rese­arch as well as R & D. With a con­stant empha­sis on qua­li­ty, BIOSTAR always seeks to bey­ond bet­ter and race to the future.