The AMD Powered NAS Family from QNAP: Affordable, High Performance, Expandable

QNAP is always pushing bar­riers to be the indus­try lea­der in NAS inno­va­ti­on. And by joi­ning forces with AMD, we bring to you some of the most powerful, expan­da­ble, fea­ture-fil­led and afforda­ble NAS solu­ti­ons on the mar­ket. QNAP’s AMD line-up all fea­ture PCIe slots for gre­at expan­da­bili­ty opti­ons such as 10GbE/40GbEPCIe NVMe SSD , QM2 cards or a com­pa­ti­ble gra­phics card*. And with QNAP’s stan­dard fea­tures such back­up, sync and file sha­ring along with cut­ting edge fea­tures like Vir­tua­liza­ti­on Sta­ti­onQsync and snapshot, QNAP’s AMD line up is the ulti­ma­te sto­rage solu­ti­on for busi­nesses, lar­ge or small.

*Plea­se check com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty list for gra­phics card com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty for each model.




Ryzen™ NAS with gra­phics pro­ces­sing to faci­li­ta­te AI-ori­en­ted tasks 

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TS-x77 Series

The first Ryzen™-based NAS with up to 8 cores and 16 threads and gra­phics card sup­port to rede­fi­ne your vir­tua­liza­ti­on and 4K pro­ces­sing experiences 

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TVS-x73e Series

A powerful busi­ness NAS with an AMD RX-421BD quad-core APU, up to 64GB DDR4 RAM, and sup­ports dual PCIe slots, USB Quick­Ac­cess and HDMI 4K output 

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TS-x73 Series

Afforda­ble high-end AMD RX-421ND quad-core NAS with PCIe slots for adding M.2 SSD, 10GbE con­nec­ti­vi­ty, and a gra­phics card 

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QNAP’s AMD Powered NAS Family