AMD President and CEO Dr. Lisa Su to Keynote at CES 2019

Dr. Su to explore the accelerating adoption of high-performance computing and visualization technologies to redefine life

Arling­ton, VA – 10/03/2018 – The Con­su­mer Tech­no­lo­gy Asso­cia­ti­on (CTA)TM today announ­ced that AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) Pre­si­dent and CEO Dr. Lisa Su will deli­ver a key­note address at the upco­ming CES® 2019. Dr. Su’s address is sche­du­led for Wed­nes­day, Janu­ary 9 at 9:00 AM in the Vene­ti­an Palaz­zo Ball­room. Owned and pro­du­ced by CTA, CES 2019, the world’s lar­gest inno­va­ti­on event, will run Janu­ary 8–11, 2019 in Las Vegas.
In 2019, AMD will cata­pult com­pu­ting, gam­ing, and visua­liza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies for­ward with the world’s first 7nm high-per­for­mance CPUs and GPUs, pro­vi­ding the power requi­red to reach technology’s next hori­zon. During her CES key­note, Dr. Su and guests will pro­vi­de a view into the diver­se appli­ca­ti­ons for new com­pu­ting tech­no­lo­gies ran­ging from sol­ving some of the world’s toug­hest chal­lenges to the future of gam­ing, enter­tain­ment and vir­tu­al rea­li­ty with the poten­ti­al to rede­fi­ne modern life.
AMD is trans­forming the future of com­pu­ting in our ever-expan­ding digi­tal world and revo­lu­tio­ni­zing the $35 bil­li­on gam­ing indus­try,” said Gary Sha­pi­ro, pre­si­dent and CEO, CTA. “We look for­ward to Dr. Su’s key­note as she paints a pic­tu­re of the next-gene­ra­ti­on of com­pu­ting that will help rede­fi­ne the future of gam­ing and vir­tu­al entertainment.”
Dr. Su is AMD pre­si­dent and chief exe­cu­ti­ve offi­cer and ser­ves on the company’s board of direc­tors. Pre­vious­ly, Dr. Su held exe­cu­ti­ve lea­der­ship and engi­nee­ring posi­ti­ons with AMD, Frees­ca­le Semi­con­duc­tor, Inc. and IBM after recei­ving her bachelor’s, master’s and doc­to­ra­te degrees in elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring from the Mas­sa­chu­setts Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy (MIT). In 2017, she was named one of the “World’s 50 Grea­test Lea­ders” by For­tu­ne Maga­zi­ne and the “Top Ran­ked Semi­con­duc­tor CEO” by Insti­tu­tio­nal Inves­tor Maga­zi­ne. Under Dr. Su’s lea­der­ship, AMD has intro­du­ced two com­ple­te­ly new chip archi­tec­tures and more than ten dif­fe­rent pro­duct fami­lies, resul­ting in dou­ble-digit annu­al reve­nue growth in 2017. 
Dr. Su’s address marks the first CES key­note from AMD in show histo­ry. She joins IBM chair­man, pre­si­dent and CEO Gin­ni Romet­ty as con­firm­ed CES 2019 key­note spea­k­ers. Addi­tio­nal CES key­notes will be announ­ced in the coming weeks. Visit the CES Key­note page for the latest updates.
CES is the lar­gest and most influ­en­ti­al tech­no­lo­gy event on the pla­net, fea­turing 4,500 exhi­bi­tors across 2.75 mil­li­on net squa­re feet of exhi­bit space. The 2018 event attrac­ted 182,198 atten­de­es, inclu­ding a record 63,784 inter­na­tio­nal atten­de­es, accor­ding to the offi­ci­al show audit.  The show pro­vi­des access to the very latest trans­for­ma­ti­ve tech such as 5G con­nec­ti­vi­ty, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, aug­men­ted and vir­tu­al rea­li­ty, smart home, smart cities, sports and machi­ne intel­li­gence, as well as new are­as for 2019 inclu­ding tou­rism and resilience.
Regis­tra­ti­on for CES 2019 is now open. Down­load or sub­scri­be to the CES Tech Talk pod­cast, back for a second sea­son to explo­re all the emer­ging tech trends atten­de­es will see and expe­ri­ence at CES 2019. For the latest exhi­bi­tor news and show announce­ments, visit