Schlagwort: AMD

AMD to Significantly Expand Data Center AI Systems Capabilities with Acquisition of Hyperscale Solutions Provider ZT Systems

 — Stra­te­gic acqui­si­ti­on to pro­vi­de AMD with indus­try-lea­ding sys­tems exper­ti­se to acce­le­ra­te deploy­ment of opti­mi­zed rack-sca­le solu­ti­ons addres­sing $400 bil­li­on data cen­ter AI acce­le­ra­tor oppor­tu­ni­ty in 2027 —

ZT Sys­tems, a lea­ding pro­vi­der of AI and gene­ral pur­po­se com­pu­te infra­struc­tu­re for the world’s lar­gest hypers­ca­le pro­vi­ders, brings exten­si­ve AI sys­tems exper­ti­se that com­ple­ments AMD sili­con and soft­ware capabilities 
Addi­ti­on of world-class design and cus­to­mer ena­blem­ent teams to acce­le­ra­te deploy­ment of AMD AI rack sca­le sys­tems with cloud and enter­pri­se customers 
AMD to seek stra­te­gic part­ner to acqui­re ZT Sys­tems’ indus­try-lea­ding manu­fac­tu­ring business 
Tran­sac­tion expec­ted to be accre­ti­ve on a non-GAAP basis by the end of 2025

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced the sig­ning of a defi­ni­ti­ve agree­ment to acqui­re ZT Sys­tems, a lea­ding pro­vi­der of AI infra­struc­tu­re for the world’s lar­gest hypers­ca­le com­pu­ting com­pa­nies. The stra­te­gic tran­sac­tion marks the next major step in AMD’s AI stra­tegy to deli­ver lea­der­ship AI trai­ning and infe­ren­cing solu­ti­ons based on inno­vat­ing across sili­con, soft­ware and sys­tems. ZT Sys­tems’ exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence desig­ning and opti­mi­zing cloud com­pu­ting solu­ti­ons will also help cloud and enter­pri­se cus­to­mers signi­fi­cant­ly acce­le­ra­te the deploy­ment of AMD-powered AI infra­struc­tu­re at sca­le. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Financial Results

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announ­ced reve­nue for the fourth quar­ter of 2023 of $6.2 bil­li­on, gross mar­gin of 47%, ope­ra­ting inco­me of $342 mil­li­on, net inco­me of $667 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share of $0.41. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross mar­gin was 51%, ope­ra­ting inco­me was $1.4 bil­li­on, net inco­me was $1.2 bil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share was $0.77.

For the full year 2023, the com­pa­ny repor­ted reve­nue of $22.7 bil­li­on, gross mar­gin of 46%, ope­ra­ting inco­me of $401 mil­li­on, net inco­me of $854 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share of $0.53. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross mar­gin was 50%, ope­ra­ting inco­me was $4.9 bil­li­on, net inco­me was $4.3 bil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share was $2.65. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 24.1.1 WHQL

Die neue Ver­si­on 24.1.1 der AMD Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin bie­tet Sup­port für die Spie­le “Like A Dra­gon: Infi­ni­te Wealth” und “TEKKEN 8”, die Rade­on RX 7600 XT und bringt AMD Flu­id Moti­on Frames (AFMF) nun in den Trei­ber­stan­dard für Kar­ten der Rade­on RX 7000 und 6000 Serie sowie der Mobi­le Rade­on RX RX 7000M und 6000M Serie und allen Pro­zes­so­ren mit inte­grier­ter Gra­fik AMD Rade­on 700M.

Die Ein­stel­lung “Fac­to­ry Reset” — also “auf Werkseinstellungen/zustand zurück­zu­set­zen” -, die im Trei­ber 23.3.1 tem­po­rär deak­ti­viert wur­de, ist jetzt wie­der ver­füg­bar. Außer­dem wer­den bei den bekann­ten Feh­lern teil­wei­se die Trei­ber genannt, für die eine Lösung geplant ist. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Ava Hahn Joins AMD as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced that Ava Hahn has joi­n­ed the com­pa­ny as seni­or vice pre­si­dent, gene­ral coun­sel and cor­po­ra­te secre­ta­ry, repla­cing Har­ry Wolin who is reti­ring from AMD after 24 years.

I want to thank Har­ry for the role he has play­ed lea­ding our legal, govern­ment rela­ti­ons and public affairs teams during a peri­od of signi­fi­cant growth and trans­for­ma­ti­on,” said AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “I am exci­ted to wel­co­me Ava to AMD. Her exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence lea­ding legal func­tions for mul­ti­ple tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­nies will be an inva­luable asset as we enter our next pha­se of growth.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD to Report Fiscal Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Financial Results

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced today that it will report the fis­cal fourth quar­ter and full year 2023 finan­cial results on Tues­day, Jan. 30, 2024, after the clo­se of mar­ket. Manage­ment will con­duct a con­fe­rence call to dis­cuss the­se results at 5:00 p.m. EST / 2:00 p.m. PST. Inte­res­ted par­ties are invi­ted to lis­ten to the web­cast of the con­fe­rence call via the AMD Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons web­site

About AMD (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Reveals Next-Gen Desktop Processors for Extreme PC Gaming and Creator Performance

AMD Ryzen™ 8000G Series desk­top pro­ces­sors bring immense per­for­mance for gamers and crea­tors and unlocks new per­so­nal AI expe­ri­en­ces with Ryzen AI 

— AMD bols­ters desk­top port­fo­lio and extends unpre­ce­den­ted lon­ge­vi­ty of the AM4 plat­form with new Ryzen™ 5000 Series desk­top pro­ces­sors 

— Part­ners inclu­ding Leno­vo, Razer, Asus, and Acer intro­du­ce new AI PCs with AMD Ryzen™ 8040 Series mobi­le pro­ces­sors 

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, ahead of CES 2024, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced new pro­ducts expan­ding its desk­top port­fo­lio, deli­ve­ring pre­mi­um expe­ri­en­ces to gamers, con­tent crea­tors and ever­y­day users through extra­or­di­na­ry per­for­mance and the power of per­so­nal AI pro­ces­sing. AMD is intro­du­cing the new AMD Ryzen™ 8000G Series desk­top pro­ces­sors for the AM5 plat­form, inclu­ding the Ryzen™ 7 8700G, with the world’s most powerful built-in gra­phics.1 AMD is also brin­ging the power of a dedi­ca­ted AI neu­ral pro­ces­sing unit (NPU) to desk­top PC pro­ces­sors for the first time with the intro­duc­tion of Ryzen™ AI to unlock more AI capa­bi­li­ties for con­su­mers and impro­ve pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, effi­ci­en­cy, and advan­ced col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD bringt neue APUs der Serie Ryzen 8000G für Desktop

Die Ein­füh­rung der letz­ten APU-Serie von AMD für das Desk­top-Seg­ment liegt schon eine Wei­le zurück. Es war der Ryzen 5000G für den Sockel AM4 im Jahr 2021. Für den 2022 ein­ge­führ­ten Sockel AM5 gab es bis­lang noch kei­ne APUs. Daher jetzt also die Ein­füh­rung der Ryzen-8000G-Serie mit einer inte­grier­ten Gra­fik­ein­heit, die stark genug ist, damit Gele­gen­heits­spie­ler kom­plett auf eine dedi­zier­te Gra­fik­kar­te ver­zich­ten kön­nen sol­len. Im Zuge der Vor­stel­lung hat AMD auch gleich noch ein paar Model­le bekann­ter CPUs ergänzt. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Showcases Growing Momentum for AMD Powered AI Solutions from the Data Center to PCs

— Micro­soft, Dell Tech­no­lo­gies, HPE, Leno­vo, Meta, Ora­cle, Super­mi­cro and others adopt new AMD Instinct MI300X and MI300A data cen­ter AI acce­le­ra­tors for trai­ning and infe­rence solutions —

AMD also laun­ches ROCm 6 soft­ware stack with signi­fi­cant per­for­mance opti­miza­ti­ons and new fea­tures for Lar­ge Lan­guage Models and Ryzen 8040 Series note­book pro­ces­sors for AI PCs —

SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today at the “Advan­cing AI” event, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) was joi­n­ed by indus­try lea­ders inclu­ding Micro­soft, Meta, Ora­cle, Dell Tech­no­lo­gies, HPE, Leno­vo, Super­mi­cro, Aris­ta, Broad­com and Cis­co to show­ca­se how the­se com­pa­nies are working with AMD to deli­ver advan­ced AI solu­ti­ons span­ning from cloud to enter­pri­se and PCs. AMD laun­ched mul­ti­ple new pro­ducts at the event, inclu­ding the AMD Instinct MI300 Series data cen­ter AI acce­le­ra­tors, ROCm™ 6 open soft­ware stack with signi­fi­cant opti­miza­ti­ons and new fea­tures sup­port­ing Lar­ge Lan­guage Models (LLMs) and Ryzen™ 8040 Series pro­ces­sors with Ryzen AI. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Inaugurates its Largest Global Design Center in India

The AMD Tech­no­star R&D cam­pus in Ben­g­alu­ru is part of the $400 mil­li­on India invest­ment announ­ced by the com­pa­ny at Semi­con 2023 —

— The 500,000-square-foot cam­pus plans to host appro­xi­m­ate­ly 3000 engineers —

Ben­g­alu­ru, India – Novem­ber 28, 2023 – AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today inau­gu­ra­ted its lar­gest glo­bal design cen­ter in Ben­g­alu­ru, mar­king a mile­stone in the company’s com­mit­ment to expand rese­arch, deve­lo­p­ment, and engi­nee­ring ope­ra­ti­ons in India. The sta­te-of-the-art cam­pus plans to host appro­xi­m­ate­ly 3,000 AMD engi­neers in the coming years, focu­sed on the design and deve­lo­p­ment of semi­con­duc­tor tech­no­lo­gy inclu­ding 3D stack­ing, arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, machi­ne lear­ning, and more. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Reports Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ:AMD) today announ­ced reve­nue for the third quar­ter of 2023 of $5.8 bil­li­on, gross mar­gin of 47%, ope­ra­ting inco­me of $224 mil­li­on, net inco­me of $299 mil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share of $0.18. On a non-GAAP(*) basis, gross mar­gin was 51%, ope­ra­ting inco­me was $1.3 bil­li­on, net inco­me was $1.1 bil­li­on and diluted ear­nings per share was $0.70.

We deli­ver­ed strong reve­nue and ear­nings growth dri­ven by demand for our Ryzen 7000 series PC pro­ces­sors and record ser­ver pro­ces­sor sales,” said AMD Chair and CEO Dr. Lisa Su. “Our data cen­ter busi­ness is on a signi­fi­cant growth tra­jec­to­ry based on the strength of our EPYC CPU port­fo­lio and the ramp of Instinct MI300 acce­le­ra­tor ship­ments to sup­port mul­ti­ple deploy­ments with hypers­ca­le, enter­pri­se and AI customers.”

We exe­cu­ted well in the third quar­ter, deli­ve­ring year-over-year growth in reve­nue, gross mar­gin and ear­nings per share,” said AMD EVP, CFO and Tre­asurer Jean Hu. “In the fourth quar­ter, we expect to see strong growth in Data Cen­ter and con­tin­ued momen­tum in Cli­ent, par­ti­al­ly off­set by lower sales in the Gam­ing seg­ment and addi­tio­nal sof­tening of demand in the embedded mar­kets.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Introduces New AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7000 Series Processors and Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7000 WX-Series Processors for the Ultimate Workstation

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, AMD (NASDAQ: AMDannoun­ced the much-anti­ci­pa­ted AMD Ryzen™ Thre­ad­rip­per™ PRO 7000 WX-Series pro­ces­sors and rein­tro­du­ced the Thre­ad­rip­per pro­ces­sor lin­e­up to the high-end desk­top space with the Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per 7000 Series pro­ces­sors, set­ting a new stan­dard for com­pu­ting per­for­mance and inno­va­ti­on in the industry.

AMD is intro­du­cing the Ryzen Thre­ad­rip­per PRO 7000 WX-Series pro­ces­sors, which will be available later this year to DIY cus­to­mers, SI part­ners, and through OEM part­ners, inclu­ding Dell Tech­no­lo­gies, HP, and Leno­vo. Desi­gned for pro­fes­sio­nals and busi­nesses that demand top-tier per­for­mance, relia­bi­li­ty, expan­da­bili­ty, and secu­ri­ty, the­se pro­ces­sors pro­vi­de the unpar­al­le­led mul­ti-core per­for­mance of “Zen 4” Thre­ad­rip­per 7000 Series pro­ces­sors. Addi­tio­nal­ly, they are bols­te­red by AMD PRO tech­no­lo­gies and offer the enter­pri­se-level secu­ri­ty and manage­ment fea­tures modern busi­nesses requi­re, and fea­ture up to 96 cores and 192 pro­ces­sing threads of incre­di­ble per­for­mance for the work­sta­tion mar­ket. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Introduces Fastest AMD Radeon Laptop Graphics Ever Developed

New AMD Advantage Alienware m18 laptop powered by AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX processors and Radeon RX 7900M GPUs delivers desktop-class performance for gaming and content creation on the go

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) intro­du­ced flag­ship lap­top gra­phics pro­ces­sor AMD Rade­on™ RX 7900M, the fas­test AMD Rade­on™ GPU ever deve­lo­ped for lap­tops1. Built on ground­brea­king AMD RDNA™ 3 archi­tec­tu­re, the new high-per­for­mance GPU brings incre­di­ble gam­ing and con­tent crea­ti­on per­for­mance to mobi­le sys­tems, deli­ve­ring 7% on avera­ge hig­her per­for­mance than the com­pe­ti­ti­ve offe­ring in sel­ect games at QHD reso­lu­ti­on2.

In addi­ti­on, today Ali­en­wa­re announ­ced the latest mem­ber of the Ali­en­wa­re m18 lap­top fami­ly fea­turing the new AMD Rade­on GPUs. Powered by AMD Ryzen™ 9 7945HX pro­ces­sors and AMD Rade­on RX 7900M GPUs and lever­aging advan­ced AMD smart tech­no­lo­gies3, the Ali­en­wa­re m18 is the ulti­ma­te AMD Advan­ta­ge™ lap­top, offe­ring asto­nis­hing per­for­mance to power the most deman­ding games and con­tent crea­ti­on appli­ca­ti­ons. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD to Report Fiscal Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announ­ced today that it will report fis­cal third quar­ter 2023 finan­cial results on Tues­day, Oct. 31, 2023, after the clo­se of mar­ket. Manage­ment will con­duct a con­fe­rence call to dis­cuss the­se results at 5:00 p.m. EDT / 2:00 p.m. PDT. Inte­res­ted par­ties are invi­ted to lis­ten to the web­cast of the con­fe­rence call via AMD’s Inves­tor Rela­ti­ons web­site

(…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

Supermicro Introduces a Number of Density and Power Optimized Edge Platforms for Telco Providers, Based on the New AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series Processor

The New Super­mi­cro H13 WIO Fami­ly Includes Sys­tems that are NEBS Com­pli­ant, Offer AC or DC Power Opti­ons, and Start at Only 80 Watts TDP with Sca­ling Up to 64 Cores — Deli­ve­ring Ener­gy Effi­ci­en­cy, Fle­xi­ble Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, and Plat­form Den­si­ty for Intel­li­gent Edge and Tel­co Applications

San Jose, Calif., — Sep­tem­ber 18, 2023 – Super­mi­cro, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMCI), a Total IT Solu­ti­on Pro­vi­der for Cloud, AI/ML, Sto­rage, and 5G/Edge, is announ­cing the AMD based Super­mi­cro H13 gene­ra­ti­on of WIO Ser­vers, opti­mi­zed to deli­ver strong per­for­mance and ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy for edge and tel­co dat­a­cen­ters powered by the new AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series pro­ces­sors. The new Super­mi­cro H13 WIO and short-depth front I/O sys­tems deli­ver ener­gy-effi­ci­ent sin­gle socket ser­vers that lower ope­ra­ting cos­ts for enter­pri­se, tel­co, and edge appli­ca­ti­ons. The­se sys­tems are desi­gned with a den­se form fac­tor and fle­xi­ble I/O opti­ons for sto­rage and net­wor­king, making the new ser­vers ide­al for deploy­ing in edge net­works. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »

AMD Completes 4th Gen EPYC Family with the AMD EPYC 8004 Processors, Purpose Built for Cloud Services, Intelligent Edge and Telco

New processors deliver exceptional energy efficiency and strong performance in an optimized, single-socket package supported by Dell Technologies, Ericsson, Lenovo, Supermicro and others, and validated for Microsoft Azure Stack HCI

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) today announ­ced avai­la­bi­li­ty of the new AMD EPYC™ 8004 Series pro­ces­sors, com­ple­ting the 4th Gen AMD EPYC CPU fami­ly of workload-opti­mi­zed pro­ces­sors. The­se new pro­ces­sors bring the “Zen 4c” core into a pur­po­se-built CPU, enab­ling hard­ware pro­vi­ders to crea­te ener­gy effi­ci­ent and dif­fe­ren­tia­ted plat­forms that can power appli­ca­ti­ons from the intel­li­gent edge, such as retail, manu­fac­tu­ring and tel­co, all the way to the data cen­ter for cloud ser­vices, sto­rage and others.

The new EPYC 8004 Series pro­ces­sors extend AMD lea­der­ship in sin­gle socket plat­forms by offe­ring excel­lent CPU ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy in a packa­ge tun­ed to meet the needs of space and power-cons­trai­ned infra­struc­tu­re,” said Dan McNa­ma­ra, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, Ser­ver Busi­ness, AMD. “AMD has deli­ver­ed mul­ti­ple gene­ra­ti­ons of data cen­ter pro­ces­sors that pro­vi­de out­stan­ding effi­ci­en­cy, per­for­mance, and inno­va­ti­ve fea­tures. Now with our 4th Gen EPYC CPU port­fo­lio com­ple­te, that lea­der­ship con­ti­nues across a broad set of workloads – from enter­pri­se and cloud, to intel­li­gent edge, tech­ni­cal com­pu­ting and more.” (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »