AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 24.1.1 WHQL

Die neue Ver­si­on 24.1.1 der AMD Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin bie­tet Sup­port für die Spie­le “Like A Dra­gon: Infi­ni­te Wealth” und “TEKKEN 8”, die Rade­on RX 7600 XT und bringt AMD Flu­id Moti­on Frames (AFMF) nun in den Trei­ber­stan­dard für Kar­ten der Rade­on RX 7000 und 6000 Serie sowie der Mobi­le Rade­on RX RX 7000M und 6000M Serie und allen Pro­zes­so­ren mit inte­grier­ter Gra­fik AMD Rade­on 700M.

Die Ein­stel­lung “Fac­to­ry Reset” — also “auf Werkseinstellungen/zustand zurück­zu­set­zen” -, die im Trei­ber 23.3.1 tem­po­rär deak­ti­viert wur­de, ist jetzt wie­der ver­füg­bar. Außer­dem wer­den bei den bekann­ten Feh­lern teil­wei­se die Trei­ber genannt, für die eine Lösung geplant ist.


New Feature Highlights

  • New Game Support
    • Like A Dra­gon: Infi­ni­te Wealth
    • TEKKEN™ 8
  • New Pro­duct Support
    • AMD Rade­on™ RX 7600 XT
  • AMD Flu­id Moti­on Frames (AFMF) — Boost FPS up to 97% for a smoot­her gam­ing expe­ri­ence by adding frame gene­ra­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy to any DirectX® 11 and 12 game. RS-630
    • AFMF impro­ves per­for­mance by adding frame gene­ra­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy to AMD Rade­on™ 700M, RX 6000, and RX 7000 series GPUs for note­book and desk­top platforms. 
      • Up to 97% avera­ge increase in per­for­mance across sel­ect titles at 1080p reso­lu­ti­on when AMD Flu­id Moti­on Frames (AFMF) is ON and ups­ca­led with Fide­li­ty­FX™ Super Reso­lu­ti­on 2 (FSR 2) at Qua­li­ty Mode, using AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on™️ 24.1.1 on the Rade­on™ RX 7600XT GPU, ver­sus when AFMF and FSR 2 ups­ca­ling are OFFRS-630
      • Up to 103% avera­ge increase in per­for­mance across sel­ect titles at 1440p reso­lu­ti­on when AMD Flu­id Moti­on Frames (AFMF) is ON and ups­ca­led with Fide­li­ty­FX™ Super Reso­lu­ti­on 2 (FSR 2) at Qua­li­ty Mode, using AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on™️ 24.1.1 on the Rade­on™ RX 7600XT GPU, ver­sus when AFMF and FSR 2 ups­ca­ling are OFFRS-631
    • AFMF pre­ser­ves image qua­li­ty by dyna­mi­cal­ly dis­ab­ling frame gene­ra­ti­on during fast visu­al motion.
  • AMD Video Ups­ca­ling – Advan­ced video ups­ca­le algo­rithm to impro­ve video play­back image qua­li­ty for AMD Rade­on™ RX 7000 desk­top series GPUs. 
    • AMD Video Ups­ca­ling can be enab­led within the Gra­phics tab to enjoy impro­ved sharp­ness and cla­ri­ty, for DirectX 11 appli­ca­ti­ons such as Goog­le Chro­me, Micro­soft Edge, and Media Play­er, with reso­lu­ti­on sup­port up to 4K.
    • For more ins­truc­tions on how to enable ups­ca­ling, plea­se ensu­re that your ver­si­on of AMD Soft­ware is up to date, and learn more HERE!
  • Addi­tio­nal Video Improvements
    • Con­tent Adap­ti­ve Machi­ne Lear­ning (CAML) text detec­tion has been updated to sup­port up to 4K gam­ing for even grea­ter clarity.
    • Various enco­ding sup­port within AMD Soft­ware inclu­ding AVC, HEVC and AV1 codecs have under­go­ne addi­tio­nal opti­miza­ti­ons to impro­ve video encode quality.
    • AMD con­ti­nues to work with part­ners to imple­ment video enhance­ments into 3rd par­ty apps; more updates to fol­low in upco­ming drivers.
  • AMD Smart Tech­no­lo­gy Tab – Access the suite of gre­at A+A fea­tures from one con­ve­ni­ent loca­ti­on to maxi­mi­ze the power of your AMD-powered system.
  • AMD Assistant – Auto­ma­ti­cal­ly enable or disable AMD Soft­ware fea­tures based on various situa­tions for impro­ved per­for­mance or bat­tery life.
  • Addi­tio­nal OS Fea­ture Support
    • Sup­port for Hard­ware Acce­le­ra­ted GPU Sche­du­ling has been expan­ded to Rade­on™ RX 7600 series GPUs on Win­dows 11 ver­si­on 22H2 and newer. Click HERE for more information.

What to Know

  • AMD Flu­id Moti­on Frames (AFMF)
    • AFMF can be enab­led for any DirectX® 11 and 12 title using HYPR-RX
      • AFMF may intro­du­ce addi­tio­nal laten­cy to games and may not offer the opti­mal expe­ri­ence for fast-paced com­pe­ti­ti­ve titles. AFMF is recom­men­ded to be com­bi­ned with AMD Rade­on™ Anti-Lag to redu­ce in-game laten­cy while main­tai­ning a mini­mum in-game fps of 60.
      • Due to the poten­ti­al laten­cy impact of AFMF, it must be manu­al­ly enab­led in the per-game set­tings for cer­tain fast-paced com­pe­ti­ti­ve titles, even if AFMF was alre­a­dy enab­led glo­bal­ly. Gamers are free to enable AFMF in the­se titles based on their pre­fe­rence and game­play style, howe­ver, they may not expe­ri­ence opti­mal per­for­mance – spe­ci­fi­cal­ly at lower frame rates.
      • AFMF may be enab­led or dis­ab­led on the fly using the default hot­key of Alt-Shif­t‑G.
    • AFMF curr­ent­ly requi­res the game to be play­ed in full­screen mode with VSYNC disabled. 
      • For bet­ter com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty with bor­der­less-full­screen titles, Win­dows 11 users can enable “Opti­miza­ti­ons for win­do­wed games”.
      • For a bet­ter visu­al expe­ri­ence, AFMF is recom­men­ded to be used with varia­ble refresh rate enabled.
    • Users can check AFMF’s frame gene­ra­ti­on sta­tus using AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edition™’s in-game overlay.
    • AFMF adds frame gene­ra­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy to boost FPS out­side the game’s engi­ne. Users can use AMD Soft­ware Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay to see the resul­ting FPS
      • Sup­port for third-par­ty per­for­mance moni­to­ring tools is not available at this moment.
    • For sys­tems set­up using Hybrid Gra­phics (such as lap­tops fea­turing an inte­gra­ted and dis­crete GPU), AFMF must be sup­port­ed on the dis­play­ing GPU to be activated.
    • Stay tun­ed for future enhance­ments and inno­va­tions coming to HYPR-RX with AFMF, focu­sing on ele­vat­ing image qua­li­ty, smooth­ness, and laten­cy. Enjoy gam­ing with HYPR-RX.

    AMD Video Upscaling

    • AMD Video Ups­ca­ling can be enab­led for most DirectX 11 appli­ca­ti­ons to impro­ve image qua­li­ty. Howe­ver, cer­tain appli­ca­ti­ons such as Goog­le Chro­me and Micro­soft Edge may requi­re an addi­tio­nal step to acti­va­te AMD Video Upscaling. 
      • For Goog­le Chro­me and Micro­soft Edge, ‘Media Foun­da­ti­on for Clear’ must be enab­led. This set­ting can be con­fi­gu­red in the brow­ser set­tings acces­sed through chrome://flags/ or edge://flags/.
    • Users have the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to adjust the level of sharp­ness added by AMD Video Ups­ca­ling using the slider loca­ted within the Gra­phics tab.
  • AMD Tech­ni­cal Pre­view Driver
    • Users had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get an ear­ly look of AFMF through the AMD Tech­ni­cal Pre­view Dri­vers and pro­vi­de their feed­back to build and refi­ne the fea­ture. The feed­back recei­ved through our online com­mu­ni­ties and AMD Bug Report Tool hel­ped crea­te a more sta­ble expe­ri­ence for AFMF in AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 24.1.1. 
    • Users loo­king for updates of future AMD Tech­ni­cal Pre­view Dri­vers can sub­scri­be to our news­let­ter HERE.

Fixed Issues

  • Per­for­mance drop may be obser­ved in some DirectML workloads.
  • Inter­mit­tent grey screen after dri­ver upgrade with cer­tain moni­tors (such as Nixeus NX-EDG274K) on Rade­on™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Gra­phics API metric may show as N/A in cer­tain UWP applications.
  • Hea­vy stut­te­ring may be expe­ri­en­ced while play­ing War­frame and loa­ding into a new area or start­ing a mission.
  • Black arti­facts may be obser­ved in smo­ke effects while play­ing Call of Duty®: Modern War­fa­re® III.
  • Black tex­tu­re fli­cke­ring may be obser­ved while play­ing Star­field on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 5600 XT.
  • Inter­mit­tent install fail­ure may be obser­ved when using the fac­to­ry reset setting.

Known Issues

  • Death­loop may expe­ri­ence exten­ded loa­ding times on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 6900 XT. [Reso­lu­ti­on tar­ge­ted for 24.2.1]
  • Dead Space may expe­ri­ence an appli­ca­ti­on crash after enab­ling RTAO on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 6800.
  • Exces­si­ve stut­te­ring may be expe­ri­en­ced when first play­ing a match in Over­watch 2. [Reso­lu­ti­on tar­ge­ted for 24.2.1]
  • Audio may inter­mit­tent­ly beco­me out of sync with the video when recor­ding from AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on using AV1 codec. [Reso­lu­ti­on tar­ge­ted for Q2]
  • Ocu­lus Rift S may dis­play with a green tint on AMD Rade­on™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • After a sys­tem reboot, Par­sec host appli­ca­ti­on may expe­ri­ence a crash on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 7900 XTX. [Reso­lu­ti­on tar­ge­ted for 24.2.1]
  • During Micro­soft Teams mee­tings, the came­ra may inter­mit­tent­ly dis­play loo­ped foo­ta­ge on some AMD Pro­ducts, such as the AMD Ryzen™ 7 7840U Processor.

Important Notes

  • For users that game remo­te­ly with AMD Link, one important announce­ment is that AMD is ending sup­port for the AMD Link soft­ware. We ori­gi­nal­ly laun­ched AMD Link at a time when the­re were few alter­na­ti­ve remo­te gam­ing solu­ti­ons for Rade­on gra­phics users. Today, the­re are many opti­ons available for users to stream their PC con­tent to other devices. AMD’s role is to enable and sup­port deve­lo­pers, not com­pe­te with them. As such, we are ending sup­port for AMD Link and focu­sing our resour­ces on other core capa­bi­li­ties and fea­tures that bene­fit users. We will also con­ti­nue to sup­port deve­lo­pers with our SDKs such as the AMD Advan­ced Media Frame­work that allow them to enable strea­ming func­tion­a­li­ty within their solutions.
  • For users who pre­vious­ly instal­led an AMD Soft­ware pre­view dri­ver, run­ning AMD Cle­a­nup Uti­li­ty is recom­men­ded befo­re instal­ling this driver.
  • AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 24.1.1 will now auto­ma­ti­cal­ly clear pre­vious­ly instal­led dri­vers loca­ted in the C:\AMD fol­der to save space.

Package Contents

AMD Soft­ware: Adre­na­lin Edi­ti­on 24.1.1 Dri­ver Ver­si­on 23.40.02 for Win­dows® 10 and Win­dows® 11 (Win­dows Dri­ver Store Ver­si­on 31.0.24002.92).


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