AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 23.3.2 WHQL

Die neue Ver­si­on 23.3.2 der AMD Rade­on Soft­ware Adre­na­lin bie­tet Sup­port für die Spie­le “Resi­dent Evil™ 4 Remake” und  “The Last of Us™ Part 1”. Außer­dem wer­den eini­ge wei­te­re Vul­kan-Erwei­te­run­gen unter­stützt. Ansons­ten gibt es eini­ge Feh­ler­be­he­bun­gen, die sich aber erneu fast alle auf Feh­ler in Spie­len beziehen.
Die Ein­stel­lung “Fac­to­ry Reset” — also “auf Werkseinstellungen/zustand zurück­zu­set­zen” -, die im Trei­ber 23.3.1 tem­po­rär deak­ti­viert wur­de, bleibt auch deaktiviert.



  • Sup­port for: 
    • Resi­dent Evil™ 4 Remake
    • The Last of Us™ Part 1
    • Addi­tio­nal Vul­kan® exten­si­ons. Click here for more information.

Fixed Issues​

  • Appli­ca­ti­on crash may be obser­ved while play­ing UNCHARTED™: Lega­cy of Thie­ves Coll­ec­tion on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 6700 XT.
  • Appli­ca­ti­on crash may be obser­ved while play­ing Gens­hin Impact™ on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 6750 XT.
  • Cor­rup­ti­on may be obser­ved while play­ing It Takes Two™ on Rade­on™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Con­nec­tion fail­ure or black screen may be obser­ved using Par­sec cli­ent with AMD deco­der setting.
  • The Per­for­mance Tuning Stress Test may inter­mit­tent­ly lower GPU usa­ge befo­re test completion.
  • The Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay may inter­mit­tent­ly resi­ze across the dis­play on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts such as the Rade­on™ RX 6600M.
  • The Per­for­mance Metrics Over­lay may have some miss­ing units when enab­led, or situa­tio­nal­ly beco­me trun­ca­ted after chan­ging dis­play sca­ling settings.

Known Issues​

  • High idle power has situa­tio­nal­ly been obser­ved when using sel­ect high-reso­lu­ti­on and high refresh rate dis­plays on Rade­on™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Video stut­te­ring or per­for­mance drop may be obser­ved during game­play plus video play­back with some exten­ded dis­play con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons on Rade­on™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Some vir­tu­al rea­li­ty games or apps may expe­ri­ence lower-than-expec­ted per­for­mance on Rade­on™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Video play­back using hard­ware acce­le­ra­ted brow­sers may appear blur­ry during ups­ca­le on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 7900 XT.
  • Brief dis­play cor­rup­ti­on may occur when swit­ching bet­ween video and game win­dows on some AMD Gra­phics Pro­ducts, such as the Rade­on™ RX 6700 XT.
  • Mou­se cur­sor may appear invi­si­ble in Citrix Workspace™.

Important Notes​

  • Fac­to­ry Reset has been tem­po­r­a­ri­ly dis­ab­led as pre­cau­tio­na­ry mea­su­re while we address iso­la­ted instal­la­ti­on issues that have been repor­ted during PC upgrades.


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