Team Group Releases New gaming & High- Performance series products of T‑FORCE T1, VULCAN Z Memory & VULCAN Gaming Solid State Drive


April 25, 2019, Taipei_ Today Team Group releases three new pro­ducts from the T‑FORCE gam­ing series: T‑FORCE T1 gam­ing memo­ry, T‑FORCE VULCAN Z gam­ing memo­ry and T‑FORCE VULCAN high speed gam­ing solid sta­te dri­ve. T‑FORCE T1 gam­ing memory’s uni­que look is spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned for ent­ry gamers. T‑FORCE VULCAN Z gam­ing memory’s coo­ling per­for­mance has ful­ly evol­ved to per­fect­ly pro­tect the memo­ry. T‑FORCE VULCAN high speed gam­ing solid sta­te dri­ve has focu­sed on over­all details and offe­ring lar­ge capa­ci­ty and high speed read/write per­for­mance at the same time. All three pro­ducts have inhe­ri­ted the uni­que and clas­sic design of T‑FORCE gam­ing series, which makes buil­ding your own pc coo­ler than ever.

T‑FORCE T1 gam­ing memory’s impres­si­ve racing style is spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned for ent­ry gamers. Crea­ted using exclu­si­ve paten­ted color prin­ting and spe­cial ink, the racing design enhan­ces the over­all style of the DIY PC. The sel­ec­ted high-qua­li­ty IC chips are excep­tio­nal in dura­bi­li­ty, sta­bi­li­ty and com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty, allo­wing gamers to have excel­lent com­bat sta­tus on the batt­le­field of eSports. T‑FORCE T1 gam­ing memo­ry sup­ports both Intel & AMD plat­form. Plug & play allows gamers to be rea­dy for batt­les at any time.

T‑FORCE VULCAN Z is the new gam­ing memo­ry released by Team Group. Made by a 0.8mm thick, one-pie­ce alloy alu­mi­num with super­con­duc­ti­vi­ty – ther­mal­ly con­duc­ti­ve adhe­si­ve, it is able to com­ple­te­ly enhan­ce the effect of heat dis­si­pa­ti­on and pro­tect the memo­ry, so the memo­ry can ope­ra­te with excel­lent effi­ci­en­cy and sta­bi­li­ty. VULCAN Z gam­ing memory’s IC chips are sel­ec­ted through rigo­rous tests. Every memo­ry is tes­ted for com­ple­te com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty and sta­bi­li­ty. It sup­ports both Intel & AMD, offe­ring gamers a memo­ry with excep­tio­nal qua­li­ty, opti­mal per­for­mance and excel­lent compatibility.
Focu­sing on how to pre­sent the detail of the tex­tu­re, T‑FORCE VULCAN high speed gam­ing SSD has an exqui­si­te, light­weight and com­pact alu­mi­num alloy case. T‑FORCE’s exclu­si­ve LOGO in the midd­le shim­mers in an uni­que style. T‑FORCE VULCAN high speed gam­ing SSD has an stan­dard 2.5” form fac­tor with only 7mm in height. It uses 3D NAND flash memo­ry chip. Maxi­mum up to 1TB of capa­ci­ty is available and the read speed is up to 560 MB/s, which shows its excep­tio­nal per­for­mance. Whe­ther it is for lap­top or desk­top, the upgrade can be done in a blink of an eye, and you are one step ahead of ever­yo­ne else.

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As a lea­ding pro­vi­der of memo­ry sto­rage pro­ducts and mobi­le appli­ca­ti­ons to the con­su­mer mar­ket, TEAMGROUP Inc is com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding the best sto­rage, mul­ti­me­dia and data sha­ring solu­ti­ons. All TEAMGROUP’s memo­ry modu­le pro­ducts come with a life­time war­ran­ty, repair and repla­ce­ment ser­vices. TEAMGROUP also lis­ted com­pa­ny at stock exch­an­ge mar­ket in January,2019. In 2016, TEAMGROUP estab­lished T‑FORCE gam­ing series which inclu­ding all the gam­ing memo­ry modu­le. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit the TEAMGROUP web­site at or Fol­low our social media inclu­ding Face­book: /Twitter: Insta­gram: