FinalWire Launches AIDA64 v6.00

SHA3-512 Benchmarks and AMD Matisse Optimizations


SHA3-512 cryptographic hash benchmark

A new cut­ting edge 64-bit mul­ti-threa­ded hash bench­mark uti­li­zing AVX, AVX2, AVX-512, BMI2, and XOP opti­miza­ti­ons. For lega­cy sys­tems the bench­mark is available in 32-bit ver­si­on ful­ly opti­mi­zed for old pro­ces­sors like AMD K5, K6, K7, K8, K10 as well as the who­le Intel Pen­ti­um fami­ly. The old SHA1 hash bench­mark and the VP8 bench­mark have been reti­red from the main set of AIDA64 bench­marks. Howe­ver, the SHA1 bench­mark can still be used from the GPGPU Bench­mark Panel.

Optimized 64-bit benchmarks for AMD Zen 2 Matisse processors

AIDA64 CPUID Panel, Cache & Memo­ry Bench­mark panel, GPGPU Bench­mark panel, Sys­tem Sta­bi­li­ty Test, and all cache, memo­ry and pro­ces­sor bench­marks are ful­ly opti­mi­zed for AMD Zen 2 Matis­se high-per­for­mance desk­top pro­ces­sors as well as for AMD Epyc Rome ser­ver and work­sta­tion pro­ces­sors, uti­li­zing AVX2, FMA3, AES-NI and SHA ins­truc­tions. Detail­ed chip­set infor­ma­ti­on for the inte­gra­ted memo­ry con­trol­lers and inte­gra­ted south bridges of various AMD Zen 2 pro­ces­sors. Preli­mi­na­ry sup­port for PCI Express 4.0 con­trol­lers and devices. Preli­mi­na­ry sup­port for AMD Zen 2 APUs and AMD Navi GPUs.

Microsoft Windows 10 May 2019 Update support

Ope­ra­ting sys­tem details, instal­led pro­grams list, and secu­ri­ty soft­ware infor­ma­ti­on for the upco­ming Micro­soft Win­dows 10 May 2019 Update Ver­si­on 1903. Opti­mi­zed and fixed ACPI query, tree enu­me­ra­ti­on and tem­pe­ra­tu­re mea­su­re­ment modules.

Support for the latest hardware technologies

Mul­ti-threa­ded Open­CL GPGPU bench­marks, gra­phics pro­ces­sor, OpenGL and GPGPU details, tem­pe­ra­tu­re and coo­ling fan moni­to­ring for the latest GPUs: AMD Rade­on Pro Vega 16, Rade­on Pro Vega 20, Rade­on VII; nVI­DIA GeForce GTX 1650, GeForce GTX 1660, GeForce GTX 1660 Ti, GeForce MX230, GeForce MX250, GeForce RTX 2060, GeForce RTX 2060 Mobi­le, GeForce RTX 2070 Mobi­le, Tes­la T4, Titan RTX. Beada­Pa­nel LCD and Steel­Se­ries Rival 710 OLED dis­play sup­port. Cor­sair H100i Pla­ti­num and H115i Pla­ti­num liquid coo­ler sen­sor sup­port. Coo­ler Mas­ter MP750 RGB LED mou­se­pad sup­port. Cor­sair Obsi­di­an 1000D, EVGA iCX2, Farb­werk 360, NZXT GRID+ V3 sen­sor support.