ASRock Officially Launches X570 Series Motherboards with stunning design and performance

TAIPEI, Tai­wan, July 4th, 2019 – The lea­ding glo­bal mother­board manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, is plea­sed to offi­ci­al­ly announ­ce the launch of the new AMD X570 mother­board series, pre­view­ed during Com­putex 2019.

The series offers ten mother­board models for every role from afforda­ble per­for­mance to gam­ing to con­tent crea­ti­on to power users. ASRock’s X570 boards get the most from the next gene­ra­ti­on PCIe 4.0 inter­face and from the newest, most powerful AM4 pro­ces­sors, inclu­ding the AMD Ryzen™ 2000 and 3000 Series. The­se new boards con­ti­nue the tra­di­ti­on of trus­ted ASRock names such as Tai­chi and Phan­tom Gaming.

The new design for ASRock’s X570 mother­boards is a huge step for­ward. ASRock has com­bi­ned both aes­the­tics and func­tion­a­li­ty to crea­te a board that not only looks fasci­na­ting, with its bold angu­lar lines, but per­forms as good as it looks. The stun­ning full covera­ge alu­mi­num heats­ink cools and pro­tects the PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSDs as well as the chip­set. The neat­ly desi­gned color LED sys­tem is eye-cat­ching but also clas­sy. If you need even more enhan­ced RGB effects, you can cus­to­mi­ze your PC with Poly­chro­me SYNC full-color RGB LED light­ing, which pro­vi­des both 3‑pin addressa­ble RGB hea­ders and tra­di­tio­nal 4‑pin RGB LED hea­ders which allow users to con­nect RGB strips direct­ly to the mother­board and sync their light­ing sys­tem using the app provided.

Connectivity and performance: WiFi 6 (802.11ax) and PCIe 4.0

ASRock’s X570 series brings users the bene­fits of the next gene­ra­ti­on PCI Express 4.0 that can offer twice the speed and per­for­mance of the older 3rdgene­ra­ti­on. ASRock’s revo­lu­tio­na­ry, exclu­si­ve Steel Slot design with extra anchor points pro­tects signal sta­bi­li­ty and ensu­res that hea­vy gra­phics cards are safe­ly instal­led – even if the sys­tem is moved. ASRock X570 mother­boards include the revo­lu­tio­na­ry new Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) high-effi­ci­en­cy wire­less net­work inter­face, giving even fas­ter WiFi con­nec­tion speeds up to 2.4Gbps and making next gene­ra­ti­on wire­less tech­no­lo­gy such as MU-MIMO rea­di­ly available for impro­ved covera­ge and range.

Rock-solid reliable motherboard design

As well as the stun­ning design, ASRock’s new X570 mother­boards fea­ture Dr. MOS, Pre­mi­um 60A Power Cho­kes and Nichi­con 12K Black Caps. This means that the X570 mother­board not only pro­vi­des rock solid relia­bi­li­ty no mat­ter the task, but also keeps your sys­tem sta­ble when over­clo­cking. For extra per­for­mance, whe­ther you’­re gam­ing or ren­de­ring pro­fes­sio­nal con­tent, the beau­tiful­ly-desi­gned pre-instal­led I/O shield reser­ves extra space for fit­ting tole­ran­ces and its posi­ti­on can be adjus­ted while instal­ling, to make sure it fits the chas­sis per­fect­ly. Unli­ke most so-cal­led pre-moun­ted I/O shields that are only deco­ra­ted with fan­cy color sche­mes, ASRock’s easi­ly-adjus­ta­ble design tru­ly impro­ves the PC buil­ding expe­ri­ence and helps pre­vent instal­la­ti­on dif­fi­cul­ties or damage.


ASRock: the obvious choice for AMD X570 and Ryzen

With out­stan­ding fea­tures, breath­ta­king aes­the­tics, and a ran­ge of boards for ever­yo­ne, ASRock mother­boards are the obvious choice for your new AMD570 system.