ASRock Takes The Lead In Announcing Radeon RX 5700 Challenger Series Graphics Cards

The First Custom Graphics Card Series Designed for Advanced Gaming Experiences with AMD 2nd Generation 7nm Gaming GPU

TAIPEI, Tai­wan, July 18th, 2019 –The lea­ding glo­bal mother­board, gra­phics card and small form fac­tor PC manu­fac­tu­rer, ASRock, takes the lead in announ­cing the cus­tom gra­phic card pro­ducts – Rade­on RX 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC series gra­phics cards, fea­tured AMD’s latest Rade­on RX 5700 series gam­ing GPU and 8GB 256-bit GDDR6 memo­ry, pro­vi­des advan­ced gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces to chall­enge the limits.

The Rade­on RX 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC series gra­phics cards are powered by the new RDNA archi­tec­tu­re, the heart of AMD’s advan­ced 7nm tech­no­lo­gy pro­cess. RDNA fea­tures up to 40 com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned “Com­pu­te Units” deli­ve­ring incre­di­ble per­for­mance and up to 4x IPC impro­ve­ments, new ins­truc­tions bet­ter sui­ted for visu­al effects such as volu­metric light­ing, blur effects, and depth of field, and mul­ti-level cache hier­ar­chy for great­ly redu­ced laten­cy and high­ly respon­si­ve gam­ing. The RDNA archi­tec­tu­re enables Dis­play­Po­rt 1.4 with Dis­play Stream Com­pres­si­on for extre­me refresh rates and reso­lu­ti­ons on cut­ting edge dis­plays for ins­a­nely immersi­ve gameplay.

Based on RDNA archi­tec­tu­re, the Rade­on RX 5700 Series GPUs are capa­ble to deli­ver supe­ri­or 1440p advan­ced gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces. Equip­ped with the latest 8GB of GDDR6 high-speed memo­ry, and PCI Express 4.0 sup­port, Rade­on RX 5700 XT Chal­len­ger 8G OC gra­phics card pro­vi­des base/boost/game GPU clock at 1650/1795/1905 MHz, and on the other hand, Rade­on RX 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC gra­phics card fea­tures with base/boost/game GPU clock at 1515/1675/1725 MHz. Fur­ther­mo­re, Harness Asyn­chro­no­us Com­pu­te, Rade­on Image Shar­pe­ning, Fide­li­ty­FX, Tress­FX, TrueAu­dio Next, and VR tech­no­lo­gies enable for maxi­mum per­for­mance and enhan­ced gam­ing experiences.

The Rade­on RX 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC series gra­phics cards are spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned with a long-life 10 cm dual fan, and 4 cop­per heat-pipe up to 8mm to enhan­ce the heat dis­si­pa­ti­on effect. In addi­ti­on, the RX 5700 XT Chal­len­ger 8G OC gra­phics card not only focu­ses on the out­look design, but also the ultra-high-qua­li­ty alu­mi­num alloy back­p­la­te to enhan­ce the strut­ting of the gra­phics card.

The laun­ches of Rade­on RX 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC series gra­phics cards demons­tra­ted ASRock’s gra­phics card busi­ness is in full swing. In addi­ti­on to the con­ti­nuous growth of the mother­board busi­ness, the release of new gra­phics card pro­ducts repres­ents ASRock’s goals toward the gra­phics card filed. ASRock keeps impro­ving the qua­li­ty to bring bet­ter pro­ducts for cus­to­mers. The core of the new gene­ra­ti­on RDNA dis­play, ASRock Rade­on RX 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC series gra­phics card is undoub­ted­ly the one of the best choice among the brands.

*Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons may vary wit­hout notice.

For more infor­ma­ti­on plea­se visit: 5700 XT Chal­len­ger 8G OC/ 5700 Chal­len­ger 8G OC/