TEAMGROUP Releases T‑FORCE CARDEA Liquid M.2 Solid State Drive & T‑FORCE CAPTAIN RGB Control Box Innovative Gaming Products from T‑FORCE Are Getting Ready

July 25, 2019_ Tai­pei _TEAMGROUP’s num­e­rous pro­ducts with gre­at fea­tures have suc­cessful­ly attrac­ted atten­ti­on from around the world. In addi­ti­on, two pro­ducts with exclu­si­ve patents are released today as well, they are T‑FORCE CARDEA Liquid water coo­ling M.2 PCI‑e SSD and T‑FORCE CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box. T‑FORCE CARDEA Liquid M.2 PCI‑e SSD is the world’s first solid sta­te dri­ve that com­bi­nes water coo­ling and M.2. This inno­va­ti­ve new pro­duct uses self-cir­cu­la­ti­on coo­ling to lower the tem­pe­ra­tures effec­tively. T‑FORCE CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box has 4 5V ARGB out­put con­nec­tors and 1 12V RGB out­put con­nec­tor. Moreo­ver, it sup­ports mul­ti­ple devices so the style is switcha­ble with any com­bi­na­ti­on when buil­ding yours­elf a PC and a varie­ty of light­ing effects can enhan­ce the atmo­sphe­re. The two new T‑FORCE pro­ducts released today have exclu­si­ve patents. They are both inno­va­ti­ve and uni­que, and TEAMGROUP’s strength in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment is dis­play­ed through them.

T‑FORCE CARDEA LIQUID is the world’s first, water coo­ling M.2 PCIe solid sta­te dri­ve spe­ci­al­ly built for gam­ing and high-per­for­mance PC. The crys­tal ‑clear outer casing struc­tu­re, and T‑FORCE LOGO’s metal trim and the sli­ding rail design (Tai­wan Uti­li­ty Model Patent No. M574264) are the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on of craft­sman­ship and style. After TEAMGROUP laboratory’s test­ing and burn-in tests, by using the con­cept of self-cir­cu­la­ti­on coo­ling effect, this pro­duct is pro­ven it can effec­tively lower the tem­pe­ra­tu­re down 10 degrees. T‑FORCE CARDEA LIQUID has PCIe Gen3 x4 high speed inter­face. The read/write speed is up to 3400/3000 MB/s, and ran­dom read/write speed is up to 450K/400K IOPS. In addi­ti­on to the effec­ti­ve coo­ling effect which can keep the sys­tem sta­ble, its excel­lent per­for­mance is also relia­ble. This year, it not only won the COMPUTEX d&i award, but it was also prai­sed by ever­yo­ne during its first appearance at the COMPUTEX 2019.

T‑FORCE CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box is an exclu­si­ve gam­ing RGB envi­ron­ment con­trol­ler deve­lo­ped by TEAMGROUP accor­ding to the needs of gamers and PC DIY enthu­si­asts world­wi­de. T‑FORCE CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box has exclu­si­ve uti­li­ty model patent and gre­at sur­face design tex­tu­re. The light­ing effect switch but­ton and the T‑FORCE LOGO are com­bi­ned with each other. The thoughtful magne­tic fea­ture makes it able to be atta­ched on the com­pu­ter case. It is an exten­ded peri­phe­ral pro­duct which spe­ci­al­ly crea­ted for gamers’ using envi­ron­ments. In addi­ti­on to sup­port­ing 4 5V ARGB out­put con­nec­tors and 1 12 V RGB out­put con­nec­tor, it can also detect the source of the light­ing con­trol auto­ma­ti­cal­ly to extend the syn­chro­niza­ti­on signal con­nec­ted to the mother­board. When the­re is no exter­nal RGB signal from the mother­board, then the five built-in, colorful, inde­pen­dent light­ing effects of T‑FORCE CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box can be used to con­trol as well. It sup­ports mul­ti­ple dif­fe­rent devices and allows gamers to both ARGB and RGB devices at the same time. This offers gamers a more coor­di­na­ted RGB light­ing con­trol solu­ti­on and crea­ting more exten­si­ble light­ing effects for gamer’s cus­tom PC.

【Learn More】
CARDEA Liquid:
CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box:
CAPTAIN RGB Con­trol Box is available for sale world­wi­de in August.
TEAMGROUP Ama­zon store­front:

As a lea­ding pro­vi­der of memo­ry sto­rage pro­ducts and mobi­le appli­ca­ti­ons to the con­su­mer mar­ket, TEAMGROUP Inc is com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding the best sto­rage, mul­ti­me­dia and data sha­ring solu­ti­ons. All TEAMGROUP’s memo­ry modu­le pro­ducts come with a life­time war­ran­ty, repair and repla­ce­ment ser­vices. TEAMGROUP also lis­ted com­pa­ny at stock exch­an­ge mar­ket in January,2019. In 2016, TEAMGROUP estab­lished T‑FORCE gam­ing series which inclu­ding all the gam­ing memo­ry modu­le. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit the TEAMGROUP web­site at or Fol­low our social media inclu­ding Face­book: /Twitter: Insta­gram: