Qualcomm Demonstrates Accelerating Wi-Fi 6 Momentum and Highlights Key Inflection Point in Wireless Connectivity Evolution


Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., a whol­ly owned sub­si­dia­ry of Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted, hos­ted a Qual­comm® Wi-Fi 6 Day, and detail­ed com­pre­hen­si­ve Wi-Fi 6 momen­tum across cru­cial mul­ti­ple pro­duct seg­ments, inclu­ding mobi­le, com­pu­te, and auto. At the event, the com­pa­ny announ­ced and demons­tra­ted sup­port for important new Wi-Fi 6 fea­tures, descri­bed its trac­tion of Wi-Fi 6 designs and glo­bal updates on key fea­ture adop­ti­on, and hos­ted key cus­to­mers to offer insights on the con­su­mer value of Wi-Fi 6. Pai­red with its announce­ment of four new Wi-Fi 6 net­wor­king plat­forms,  the com­pa­ny has for­ma­li­zed an end-to-end visi­on and dif­fe­ren­tia­ted tech­no­lo­gy approach that is desi­gned to help expand the glo­bal impact of Wi-Fi 6, and help usher in an era of con­nec­ti­vi­ty inno­va­ti­on whe­re Wi-Fi 6 and 5G work tog­e­ther to meet the chall­enge of deli­ve­ring supe­ri­or high-speed con­nec­ti­vi­ty to dozens, hundreds, and thou­sands of con­nec­ted devices simultaneously.

Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies has been at the lea­ding edge of wire­less inno­va­ti­on for deca­des, by vir­tue of our focu­sed invest­ment in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment across various indus­tries,” said Rahul Patel, seni­or vice pre­si­dent and gene­ral mana­ger, con­nec­ti­vi­ty, Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc. “Today’s event and announce­ments repre­sent a cri­ti­cal mile­stone in unlo­cking the mas­si­ve poten­ti­al of Wi-Fi 6 across every pro­duct seg­ment we touch, and bla­zes a path toward the ful­lest imple­men­ta­ti­on of Wi-Fi 6 technology.”

The trans­for­ma­ti­ve natu­re of Wi-Fi 6 will have a deep impact across all cate­go­ries of con­nec­ted devices and envi­ron­ments,” said Edgar Figue­roa, pre­si­dent and chief exe­cu­ti­ve offi­cer, Wi-Fi Alli­ance®. “We’re going to wit­ness dyna­mic chan­ges in Wi-Fi with the inclu­si­on of advan­ced fea­tures in Wi-Fi 6 which will dri­ve impro­ved net­work capa­ci­ty, bet­ter per­for­mance and increased speeds.”

Wi-Fi 6 Mobi­le and Com­pu­ting Leadership

Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies has seen strong Wi-Fi 6 momen­tum across its flag­ship Qual­comm® Snapd­ra­gon™ 855 and 855+ Mobi­le Plat­form designs. Qual­comm® Fast­Con­nect™ 6200 Sub­sys­tem, with its com­ple­ment of cri­ti­cal Wi-Fi 6 fea­tures, is atta­ched to almost all of 225+ Snapd­ra­gon 855 and 855+ designs, inclu­ding near­ly all 5G designs.

Fast­Con­nect is the name of Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ inte­gra­ted advan­ced con­nec­ti­vi­ty sub­sys­tem span­ning Wi-Fi, Blue­tooth, and other non-cel­lu­lar con­nec­ti­vi­ty tech­no­lo­gies within the Snapd­ra­gon Mobi­le and Com­pu­te Plat­forms. In addi­ti­on to core con­nec­ti­vi­ty capa­bi­li­ty, the Fast­Con­nect sub­sys­tem deli­vers a host of high­ly dif­fe­ren­tia­ted fea­tures that aims to set new indus­try bench­marks for fas­ter con­nec­tions at lon­ger ran­ge, smoot­her video strea­ming, powerful gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces, pre­mi­um audio per­for­mance, and the hig­hest level of Wi-Fi secu­ri­ty com­mer­ci­al­ly available.

Also at Qual­comm Wi-Fi 6 Day, the com­pa­ny announ­ced sup­port for Uplink MU-MIMO (Mul­ti-User Mul­ti-In Mul­ti-Out), a signi­fi­cant inno­va­ti­on in the Wi-Fi 6 stan­dard, for its upco­ming next-gene­ra­ti­on Wi-Fi 6 Qual­comm Fast­Con­nect 6800 Sub­sys­tem With emer­ging appli­ca­ti­ons like live video sha­ring, online gam­ing, and AR/VR set to trans­form the data land­scape, the deli­very and manage­ment of uplink data traf­fic is sur­ging in importance for mobi­le users. Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies pio­nee­red advan­ced and prac­ti­cal MU-MIMO designs and the company’s tech­no­lo­gy pedi­gree, tra­ding on over a deca­de of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment in algo­rith­mic opti­miza­ti­on, is sup­port­ed by its recent land­mark achie­ve­ment of ship­ping its 750 mil­lionth MU-MIMO-enab­led con­nec­ti­vi­ty solu­ti­on for cli­ent devices.

We deli­ver the fas­test and most immersi­ve online PC gam­ing expe­ri­en­ces, and using the abso­lu­te latest wire­less tech­no­lo­gy is very important,” said Micha­el Cub­ba­ge, chief exe­cu­ti­ve offi­cer and foun­der, Rivet Net­works. “Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies has been a key part­ner on this front, deli­ve­ring Wi-Fi 6 tech­no­lo­gy that fea­tures the high through­put and the low laten­cy that is cri­ti­cal to pro­vi­ding the ulti­ma­te online gam­ing experience.”

 “With bil­li­ons of devices nee­ding con­nec­ti­vi­ty from the edge to the cloud in the coming years, new tech­no­lo­gy like Wi-Fi 6 has never been more cri­ti­cal to deli­ver per­for­mance for den­se net­work envi­ron­ments, power savings, and impro­ve data secu­ri­ty,” said Ian LeGrow, part­ner and direc­tor, Micro­soft Corp. “Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ new Wi-Fi 6 solu­ti­ons pro­vi­de a key part of the under­ly­ing foun­da­ti­on for the com­pre­hen­si­ve con­nec­ti­vi­ty nee­ded to con­nect our homes and work­places to the cloud.”

 “At AMD, we expand the boun­da­ries of what is pos­si­ble with high-per­for­mance inno­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gies,” said David McA­fee, seni­or direc­tor, pro­duct manage­ment, AMD. “We’re exci­ted to offer new smooth and fast con­nec­ti­vi­ty capa­bi­li­ties to our mobi­le pro­ces­sors with the Qual­comm Fast­Con­nect plat­form, enab­ling bla­zin­gly fast per­for­mance and opti­mal efficiency.”

Dri­ving Wi-Fi 6 Inno­va­ti­on in Auto

The Qual­comm® Auto­mo­ti­ve Wi-Fi 6 chip, the QCA6696, brings the next gene­ra­ti­on of Wi-Fi and Blue­tooth con­nec­ti­vi­ty to the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try. Com­ple­men­ting the Qual­comm® Snapd­ra­gon™ Auto­mo­ti­ve 4G and 5G Plat­forms, the QCA6696 is Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies’ most advan­ced Wi-Fi solu­ti­on offe­ring fast, secu­re and effi­ci­ent Wi-Fi con­nec­ti­vi­ty to meet chal­len­ging con­su­mer demands for grea­ter robust­ness and redu­ced laten­cy when ope­ra­ting in con­ge­sted and den­se envi­ron­ments in a moving auto­mo­bi­le. The QCA6696 fea­tures dual Wi-Fi 6 mul­ti­ple-input mul­ti­ple out­put (MIMO) access points desi­gned to sup­port Giga­bit in-car hot­spot and to deli­ver effi­ci­ent Wi-Fi con­nec­ti­vi­ty throug­hout the vehic­le, sup­port­ing ultra-high defi­ni­ti­on (ultra-HD) video strea­ming on mul­ti­ple dis­plays, screen mir­ro­ring from com­pa­ti­ble devices and wire­less back-up came­ras, as well as Blue­tooth 5.1 sup­port and Qual­comm® aptX™ Adap­ti­ve audio to deli­ver high fide­li­ty voice and strea­ming audio sup­port. The QCA6696 chip is now sam­pling and is expec­ted to appear in com­mer­cial vehic­les in 2021.

For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se visit www.qualcomm.com

About Qual­comm

Qual­comm invents breakth­rough tech­no­lo­gies that trans­form how the world con­nects, com­pu­tes and com­mu­ni­ca­tes. When we con­nec­ted the pho­ne to the Inter­net, the mobi­le revo­lu­ti­on was born. Today, our inven­ti­ons are the foun­da­ti­on for life-chan­ging pro­ducts, expe­ri­en­ces, and indus­tries. As we lead the world to 5G, we envi­si­on this next big chan­ge in cel­lu­lar tech­no­lo­gy spur­ring a new era of intel­li­gent, con­nec­ted devices and enab­ling new oppor­tu­ni­ties in con­nec­ted cars, remo­te deli­very of health care ser­vices, and the IoT — inclu­ding smart cities, smart homes, and weara­bles. Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted includes our licen­sing busi­ness, QTL, and the vast majo­ri­ty of our patent port­fo­lio. Qual­comm Tech­no­lo­gies, Inc., a sub­si­dia­ry of Qual­comm Incor­po­ra­ted, ope­ra­tes, along with its sub­si­dia­ries, sub­stan­ti­al­ly all of our engi­nee­ring, rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment func­tions, and sub­stan­ti­al­ly all of our pro­ducts and ser­vices busi­nesses, inclu­ding the QCT semi­con­duc­tor busi­ness. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit Qualcomm’s web­siteOnQ blogTwit­ter and Face­book pages.