WinRAR 5.80 beta 1

Der Packer RAR oder eben Win­RAR gilt nach wie vor als einer der leis­tungs­fä­higs­ten sei­ner Art. Als kos­ten­pflich­ti­ge Share­ware hat er es jedoch seit gerau­mer Zeit schwer, auf dem Markt gegen die inte­grier­te Out-of-the-box-Lösung für ZIP-Datei­en unter Micro­soft-Betriebs­sys­te­men oder gar die völ­lig kos­ten­lo­sen und noch dazu Open-Source-Lösun­gen wie etwa  7‑Zip zu bestehen.


Ver­si­on 5.80 beta 1

1. “Pre­ser­ve source files last access time” opti­on on “Time” page
of archi­ving dia­log per­mits to pre­ser­ve the ori­gi­nal last access time
of archi­ving files.

2. Com­mand line ‑tsp switch can be used to pre­ser­ve the original
last access time of archi­ving files. It can be com­bi­ned with other
‑ts swit­ches, like: rar a ‑tsc ‑tsp arc­na­me files

3. It is allo­wed to com­bi­ne seve­ral modi­fiers in the same ‑ts switch.
For exam­p­le, we can use ‑tscap ins­tead ‑tsc ‑tsa ‑tsp.

4. Win­RAR can read default values of com­mand line swit­ches from rar.ini
text file, which can be stored eit­her in the same fol­der as WinRAR.exe
or in %APPDATA%\WinRAR fol­der. This file includes strings in following

switches=<any RAR swit­ches sepa­ra­ted by spaces>
switches_<command>=<any RAR swit­ches sepa­ra­ted by spaces>

First appli­es swit­ches to all and second to indi­vi­du­al commands.
For example:

switches=-m5 ‑s

Most of swit­ches spe­ci­fied in rar.ini are used only in the com­mand line
mode. Some swit­ches can be appli­ca­ble both in shell and in com­mand line
modes. Pre­vious­ly this rar.ini for­mat was sup­port­ed only by con­so­le RAR.

5. Com­mand line ‑agf<default_format> switch spe­ci­fies the default format
string for ‑ag switch. It has a prac­ti­cal value only if pla­ced to
rar.ini con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on file or to RAR envi­ron­ment variable.
For exam­p­le, if we set RAR envi­ron­ment varia­ble to ‑agfY­Y­YY-MMM-DD,
we can use ‑ag wit­hout a para­me­ter with YYYY-MMM-DD for­mat string

6. Swit­ches ‑ed and ‑e+d can be used in archi­ve pro­ces­sing commands
for any com­bi­na­ti­on of RAR and archi­ve ope­ra­ting systems.
In older ver­si­ons RAR for Win­dows could not use them for Unix RAR
archi­ves also as RAR for Unix for Win­dows RAR archives.

7. Pre­vious­ly “Test” com­mand fai­led to check inte­gri­ty of archi­ved NTFS
alter­na­te data streams and issued “Unknown data hea­der for­mat” warning
if size of such stream excee­ded 16 MB. This limi­ta­ti­on is remo­ved now.

8. Archi­ving speed for lar­ge NTFS alter­na­te data streams on multi-core
CPUs is increased.

9. “Find” command:

a) when extra­c­ting encrypt­ed files direct­ly from “Search results”
dia­log, pass­word prompt was issued for every found file
even if all files belon­ged to same archive.

Now pass­word is reques­ted only once per archive;

b) Ctrl+A hot­key sel­ects all files in “Search results”.

10. Archi­ve com­ment window:

a) pre­vious ver­si­ons did not allow to use Ctrl+W short­cut to close
Win­RAR when com­ment win­dow had key­board focus. Now Ctrl+W works
also from com­ment window;

b) mou­se wheel is sup­port­ed also for comm­ents with ANSI Escape sequences;

c) for some lengh­ty comm­ents with ANSI Escape sequen­ces last line
of com­ment was visi­ble only par­ti­al­ly even after scrol­ling up to
bot­tom. It is dis­play­ed com­le­te­ly now.

11. Maxi­mum path length for files in 7z archi­ves is increased up to
2048 cha­rac­ters. While such leng­thy paths were alre­a­dy supported
for RAR and ZIP for­mats, pre­vious ver­si­ons limi­t­ed the path length
to 260 cha­rac­ters for 7z archives.

12. If archi­ve or file name is too leng­thy to fit to archiving
or extra­c­tion pro­gress win­dow, it is trun­ca­ted. Pre­vious­ly such names
were trun­ca­ted at the end, making the file exten­si­on invisible.
This ver­si­on trun­ca­tes them remo­ving the path com­po­nent and symbols
in the midd­le, but pre­ser­ving begin­ning of file name and file extension.

13. If files sel­ec­ted for archi­ving dif­fer only by extension,
a pro­po­sed archi­ve name is based on their name part.
For exam­p­le, archi­ving dia­log will pro­po­se Readme.rar if we selected
Readme.txt and Readme.doc.

Pre­vious ver­si­ons always gene­ra­ted the archi­ve name based on parent
fol­der name for seve­ral sel­ec­ted files.

14. “Sym­link” and “Hard­link” is diplay­ed in “Type” column for symlink
and hard­link records in .tar archi­ves. Pre­vious ver­si­ons displayed
a pro­per type for such records only in .rar archives.

15. Copy­ing and pas­ting files from lar­ge archi­ves could fail if
extra­c­tion took a lot of time. This ver­si­on can pas­te files from
such archi­ves as well, but we have to start extra­c­tion alre­a­dy on
“Copy” com­mand and not on “Pas­te” to achie­ve this.

16. Simi­lar­ly to RAR5 volu­mes, reco­very volu­mes in RAR4 for­mat use
the same width of volu­me num­ber field as cor­re­spon­ding RAR volumes.
While pre­vious­ly Win­RAR could crea­te arc.part01.rar and arc.part1.rev
in RAR4 for­mat, now both types of volu­mes will use “part01”.

17. “Set font…” but­ton in “Settings/File list” also chan­ges the folder
tree panel font. Pre­vious­ly it chan­ged only the file list font.

18. Bugs fixed:

a) if non-exis­tent path is spe­ci­fied in archi­ve name in archiving
dia­log, Win­RAR pro­po­ses to crea­te such path. Pre­vious versions
could crea­te such path in Win­RAR start-up fol­der ins­tead of
curr­ent­ly dis­play­ed folder;

b) Win­RAR could crash when adding the reco­very record in RAR5 format
on CPUs not sup­port­ing CPUID EAX=7 com­mand and retur­ning random
data in respon­se. The­se are some CPUs from ear­ly 2000s;

c) Win­RAR fai­led to crea­te archi­ves after drag­ging files with
right mou­se but­ton in Win­dows shell, drop­ping them to ano­ther folder,
sel­ec­ting “Add to archi­ve…” in con­text menu and enabling
“Put each file to sepa­ra­te archi­ve” option;

d) “win­rar r *.zip” com­mand repai­red only the first ZIP archive
in the set if all archi­ves had nume­ric names like,
and signa­tures in the begin­ning of archi­ves were missing;

e) pre­vious Win­RAR ver­si­on fai­led to unpack fol­der records
in archi­ves crea­ted by RAR 1.50;

f) in rare cases Win­RAR fai­led to extra­ct and repor­ted an error
for valid .gz archi­ves pro­du­ced by some com­pres­si­on optimization

g) pro­gress bar in tray icon never rea­ched 100% in high DPI mode;

h) crea­ti­on and last access time was not dis­play­ed for archi­ved folders
if fol­der records were stored in archi­ve after fol­der contents;

i) “Skip encrypt­ed archi­ves” opti­on in “Con­vert archi­ves” command
did not work for 7‑Zip archi­ves with hea­ders encryption.


Down­load: Win­RAR
Ver­si­on: 5.80 beta 1
Datei­grö­ße bis 3,05 MiB
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 30.08.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows / Linux / Free­BSD / macOS
Lizenz: Share­ware
Web­sei­te RARLAB