Firefox 69.0

Fire­fox der freie Web­brow­ser des Mozil­la Pro­jek­tes ist in einer neu­en Ver­si­on zum Down­load frei­ge­ge­ben wor­den. Mozil­la Fire­fox setzt seit Fire­fox 57.0 auf die Quan­tum-Engi­ne und sieht die eige­ne Rol­le nach dem Wech­sel von Micro­soft Edge auf die Web-Ren­de­ring-Engi­ne Chro­mi­um gegen­über den wei­te­ren Chro­mi­um-basier­ten Brow­sern Goog­le Chro­me, Ope­ra und Vival­di, als ein­zi­ge unab­hän­gi­ge Wahl bedeu­tend erhöht.




  • Enhan­ced Track­ing Pro­tec­tion (ETP) rolls out stron­ger pri­va­cy protections: 
    • The default stan­dard set­ting for this fea­ture now blocks third-par­ty track­ing coo­kies and cryptominers.
    • The optio­nal strict set­ting blocks fin­ger­prin­ters as well as the items blo­cked in the stan­dard setting.
  • The Block Auto­play fea­ture is enhan­ced to give users the opti­on to block any video that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly starts play­ing, not just tho­se that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly play with sound.
  • For our users in the US or using the en-US brow­ser, we are ship­ping a new “New Tab” page expe­ri­ence that con­nects you to the best of Pocket’s content.
  • Sup­port for the Web Authen­ti­ca­ti­on Hmac­Se­cret exten­si­on via Win­dows Hel­lo now comes with this release, for ver­si­ons of Win­dows 10 May 2019 or newer, enab­ling more pass­word­less expe­ri­en­ces on the web.
  • Sup­port for recei­ving mul­ti­ple video codecs with this release makes it easier for Web­RTC con­fe­ren­cing ser­vices to mix video from dif­fe­rent clients.
  • For our users on Win­dows 10, you’ll see per­for­mance and UI improvements: 
    • Fire­fox will give Win­dows hints to appro­pria­te­ly set con­tent pro­cess prio­ri­ty levels, mea­ning more pro­ces­sor time spent on the tasks you’­re actively working on, and less pro­ces­sor time spent on things in the back­ground (with the excep­ti­on of video and audio playback).
    • For our exis­ting Win­dows 10 users, you can easi­ly find and launch Fire­fox from a short­cut on the Win10 taskbar.
  • For our users on macOS, bat­tery life and down­load UI are both improved: 
    • macOS users on dual-gra­phics-card machi­nes (like Mac­Book Pro) will switch back to the low-power GPU more aggres­si­ve­ly, saving bat­tery life.
    • Fin­der on macOS now dis­plays down­load pro­gress for files being downloaded.
  • JIT sup­port comes to ARM64 for impro­ved per­for­mance of our Java­Script Opti­mi­zing JIT compiler.



  • As pre­vious­ly announ­ced in the Plug­in Road­map for Fire­fox, the “Always Acti­va­te” opti­on for Flash plug­in con­tent has been remo­ved. Fire­fox will now always ask for user per­mis­si­on befo­re acti­vat­ing Flash con­tent on a website.
  • With the depre­ca­ti­on of Ado­be Flash Play­er, the­re is no lon­ger a need to iden­ti­fy users on 32-bit ver­si­on of the Fire­fox brow­ser on 64-bit ver­si­on ope­ra­ting sys­tems redu­cing user agent fin­ger­prin­ting fac­tors pro­vi­ding grea­ter level of pri­va­cy to our users as well as impro­ving the expe­ri­ence of down­loa­ding other apps.
  • Fire­fox no lon­ger loads userChrome.css or userContent.css by default impro­ving start-up per­for­mance. Users who wish to cus­to­mi­ze Fire­fox by using the­se files can set the toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets pre­fe­rence to true to res­to­re this ability.


  • For Enter­pri­se sys­tem admi­nis­tra­tors that mana­ge macOS com­pu­ters, we begin ship­ping a Mozil­la signed PKG instal­ler to sim­pli­fy your deployments.


  • For our mobi­le web deve­lo­pers, we have migra­ted remo­te debug­ging from the old Web­I­DE into a re-desi­gned about:debugging, making debug­ging Geck­oView on remo­te devices via USB rock solid.
  • The net­work panel will now show blo­cked resour­ces to allow deve­lo­pers to best under­stand the impact of con­tent blo­cking and ad blo­cking exten­si­ons given our ongo­ing expan­si­on of Enhan­ced Track­ing Pro­tec­tion to all users with this release.
  • The new event lis­te­ner break­point fea­ture allows deve­lo­pers to pau­se on a host of dif­fe­rent event types, whe­ther it be rela­ted to ani­ma­ti­ons, DOM, media, mou­se, touch, worker, and many other event types.
  • Fire­fox Deve­lo­per Tools now offers an audit for the pre­sence of text alter­na­ti­ves for non-text con­tent, the a11y panel checks tool­bar has been aug­men­ted to bet­ter help deve­lo­pers adhe­re to WCAG Gui­de­line 1.1.


Down­load: Fire­fox
Ver­si­on: 69.0
Datei­grö­ße ver­schie­den
Ver­öf­fent­licht am: 03.09.2019
Betriebs­sys­tem: Win­dows, Linux, macOS, Android
Lizenz: Free­ware
Web­sei­te Fire­fox