Micron Brings 3D XPoint™ Technology to Market With the World’s Fastest SSD

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24, 2019 — Micron Tech­no­lo­gy, Inc. (Nasdaq: MU), today announ­ced a breakth­rough in non­vo­la­ti­le memo­ry tech­no­lo­gy with the intro­duc­tion of the world’s fas­test SSD, the Micron® X100 SSD. The Micron X100 SSD is the first solu­ti­on in a fami­ly of pro­ducts from Micron tar­ge­ting sto­rage- and memo­ry-inten­si­ve appli­ca­ti­ons for the data cen­ter. The­se solu­ti­ons will levera­ge the strengths of 3D XPoint™ tech­no­lo­gy and usher in a new tier in the memo­ry-to-sto­rage hier­ar­chy with hig­her capa­ci­ty and per­sis­tence than DRAM, along with hig­her endu­rance and per­for­mance than NAND.

Micron’s inno­va­ti­ve X100 pro­duct brings the dis­rup­ti­ve poten­ti­al of 3D XPoint tech­no­lo­gy to the data cen­ter, dri­ving breakth­rough per­for­mance impro­ve­ments for appli­ca­ti­ons and enab­ling enti­re­ly new use cases,” said Micron Exe­cu­ti­ve Vice Pre­si­dent and Chief Busi­ness Offi­cer Sumit Sada­na. “Micron is the only ver­ti­cal­ly-inte­gra­ted pro­vi­der of DRAM, NAND and 3D XPoint solu­ti­ons in the world, and this pro­duct con­ti­nues the evo­lu­ti­on of our port­fo­lio towards hig­her value solu­ti­ons that acce­le­ra­te arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence capa­bi­li­ties, dri­ve fas­ter data ana­ly­tics and crea­te new insights for our customers.”

Micron X100 SSD — Per­for­mance for the Cloud and Data Center

With a com­bi­na­ti­on of indus­try-lea­ding high band­width, low laten­cy, high qua­li­ty of ser­vice (QoS) and high endu­rance, the Micron X100 SSD pro­vi­des game-chan­ging per­for­mance for big data appli­ca­ti­ons and tran­sac­tion­al workloads. The Micron X100 SSD acce­le­ra­tes data cen­ter appli­ca­ti­ons by deli­ve­ring lar­ger amounts of data in real time, and it dra­ma­ti­cal­ly increa­ses the speed of data tran­sac­tions while main­tai­ning pre­dic­ta­b­ly fast ser­vice for quicker time to insights.

  • High-per­for­mance local sto­rage — offers up to 2.5 mil­li­on input/output ope­ra­ti­ons per second (IOPs), more than three times fas­ter than today’s com­pe­ti­ti­ve SSD offerings
  • Industry’s hig­hest band­width — has more than 9GB/s band­width in read, wri­te and mixed modes and is up to three times fas­ter than today’s com­pe­ti­ti­ve NAND offerings
  • Ultra­low laten­cy — pro­vi­des con­sis­tent read-wri­te laten­cy that is 11 times bet­ter than NAND SSDs
  • Appli­ca­ti­on acce­le­ra­ti­on — enables two to four times the impro­ve­ments in end-user expe­ri­ence for various appli­ca­ti­ons with pre­va­lent data cen­ter workloads
  • High-per­for­mance in small size sto­rage — eli­mi­na­tes the need for over­pro­vi­sio­ning sto­rage for performance
  • Ease of adop­ti­on — becau­se the Micron X100 SSD uses the stan­dard NVMe inter­face, requi­res no chan­ges to soft­ware to recei­ve the full bene­fits of the product

The Micron X100 SSD will be in limi­t­ed sam­pling with sel­ect cus­to­mers this quarter.

About Micron Tech­no­lo­gy, Inc.
We are an indus­try lea­der in inno­va­ti­ve memo­ry and sto­rage solu­ti­ons. Through our glo­bal brands — Micron®, Cru­cial®, and Bal­lis­tix® — our broad port­fo­lio of high-per­for­mance memo­ry and sto­rage tech­no­lo­gies, inclu­ding DRAM, NAND, 3D XPoint™ memo­ry and NOR, is trans­forming how the world uses infor­ma­ti­on to enrich life. Backed by 40 years of tech­no­lo­gy lea­der­ship, our memo­ry and sto­rage solu­ti­ons enable dis­rup­ti­ve trends, inclu­ding arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, 5G, machi­ne lear­ning and auto­no­mous vehic­les, in key mar­ket seg­ments like mobi­le, data cen­ter, cli­ent, con­su­mer, indus­tri­al, gra­phics, auto­mo­ti­ve, and net­wor­king. Our com­mon stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the MU sym­bol. To learn more about Micron Tech­no­lo­gy, Inc., visit micron.com.

© 2019 Micron Tech­no­lo­gy, Inc. All rights reser­ved. Infor­ma­ti­on, pro­ducts, and/or spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons are sub­ject to chan­ge wit­hout noti­ce. Micron, the Micron logo, and all other Micron trade­marks are the pro­per­ty of Micron Tech­no­lo­gy, Inc. All other trade­marks are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners.