Centaur Releases In-Depth Analysis from The Linley Group for World’s First x86 Processor with AI Coprocessor Technology

Detail­ed Tech­ni­cal Dis­clo­sure Fol­lows Suc­cessful Demons­tra­ti­on at ISC East­Tra­de Show

Aus­tin, Texas –Decem­ber 9, 2019 – Cen­taur Tech­no­lo­gy today reve­a­led in-depth infor­ma­ti­on abou­tits new pro­ces­sor-design tech­no­lo­gy for inte­gra­ting high-per­for­mance x86 CPUs with a spe­cia­li­zed copro­ces­sor opti­mi­zed for arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) acce­le­ra­ti­on. On its website(www.centtech.com), Cen­taur pro­vi­des a new inde­pen­dent­re­port­from­The Lin­ley Group, the industry’s lea­ding aut­ho­ri­ty on micro­pro­ces­sor tech­no­lo­gy and publishers of Micro­pro­ces­sor Report.The Lin­ley Group review­ed Centaur’s detail­ed design docu­ments andinterviewedCentaur’s CPU and AI archi­tect­sto­sup­port the ana­ly­sis of both Centaur’s newest x86 micro­ar­chi­tec­tu­re and the AI coprocessordesign.

Cen­taur is gal­lo­ping back into the x86 mar­ket with an inno­va­ti­ve pro­ces­sor design that­com­bi­nes eight high-per­for­mance CPUs with a cus­tom deep-lear­ning acce­le­ra­tor (DLA). The­com­pa­ny is the first to announ­ce a ser­ver-pro­ces­sor design that inte­gra­tes a DLA. The new­ac­ce­le­ra­tor, cal­led Nco­re, deli­vers bet­ter neu­ral-net­work per­for­mance than even the most­powerful Xeon, but wit­hout the high cost of an exter­nal GPU card,” sta­ted­Lin­ley Gwen­nap, Edi­tor-in-Chief, Micro­pro­ces­sor Report.

The Lin­ley Group refe­ren­ced cer­ti­fied MLPerf1benchmark (Pre­view) scores­to compa­re Centaur’s AI per­for­mance to high-end x86 CPU­co­re­s­from theleadingx86 ven­dor. Based on MLPerfs­cores, Centaur’s AI-copro­ces­sor­in­fe­rence per­for­mance­is­com­pa­ra­ble to 23of Intel’s world-class x86 cores that now sup­port­512-bit vec­tor neu­ral net­work ins­truc­tions (VNNI)2.Centaur’s AI copro­ces­sor uses an archi­tec­tu­ral­ly­si­mi­lar sin­gle-ins­truc­tion-mul­ti­ple-data (SIMD) approach­as VNNI, but crun­ches 32,768bitsin a sin­gle clock cycleu­sing a 16MB memo­ry with 20 terabytes/sec of band­width. Moreo­ver, by off­loa­ding infe­rence pro­ces­sing to a spe­cia­li­zed copro­ces­sor, the x86 CPU cores remain available for other, more gene­ral-pur­po­se tasks. Appli­ca­ti­on deve­lo­pers can inno­va­te new algo­rith­ms that take advan­ta­ge of the unpar­al­le­led infe­rence laten­cy enab­led by Centaur’s AI per­for­mance and tight inte­gra­ti­on with x86 CPUs.

Atten­de­es at the ISC East trade show in NYC­saw Centaur’s new tech­no­lo­gy up clo­se­for the first time. The demo­show­ca­sedvi­deo ana­ly­tic­su­s­ing Centaur’s refe­rence sys­tem­wi­thx86-based­net­work-video-recor­ding (NVR) soft­ware from Qvis Labs. In addi­ti­on to conventional,real-time object detection/classification, Cen­taur­was the only ven­dor at the show tohigh­light lea­ding-edge appli­ca­ti­ons­such as seman­tic seg­men­ta­ti­on (pixel-level image clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on) and a new tech­ni­que for human pose estimation(“stickfigures”).Centaurisfocusedon impro­ving the hard­ware price/performance and soft­ware pro­duc­ti­vi­ty for plat­forms to sup­port this next wave ofre­se­arch appli­ca­ti­ons and­speed deploy­ment into new ser­ver-class products.About Cen­taur Tech­no­lo­gy Aus­tin, Texas-based Cen­taur Tech­no­lo­gy is a small group of very talen­ted engi­neers that have been desig­ning AI acce­le­ra­tor tech­no­lo­gy for high-per­for­mance, low-cost x86-com­pa­ti­ble micro­pro­ces­sors. Over the past 24 years, Cen­taur Tech­no­lo­gy has ship­ped 26 dif­fe­rent x86-based designs with mil­li­ons of units sold. More infor­ma­ti­on is at www.centtech.com.

[1] MLPerf v0.5 Infe­rence Closed/Preview audi­ted sub­mis­si­on, Sept. 2019. MLPerf name and logo are trade­marks. See www.mlperf.org for more information.

[2] MLPerf Inf‑0.5–23. Dual Intel® Xeon® Pla­ti­num 9282 (112 total cores).MobileNet-V1 and Res­Net-50 on Intel x86coreswith VNNI. Intel and Xeon are trade­marks of Intel Corporation.