Schlagwort: Centaur

Centaur Releases In-Depth Analysis from The Linley Group for World’s First x86 Processor with AI Coprocessor Technology

Cen­taur Tech­no­lo­gy today reve­a­led in-depth infor­ma­ti­on abou­tits new pro­ces­sor-design tech­no­lo­gy for inte­gra­ting high-per­for­mance x86 CPUs with a spe­cia­li­zed copro­ces­sor opti­mi­zed for arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) acce­le­ra­ti­on. On its website(, Cen­taur pro­vi­des a new inde­pen­dent­re­port­from­The Lin­ley Group, the industry’s lea­ding aut­ho­ri­ty on micro­pro­ces­sor tech­no­lo­gy and publishers of Micro­pro­ces­sor Report.The Lin­ley Group review­ed Centaur’s detail­ed design docu­ments andinterviewedCentaur’s CPU and AI archi­tect­sto­sup­port the ana­ly­sis of both Centaur’s newest x86 micro­ar­chi­tec­tu­re and the AI copro­ces­sor­de­sign. (…) Wei­ter­le­sen »