BIOSTAR Introduces 4 Top Picks for Your New PC Build In 2020

BIOSTAR RACING X570GTA, B365GTA, B450GT3 and M700 Series

Jan 16th, 2020, Tai­pei, Tai­wan – BIOSTAR, a lea­ding brand of mother­boards, gra­phics cards, and sto­rage devices, today intro­du­ces 4 gre­at hard­ware picks for your new PC builds in 2020. BIOSTAR has been a manu­fac­tu­rer of robust and high­ly relia­ble mother­boards and SSDs for many years and has a wide ran­ge of models on both Intel and AMD plat­forms to choo­se from and a ple­tho­ra of sup­ple­men­ta­ry com­pon­ents cate­ring to many user preferences.



The BIOSTAR RACING X570GTA is an ATX mother­board that sup­ports AMD’s 3rd and 2nd gene­ra­ti­on pro­ces­sors which pro­vi­des an extre­me­ly ver­sa­ti­le user expe­ri­ence when it comes to gam­ing and con­tent crea­ti­on capa­bi­li­ties and is equip­ped with amp­le fea­tures, excep­tio­nal­ly high build qua­li­ty, out­stan­ding per­for­mance and long-las­ting durability. 

The RACING X570GTA also comes with PCI‑E 4.0 Ports which pro­vi­de 2x fas­ter band­width than its pre­de­ces­sor, secu­red with the BIOSTAR’s exclu­si­ve Iron Slot Pro­tec­tion on the x16 lane which helps hand­le hea­vier gra­phics cards, pre­vent ben­ding, and extend the lon­ge­vi­ty of the slot. The RACING X570GTA is built to sup­port 4‑DIMM DDR4 which can be over­clo­cked at 4000+MHz for an addi­tio­nal boost in performance.

The RACING X570GTA sty­ling fol­lows BIOSTAR’s exis­ting RACING series, with an all new “light­ning strikes” design with a black PCB, accen­ted by grey sty­ling throug­hout the board inclu­ding the M.2 heats­ink making this sty­lish pie­ce of engi­nee­ring high­ly adap­ta­ble when it comes to most build the­mes and the subt­le use of RGB light­ing is a gre­at addi­ti­on as this enables ful­ly immersi­ve user cus­to­miza­ti­on which makes the RACING X570GTA is a high­ly favorable choice among­st its rivals. And if you need more, the board also comes equip­ped with both 12V and 5V RGB hea­ders and the light up modes can be easi­ly con­trol­led through BIOSTAR’s RACING GT EVO soft­ware and the VIVID LED DJ section.


The BIOSTAR RACING B365GTA is an ATX mother­board equip­ped with Intel’s B365 chip­set sup­port­ing the 9th and 8th gene­ra­ti­on Intel pro­ces­sors packed with the latest fea­tures and func­tion­a­li­ty into one sleek pro­duct. With a simi­lar design lan­guage and sty­ling reso­na­ting through the RACING series mother­boards, the RACING B365GTA is built to last with pre­mi­um qua­li­ty com­pon­ents that ensu­re relia­bi­li­ty and dura­bi­li­ty for unhin­de­red user experience.

The RACING B365GTA is equip­ped with the latest func­tion­a­li­ty such as the PCI‑E M.2 32Gb/s with sup­port for Intel’s Opta­ne Memo­ry Tech­no­lo­gy built for fas­ter boot time as well as a band­width boost to your tra­di­tio­nal sto­rage devices, up to 64GB of DDR4 memo­ry spread over 4‑DIMMs, USB 3.2 Gen1 sup­port (5 Gb/s), Iron Slot Pro­tec­tion, A.I Fan, Racing Armor, VIVID LED DJ, LED ROCK ZONE, and Super Lan Sur­ge Protection.


Tog­e­ther with all the­se func­tions, the RACING B365GTA stands abo­ve its rivals for its style, built with Intel’s B365 chip­set that sup­ports 9th gen Intel pro­ces­sor for a smooth high-fide­li­ty gam­ing expe­ri­ence to run any AAA game title in like a cham­pi­on, extre­me dura­bi­li­ty and is high­ly regard­ed as a gre­at choice for all purposes.


The RACING B450GT3 mother­board is built for gamers that requi­re high-per­for­mance on a micro-ATX form fac­tor. Fit­ted with the B450 chip­set that sup­ports AMD’s Ryzen 3000 Series pro­ces­sors. The RACING B450GT3 mother­board is packed with loads of func­tions and fea­tures that are found in most high-end gam­ing AM4 mother­boards and is desi­gned with BIOSTAR’s signa­tu­re pre­mi­um black Racing the­med PCB style.

The RACING B450GT3 sup­ports 4‑DIMM DDR4-1866/2133/2400/2666/2933/3200(OC) with up to 64G maxi­mum capa­ci­ty, 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type‑C port (10Gb/s), 1 x USB 3.2 Gen2 Type‑A port (10Gb/s), 1 x M.2 (32Gb/s) and 6 x SATA3 con­nec­tors. Gamers will also app­re­cia­te the Hi-Fi 7.1ch HD Audio for tru­ly immersi­ve sound qua­li­ty that is enab­led with the Real­tek ALC1150 7.1‑Channel Audio, Dual BIOS for auto-reco­very, and Iron Slot Pro­tec­tion for a much more sta­ble and dura­ble port composition.

The RACING B450GT3 mother­board is equip­ped with the exclu­si­ve uti­li­ty FLY.NET, which com­bi­ned with Real­tek RTL8118AS Dra­gon gam­ing LAN has the capa­bi­li­ty to opti­mi­ze the inter­net con­nec­ti­vi­ty for a much fas­ter and safer gam­ing experience.


The mother­board also comes equip­ped with a full array of RGB LIGHTING modes that can be ful­ly mana­ged and cus­to­mi­zed with the VIVID LED DJ and 5050 LED FUN ZONE soft­ware pro­vi­ding com­ple­te con­trol of user build customization.


The M700 M.2 PCIe NVMe SSDs are deli­ver­ed in capa­ci­ties ran­ging from 256GB up to 1TB. Desi­gned using the latest sto­rage tech­no­lo­gies that are com­pli­ant with the NVMe 1.3 stan­dard that uses PCIe Gen3 x4. The M700 series brings impres­si­ve per­for­mance with extre­me dura­bi­li­ty in a sty­lish form fac­tor design that makes them blend in with any sys­tems seamlessly.

The M700 is per­fect for any con­tent crea­tor or gamer becau­se of its dura­ble design ele­ments and fas­ter trans­fer speeds that reach up to 2000 MB/s sequen­ti­al read and up to 1650 MB/s sequen­ti­al wri­te. Cou­pled with its slim pro­fi­le and afforda­ble pri­ce, the new M700 Series M.2 SSDs are the per­fect choice for any sys­tem inclu­ding SFFs’ or even lap­tops and are built to be high­ly com­pa­ti­ble with the mother­board choices intro­du­ced above.

Dura­bi­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty abo­ve all of its com­pe­ti­ti­on, ver­sa­ti­le use cases fit­ting many user requi­re­ments and the style and grace of engi­nee­red excel­lence make the­se four pro­ducts a gre­at con­ten­der for all new PC builds in 2020, to be powered by BIOSTAR.

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BIOSTAR, is a brand dedi­ca­ted to the pro­duc­tion of mother­boards, gam­ing mother­boards, SSD, gra­phics cards, indus­tri­al com­pu­ting sys­tems, IoT, cryp­to mining equip­ment, and health­ca­re solu­ti­on. Sin­ce its estab­lish­ment in 1986, BIOSTAR has beco­me a major mother­board sup­pli­er in the IT indus­try. In order to pur­sue the best qua­li­ty and aes­the­tic design, BIOSTAR has inves­ted hea­vi­ly in ID design, equip­ment, glo­bal mar­ke­ting rese­arch as well as R&D. With a con­stant empha­sis on qua­li­ty, BIOSTAR always seeks to impro­ve bey­ond bet­ter and race to the future.


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